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Lemuria Café

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  • Nice story, Turambar!!!

    So you are blood thirsty soldier.

    Lets kill those bastards.

    Although i want their maps. If they dont accept we kill them then.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • Thanks .

      I'll write some more after we decide what to do with Austria.
      Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


      • This is late in coming, but we're finally done

        It's hard to come up with a majority decision when only two judges are present, (meaning it has to be unanimous) but we we're finally able to agree on a detailed report on case 001.

        It is the opinion of the court that while the election polls for the January cabinet of 2003 came close to violating the constitution, they were in fact legal election polls despite the absence of the abstain option. The Court reasons that the writers of the Constitution wrote the abstain option in the yes/no type of poll so that those who do not wish to decide one way or the other on the question may vote for abstain so that it is mearly shown that Lemuria has a vibrant voting population. An election is decided soley on whether a candidate receives more votes than any other candidate, or if running unopposed, more yes votes than no votes. All abstain votes are ignored when deciding the election.
        Furthermore, the Court believes that the authors of the Constitution wrote it to benefit our
        nation, not to hinder its progress. Throwing out the election results would cripple our country's progress and leave us leaderless. Such a power vacuum would prove dangerous for our small country. The Constitution is not a suicide pact, and the Court has decided that ultimately, its duty is to the country.


        • yey. Wise decision!!!!

          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • I see the impeachment of Gilg has been called for...

            He's far too inactive... a month is ages.

            Nice move


            • *is drunk and has posted more history stufff*

              Sorry didn't mean to.

              Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


              • Originally posted by Turambar
                *is drunk and has posted more history stufff*

                Sorry didn't mean to.

                But did you do it drunk!!!! So drink every time to do your stories. This one is very good

                I am almost wanting to start a war to see you fighting the austrian. Since a in-battle fight in a on-topic issue would be the greatest

                Anyway, doest the story have a title??? I guess this missing part has to do with you drunkness

                BTW, To all writters i am writting a one line sinopsis of the story if you didnt like the line of your story or has a btter one just post here that i will replace it. And did you guys think a good idea?
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • But did you do it drunk!!!! So drink every time to do your stories.
                  lol I did before I went out and got drunk. I still don't believe I went and posted it drunk.

                  This one is very good

                  I am almost wanting to start a war to see you fighting the austrian.
                  Me too

                  Anyway, doest the story have a title??? I guess this missing part has to do with you drunkness
                  I'll have to think one up later. It's far too early now .
                  Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


                  • good story turambar
                    When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


                    • I added another of your greate stories frozzy. And i have got to say you have a so far unique style in our community. Your stories are very very deep and reflexives. Congrats
                      "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                      Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                      Kill all and you are a God!"
                      -Jean Rostand


                      • Good stuff Frozzy!
                        Shores Of - The Premier Tolkien Community -


                        • Thanks Pedrumm and Turambar

                          I'll write more history in the near future


                          • Frozzy, your avatar, is it from Shrek?
                            Just saw the movie recently for the first time - hillarious.

                            And people - go and nominate for the next elections!


                            • Oh but of course mapfi

                              Actually, I use the nickname The-Gingerbread-Man in the IRC channel, so it made its way onto my avatar.

                              I agree, the film is great!


                              • Well Im here Gingerbread-Man Just recently found my CTP2 and finished my first game since then, it was also my first game finshed with a science victory. Sorry, but that ending kinda sucked. My dumbass covered the world with oblisk till I remembered you only need 60% I also built 45 satalites and cores Needless to say, it was a long game

                                Well now what?
                                So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"

