1. In strategies text theres -
My question is, would ImproveCommerceBonus work? Is there any other file that these refer to?
2. Also theres this part -
I want to use "Top 0.2 CommerceCities". CommerceCities is used in strategies.txt but not in the context of specialist allocation, as i want to use it. Its used under the building queues part, like this -
3. Last question. When it says -
...underneath the default strategy for those governments mentioned, how would the 60% work with a government which could go to 100% science max? Wouldnt it be a waste? Or am i confused?
Apologies if all these questions have been asked and answered before but i couldnt find them.
// bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 10 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75
2. Also theres this part -
PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.1 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 1.0 LaborerPercent 0.0 MerchantPercent 0.0 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.0 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities }
BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE }
// // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60
Apologies if all these questions have been asked and answered before but i couldnt find them.