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Turn chat petition for 06 XOR 08 XOR 09 November

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  • Turn chat petition for 06 XOR 08 XOR 09 November

    Turn chat petition for 06 XOR 08 XOR 09 November

    Dear Peasants,

    We are thinking of opening the gates of my Thrownroom again this week for the peasants, but We are not sure if there is demand.

    As a sign of Our good heart, we thought to give you the choice for a weekday as well.

    So please choose between one of the above mentioned days.

    Please sign on this petition, if you think that We shall be available for you:

    Please also mentioned your desired time (GMT) and day.

    Be aware that We will not necessarily leave the gates open for long.

  • #2
    Thursday I can do, after 19:30 GMT. Weekend same as always (21:30 on Sat, 19:00 on Sun). One caveat: I'll most likely be going to the Matrix next week, but will only know on when on Wednesday (or later). May well be during chat time, in which case the Matrix has precedence
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


    • #3
      I am available Thursday after 20:00 GMT.
      Friday and Saturday after 21:00 GMT, Sunday after 20:00 GMT.
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • #4
        I'll be around on Sun pm 17:00 - 23:55 GMT.
        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


        • #5
          I have bad news my dear peasants.

          We think that we will not be able to do it tonight or on the weekend.

          Maybe we will be able to hold a turnchat Friday.

          It is not so much me having the problems, but I was told that there will be some work being done on the WAN/Internet access.

          So I won't be able to access anything


          • #6
            I must admit I would have struggled to find some time to play a Turn Chat this week or this week end, nevertheless it should be easier next week.
            "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

