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MoDA Communication: 21st Turn Chat State of Lemuria (1160 BC)

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  • MoDA Communication: 21st Turn Chat State of Lemuria (1160 BC)

    Dear citizens,

    The brave soldiers of Lemuria have retaken Wombatoon after the treacherous Germans' betrayal. But the times are difficult as we have to wage a war on two fronts, our cities are thus mainly required to produce the military units that will lead our nation to the final victory.

    Minister of Domestic Affairs
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

  • #2
    State of Lemuria: Part 1

    Attached Files
    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


    • #3
      State of Lemuria: Part 2

      Attached Files
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • #4
        State of Lemuria: Part 3

        Overview of our cities:

        Green lines indicate objects that should be added to a Build Queue

        All production times assume a Public Work setting of 10%.

        Pedrunnia (Turns before growth: 7) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 5 Hoplites and 4 Archers)
        Archer (2)(948)
        Theater (6)
        City Wall (5)
        Academy (6)

        Pedrunnia's Build Queue could be the subject of drastic changes in accordance with the diplomatic situation of the following turns.

        Colonia Locuta (Turns before growth: 12) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 6 Hoplites and 6 Archer inside City Walls)
        Caravan (2) (370)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (3)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (3)
        Theater (7)
        Shrine (4)

        H Town (Turns before growth: 10) - 2 Entertainers - (Garrison: 1 Hoplite and 1 Archer)

        Hoplite (2) (1158)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (2)
        Theater (6)
        Academy (6)

        Mapfipolis (Turns before growth: 17) - 1 Entertainer and 1 Farmer - (Garrison: 6 Hoplites and 5 Archers Inside City Walls)
        Caravan (2) (844)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (3)
        Theater (7)

        Pressburg (Turns before growth: 1) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 2 Hoplites)
        Archer (2)(1026)
        Archer (3)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (3)
        Shrine (4)

        ORDER: Add an Entertainer because of the Population Increase

        Graz (Turns before growth: 2) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 2 Hoplites, 2 Archers)
        Hoplite (1)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (2)
        Archer (2)
        Shrine (3)
        Academy (5)

        Wels (Turns before Growth: 10) - 1 Entertainer and 1 Farmer - (Garrison: 6 Hoplites and 5 Archers inside City Walls)
        Hoplite (4) (1400)
        Archer (4)
        Hoplite (4)
        Granary (7)

        Linz (Turns before Growth: 13) - 2 Farmers - (Garrison: 1 Hoplite, 1 Archer and 1 Samurai)
        Archer (2) (1003)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (3)
        Academy (8)

        Maquiladad (Turns before Growth: 17) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 2 Hoplites and 3 Archers)
        Hoplite (4) (1400)
        Archer (4)
        Hoplite (4)
        Theater (12)

        Wien (Turns before Growth: 3) - 1 Entertainer - (Garrison: 6 Hoplites and 6 Archers)
        Archer (2) (992)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (2)
        Hoplite (3)
        Archer (2)

        ORDER: Disband City

        Wombatoon (Turns before Growth: 3) (Garrison: 4 Hoplites and 4 Archers)
        Shrine (2) (61) Should be Rush Bought
        Archer (6)
        Hoplite (7)
        Archer (6)
        Hoplite (7)

        ORDER: Add an Entertainer
        Note: The number of turns needed to produce the military units are the number of turns needed after the population increase

        Last edited by Tamerlin; May 2, 2003, 23:01.
        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


        • #5
          A question to Magdeburg did we already converted the production stored there into a unit?

          After the disband of Magdeburg the settler we get from the city should go East we can later decide what we do with it.

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            Where to send the settler from the disbanding of magdeburg?
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #7
              Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
              A question to Magdeburg did we already converted the production stored there into a unit?
              Yes, we have produced a Hoplite.

              After the disband of Magdeburg the settler we get from the city should go East we can later decide what we do with it.

              This is exactly what I would like to do, if we can't agree during the Turn Chat about the use of the settler or about the place to settle with it I will poll about it.

              I suppose this post is also answering Pedrunn's question.
              "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill

