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AMENDMENT: Ratify the Polling and Court Articles

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  • AMENDMENT: Ratify the Polling and Court Articles

    This is not the only Poll! CLICK HERE!
    Directions for the poll: The poll will last five days, this is not a thread for asking to change parts of the constitution, this is an up or down vote. If you believe that we should reject this draft, please state your reason why. This poll will end on December 17th at around 9:00PM GMT-6

    Article: Polling

    1. Definition and validity:

    (a) All official decision making will be done through polls, in which Citizens can express their opinion on issues. A poll is the standard vBB poll feature in which people can anonymously vote for one of a list of options.
    (b) Any Poll that is not Unofficial (see section 3) and that violates any of the rules specified in this Article will be declared invalid.
    (c) Any polls started by non-citizens will be declared Unofficial.
    (d) The Court has the right to rule over the validity of polls. Invalid polls should be considered Unofficial and may be closed if the Court requests this.

    2. Poll Organization:

    (a) The first post of all polls must contain the following elements:
    * A clear and unbiased explanation of the question and the answers, if needed;
    * Expiration date, if applicable;
    * Links to related threads or other information sources, if any;
    * Type (see section 4) and nature of the poll: information gathering or decision making.
    (b) Two types of poll organization are allowed: Yes/No polls and multiple choice polls.
    (c) Yes/No polls must have three options of which only one can be chosen. The three options must be:
    * Yes, meaning that the voter agrees with what was stated in the poll;
    * No, meaning that the voter does not agree with what was stated in the poll;
    * Abstain, meaning that the voter does not have a specific opinion on what was stated in the poll or does not wish to express it. Abstain votes may not be considered to say anything about what was stated in the poll.
    (d) Alternative terms for 'Yes' and 'No' may be used in a Yes/No poll, as long as their meaning is along the same lines as 'Yes' and 'No' (examples: 'I agree'/'I don't agree' or 'In favour'/'Against'). Terms are along the same lines as 'Yes' and 'No' when the question in the poll can be rephrased so that it can be answered with 'Yes' or 'No'.
    (e) Multiple choice polls must have at least three options of which only one can be chosen. Such polls must at least have an Abstain option as defined in section 3(c). All other options are open for the poll creator to fill in as he wishes, as long as they are clear and unbiased.

    3. Poll Types:

    There are 5 types of polls: Election polls, Official polls, Resolutions, Amendments and Unofficial polls.

    I. Election polls:
    (a) These polls must be started by the Court. They serve to elect the persons who will fulfill the official positions of the executive and judicial branches of the government, as defined in Article IV and Article V of this Constitution.
    (b) The subject line must contain the word 'ELECTION', written in capital letters, and the name of the office for which the election is held.
    (c) They have to be multiple choice polls with only the names of the candidates as options. They can only be decision-making polls, they cannot be used for not information gathering.
    (e) They must follow the rules as defined in Article III of this Constitution.
    (f) Election polls in accordance with section 1-f of article V shall expire in five days and the Court must include the expiring day in the first post of the poll.

    II. Official polls:
    (a) These polls must be started by members of the executive branch of the government, as defined in Article IV and article V of this Constitution, and relate to the game.
    (b) The subject line must contain the word 'OFFICIAL', written in capital letters.
    (c) They can be either Yes/No or multiple choice polls and can be used for either information gathering or decision making.
    (d) The government official who started the poll may or may not follow the opinion of the majority of the voters. In case (s)he does not follow what was decided, (s)he must make this decision public. Failure to do so will be regarded withholding of information, as defined in Article I section 5, and can serve as grounds for Impeachment (see Article V).
    (e) Official polls shall only expire in a day chosen by the officer who opened the poll. And if the poll has an expiring day the same officer who started it must include this information in the first post.

    III. Resolutions:
    (a) These polls can be started by any Citizen, including members of the governement, and must be used to propose resolutions. resolutions, if passed, modify the rules that clearly affect the course of the game or the policy of the executive branch of the government government (as defined in Article IV of this Constitution). Except in case of impeachments which shall be decide according to Chapter 2 of Article 3.
    (b) The subject line must contain the word 'RESOLUTION', written in capital letters.
    (c) They have to be Yes/No polls. Multiple choice polls are not allowed as resolutions.
    (d) resolutions may not violate or change the Constitution. Resolutions may change, amend or remove any existing resolutions or judicial decisions regarding resolutions.
    (e) If more than 1/2 of the voters votes in favour of the resolution, at least 1/3 of all Citizens vote in the poll and the Court does not declare the poll invalid, the resolution is considered passed. All Citizens must from that time on obey it.
    (f) Resolutions of the Constitution must be recorded by the Court. The person who proposed the Resolution that has been passed must inform the Court of this as soon as possible.
    (g) The Court will resolve all conflicts of resolutions. The Court’s ruling on an interpretation of a resolution is of the same power and authority as that resolution.
    (h) Resolution polls shall expire in three days and the citzen who started the poll must include the expiring day in its first post.

