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Fix for limited AI Timps?

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  • Fix for limited AI Timps?

    I was looking through the AI directory and noticed that the stragies.txt file tells the AI what tile improvements to build to achieve different goals. However, I noticed that the improvmentLists.txt file does not list very much. Could this be the reason the AI doesn't build many different types of tile improvements?

    Strategies.txt (excerpt)
        // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth
        ImproveGrowthList  IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH
        // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production
        ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION
        // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around
        ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC
    improvementlists.txt -- ENTIRE FILE
    # 4
      Improvement TILEIMP_FARMS
      Improvement TILEIMP_MINES
      Improvement TILEIMP_ROAD
    I just ran across this and haven't had time to test it, but I immediately thought of Martin's "Forts for AI" code and wondered if the AI would build forts on its own if they were included in the MISC list. Of course, Martin cleverly wrote his code so that the AI would use the forts to continue missing pieces of road, but perhaps the performance of the AI civs could be dramatically improved by including all the improvements here.

    Has any one else seen this?
    Last edited by ahenobarb; April 7, 2003, 13:31.

  • #2
    The improvementlists.txt is probably a ghost file. It doesnt work. What the game does is looks for the best bonus of all avaible Tile Imps.
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #3
      Since I haven't had time to test it in a game yet, you may be right. I did add several improvements without any problems. Also, if you remove the file completely, CTP2 will not start.

      OTOH, there are several unused files in the gamedata directory, but the game needs them to start up as well.

      When I get some time, I'll try it and post an update.


      • #4
        One of the proofs is that when doing the city expansion, before making the TIs only avaible for Subneural Ads owner (this is a CTP2 dumb advance), the AI kept building cities in which werent in the improvementlists.txt list.

        So believe me, it is tested and the file doesnt work
        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
        Kill all and you are a God!"
        -Jean Rostand


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pedrunn
          One of the proofs is that when doing the city expansion, before making the TIs only avaible for Subneural Ads owner (this is a CTP2 dumb advance), the AI kept building cities in which werent in the improvementlists.txt list.

          So believe me, it is tested and the file doesnt work
          There is so much unimplemented stuff in CTP2. Take a look at the DpilomacyThreat.txt file. Half the threats are commented out!


          • #6
            I looked at that. But do you think that just by removing the comments '//' we can bring those options back?
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pedrunn
              I looked at that. But do you think that just by removing the comments '//' we can bring those options back?
              When I removed the comments and the threats appear as choices when you click the threat button. However, you get a few crazy results. Like when you click threaten: "Invade" the message in the box on the right says, "If you insist on being difficult, we will embargo all trade against you."

              Of course this could just be caused by having the wrong message associated with the threat, but I doubt the AI will use the new/unused threats or respond to them (It doesn't really respond to the threats that are already available). That's probably why they commented the lines out.

              Somebody said they wanted to work on improving the AI and re-implementing some of the disabled features, but I haven't heard anything in a while. It is probably a monumental task.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Pedrunn
                One of the proofs is that when doing the city expansion, before making the TIs only avaible for Subneural Ads owner (this is a CTP2 dumb advance), the AI kept building cities in which werent in the improvementlists.txt list.

                So believe me, it is tested and the file doesnt work
                That's also the reason why all the good improvements use this advances as enable advance, I also saw this problem.

                Actual what the AI is building is determinded by the terrain values for food, production and commerce. That is the reason why the AI does build commerce tile improvements in derserts in the original game.

                I think it depends on the stupid idea if a tile has a good value of something then improve it more, even if the city needs something else better.

                Originally posted by ahenobarb
                Somebody said they wanted to work on improving the AI and re-implementing some of the disabled features, but I haven't heard anything in a while. It is probably a monumental task.
                To reimplement or rather top implement the stuff at the first time, a lot of slic is required (of course). Actual I hink also for every new proposal is this needed.

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

