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Ruins for Citys

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  • Ruins for Citys

    Just a little thing i thought of that could look very effective. Is it possible to (like the city expansions) have a specific ruined graphic for a pillaged city. It would make sense (weird expansions having it and actual city not having it) would be a nice addition to the tile file

    of course the specific graphics would have to be made

    Edit: Or the ruined graphics from Civ3 PTW could be used (or i think thats what they are anyway:

    Civ3 PTW city ruins
    Oxygen should be considered a drug
    Tiberian Sun Retro
    My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of

  • #2
    Yeah, could be nice to have.
    Also,if combined with the expansion code, you could have a few of the expansion tiles as ruins to show the aftermath of an attack(It would build backup to new buildings as the population recovers). Could be nice.
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