    IV. Amendments:
    (a) These polls can be started by any Citizen, including members of the governement, and must be used to propose Amendments to this Constitution.
    (b) The subject line must contain the word 'AMENDMENT', written in capital letters.
    (c) They have to be Yes/No polls. Multiple choice polls are not allowed as Ammendments.
    (d) Amendments may change/append/override any existing Laws, judicial decisions regarding Laws or any number of existing sections of the Constitution.
    (e) If more than 1/2 of the voters votes in favour of the Law, at least 1/3 of all Citizens vote in the poll and the Court does not declare the poll invalid, the Ammendent is considered passed. All Citizens must from that time on obey it.
    (f) Amendments of the Constitution must be recorded by the Court. The person who proposed an Amendment that has been passed must inform the Court of this as soon as possible.
    (f) Amendment polls shall expire in five days and the citzen who started the poll must include the expiring day in its first post.

    V. Unofficial polls:
    (a) These polls can be started by any Citizen, including members of the government.
    (b) They may only exist to debate or gather information. Their outcome should not affect the course of the game or the policy of the government.
    (c) Unofficial polls are the only polls in which more than one option may be chosen from the list of options.
    (d) They do not have to follow all the rules specified in this Article. However, rules specified in Article I of this Constitution must still be obeyed.

    Article: The Court

    1. Purpose:

    The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls and elections, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.

    2. Construct of the Court:

    (a) The Court is composed of 3 Judges who will serve a three month term of office. There is no limit to the number of terms a Judge may serve.
    (b) Each Judge has to be elected by the people in a seperate election poll. Every month one of the Judge positions shall be open for election. This positition shall be the one of the Judge who has reached the end of his term.
    (c) The moment the election of a Judge position starts, shall be the moment on which the Judge who enters the last month of his term becomes the Senior Justice.
    (d) Section 2(c) only applies to regular elections at the end of a Judge's term. It does not apply to elections that take place to replace impeached Judges. The replacement for an impeached Judge shall serve for the remainder of the term that their predecessor was serving. If the Senior Justice was impeached, the new Judge shall become the Senior Justice. If another Judge was impeached, the Senior Justice shall keep his position.
    (e) A Judge may not serve in other governmental posts.

    3. Cases:

    (a) The Court can only rule on cases filed. A case may be filed by any citizen who is not a Judge, by publically notifying the Senior Justice. This case must involve a dispute that the Court is empowered to rule upon.
    (b) The Senior Justice will either accept or deny the case. This decision cannot be appealed. If the case is denied, the Senior Justice will publically inform the filer of the case, explaining the reason for the denial.
    (c) Upon acceptance the Senior Justice is to open a thread with the description of the case. A public hearing will be held in that thread lasting three days.
    (d) After three days, the thread will be closed and the Senior Justice will organize the Court's ruling. At least two Judges must vote on any ruling that is made. All rulings are immediately official and final as soon as two Judges have voted in favour of it.
    (e) The only possibilty of an appeal is a Resolution poll put up by the citizen that filed the case or by a Minister or by the President. In that case, the current verdict is placed on hold until after the appeal is voted upon. The ruling of the Court can be declared void by means of a Resolution poll.
    (f) If a ruling is declared void by appeal, a new public hearing will be held in accordance with sections 3(c), 3(d) and 3(e), with the exception that the public hearing may be closed in less than three days if the Court deems this appropriate.

    4. Rights and responsibilities:

    (a) The Court may make its own rules of procedure and enforce them upon citizens who are before it, so long as such rules are in accordance with the constitution.
    (b) The Court will keep a record of all disputes, issues, and hearings before the Court. The Court will also keep a public record of the Constitution in its most current form. The Court may appoint a Clerk of the Court to keep these records.
    (c) If the Court rules that the actions of certain Citizens are in violation with the Constitution or other rules of Lemuria|Apolymuria, it may hand out punishments to these Citizens if it deems this appropriate. The Court will determine for itself what kind of punishment is applied, the punishment must fit the crime. However, no punishments may permanently affect a Citizens participation in the Democracy Game, the Court may not dismiss active members of government (although it is allowed to start up impeachment procedures as described in Article V) and the Court may not alter the Constitution (although it is allowed to start an Amendment poll, as described in Article IV).
    (d) Punishments the Court hands out must include but are not limited to: warnings, impeachment procedures, barring Citizens from specific or any government offices in future elections, banning Citizens from the Democracy Game, declaring resolutions void, closing threads or polls, deleting or editing posts or threads, declaring polls invalid. Punishments which require action from the CtP2-Democracy Game forum moderator must be approved by this moderator, who shall offer an explanation to the Court if approval is not given.
    (e) The Court may issue an injunction to halt any aspect of the game for up to 72 hours if at least two Judges agree to do so. Injunctions may only be issued for good cause. An injunction may only be continued beyond 72 hours if all three Judges agrees to do so. An injunction may be overturned at any time by a majority of the Court.
    (f) The Court is responsible for organizing elections. It shall posting election polls and nomination threads whenever this is needed, as defined in Article III and IV.

    Directions for the poll: The poll will last five days, this is not a thread for asking to change parts of the constitution, this is an up or down vote. If you believe that we should reject this draft, please state your reason why. This poll will end on December 17th at around 9:00PM GMT-6

    The poll is expired.

    Last edited by H Tower; December 13, 2002, 05:16.

  • #2
    Everyone: I'm sorry I didn't get everything into one thread, check out the picture below.

    Locutus, will you please top this thread and the other ratification thread and untop the threads talking about the articles?

    has anyone ever seen this before?
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Your Senior Justice votes in favor of accepting the constitution


      • #4
        as it sounds OK for me, I voted Yes as well.

        Sorry for not participating lately, but I am moving flats, too much work


        • #5

          I got the maximum number of letters at least three time. It really is a pain. But i think it is for the best since i am one of these long posts haters. If you dont want me to read something just write a big post.
          Last edited by Pedrunn; December 13, 2002, 14:51.
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #6
            Do you realise how many of the polling rules this poll violates?


            • #7
              Actually i see two. First resolution polls have 3 days to be closed and not 5 days as stated here. And second this is a Amendment poll since it does add something to the constitution (the whole constitution!!! ).

              Note: If this trully is an amendment poll (I am still figuring that out) your are right in stating that this poll should last five days.

              Note2: I am not being serious it just is funny to use the rules of the rules we are voting.
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand


              • #8
                your right, they should be called amendment polls, i'm really sorry. i shall try harder to memorize the constitution. i'll pm locutus to change the name
                Last edited by H Tower; December 14, 2002, 01:35.


                • #9
                  I edited my post to make clear i wasnt criticizing just suggesting (but you are too fast just like you wrote in your candidacy speech). Dont be so hard on yourself. As i said this is a funny, special and different case.
                  Last edited by Pedrunn; December 13, 2002, 16:30.
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Pedrunn
                    (but you are too fast just like you wrote in your candidacy speech). Dont be so hard on yourself. As i said this is a funny, special and different case.

                    too fast?


                    • #11
                      Technically, this poll can't violate the constitution because the constitution is not yet active...


                      • #12
                        too fast?
                        Took you three minustes to reply my post

                        Technically, this poll can't violate the constitution because the constitution is not yet active...
                        This is wht i was trying to say. And thats why this poll is so funny and strange
                        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                        Kill all and you are a God!"
                        -Jean Rostand


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pedrunn
                          Took you three minustes to reply my post
                          i post in many forums here, which means that I'm here for extended periods of time, several times a day. it's an addiction...

                          some of the time i debate whether i should be posting or sleeping, food already takes a back seat to apolyton


                          • #14
                            it's an addiction...
                            You dont need to tell me about it
                            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                            Kill all and you are a God!"
                            -Jean Rostand


                            • #15
                              According to the Constitution, at least 1/3 of the population must vote, and 50% of those voting must agree with the amendment for it to pass. We only have 30 citizens, and with 15 of them voting yea, the Polling and Court Articles are accepted.

                              The other 3 articles of the constitution hae also been accepted, so we now have an entire functional constitution

