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Religion Code for SAP - BETA

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  • #16
    The religion code is both mine and mapfi work. So i will submit it.

    Altbought it is a BETA
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #17
      hey pedrunn i like your avatar, where is it from, i dont recognize it as a CtP2 unit ?
      Oxygen should be considered a drug
      Tiberian Sun Retro
      My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


      • #18
        You have any objection mapfi? After all i dont want to see our job beig forgotten!

        My avatar is another terrific unit made by BlueO but this one for Civ3, the Power Armor. Check the thread here
        "Kill a man and you are a murder.
        Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
        Kill all and you are a God!"
        -Jean Rostand


        • #19
          i'l try this and comment when i've time
          When it all comes to it, life is nothing more than saltfish - Salka Valka


          • #20
            Originally posted by Pedrunn
            My avatar is another terrific unit made by BlueO but this one for Civ3, the Power Armor. Check the thread here
            The avatar remids me rather to that unit. Clearly a CTP2 one.

            Attached Files
            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #21
              I was thinking about playtesting it through before submitting it to the database, but that might take some time before I feel like it, so go ahead, submit it.


              • #22
                Lets just wait Locutus find some time to add it
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #23
                  The directory is not for betas, only for finished products, as the disclaimers clearly state. Is this code at least more or less stable or is it still (potentially) ridden with bugs? If the latter is the case, I'd rather not add it at this point but wait until you did some further testing...
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #24
                    Oh, it is stable and as bug-free as any other mod in the database. What hasn't been really played out is how it affects gamebalance. One would need to play a whole game with it and report but it seems people are not that interested (actually there aren't that many around...)


                    • #25
                      Ah, okay. In that case I'll wait for it to be submitted...
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #26
                        Well if I take a look on the scripts, then I must say GoodMod contains less bugs then APolytonPack, actual I did a choice between a feature of Diplomod and its bug freeness, however last time it was in favour of the feature next time it won't. However this bug is also in MedPack and ApolytonPack, but not in Cradle if you use the default Diplomod 3.5 then it is not there, but it should contain a bug that makes the Cradle AI more aggressive. So bugfreeness is relative, especially we consider the official CTP2 patch. So in the case of doubt you can still submit it as some slic code. If you take BlueO city expansion set as example then you have in this category something for modding and playing but not finished.

                        IIRC the old disclaimer then it said that you should only should upload stuff if you are sure it want be updated within the next weeks. And considering we had MedMod2 alpha in the database....

                        Sure is that the directory reashes more people then just a thread, if you state that you only submitted a not finished mod and you need some time and testers then it should be ok, if you have something that is already far but still far from the end.

                        Unfortunatly Marcos cook up the very high server load to remove the non-cookie support for the directory and I don't bother to change my whole forum settings right now.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Martin Gühmann
                          Well if I take a look on the scripts, then I must say GoodMod contains less bugs then APolytonPack, actual I did a choice between a feature of Diplomod and its bug freeness, however last time it was in favour of the feature next time it won't. However this bug is also in MedPack and ApolytonPack, but not in Cradle if you use the default Diplomod 3.5 then it is not there, but it should contain a bug that makes the Cradle AI more aggressive. So bugfreeness is relative, especially we consider the official CTP2 patch. So in the case of doubt you can still submit it as some slic code. If you take BlueO city expansion set as example then you have in this category something for modding and playing but not finished.
                          Everything is relative. But the creators of mods know very well themselves when something is bugfree enough to no longer be considered a beta. It's almost impossible for a product with more than 1,000 lines of code to be 100% completely bugfree, we all know that. But a certain extend of stability is required for the Directory. If half the products in there would be bug-ridden betas people would soon loose the inclination to download files from it. So we have somewhat of a reputation to keep up, for survival's sake.

                          IIRC the old disclaimer then it said that you should only should upload stuff if you are sure it want be updated within the next weeks. And considering we had MedMod2 alpha in the database....
                          The old rules no longer apply. When the new database went online Markos and I revised the rules. The new rules are the ones to be used and they are quite clear:
                          7) Only finished files will be processed. If you consider your file a beta version which will be updated soon, please wait until playtesting is finished. You can send updated versions of existing files, but a certain period of time should have passed between updates.
                          The bold part is an elaboration of the old rules, and that's not a coincidence and won't be ignored on a whim (certainly not by me, as co-author of the new rules ). (Oh, and if play-testing happens to take a long time, that still doesn't mean you can submit the file )

                          Sure is that the directory reashes more people then just a thread, if you state that you only submitted a not finished mod and you need some time and testers then it should be ok, if you have something that is already far but still far from the end.
                          Nope, sorry. If a file is incomplete, don't submit it to the directory. The audience of the Directory is indeed larger than the audience of the forums, but this audience doesn't consist of unpaid beta-testers. You can find those in the forums

                          Unfortunatly Marcos cook up the very high server load to remove the non-cookie support for the directory and I don't bother to change my whole forum settings right now.
                          I have no idea what you're trying to say here but I think that's an issue you should take up with Markos. But I believe you already did that - repeatedly
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Locutus
                            The bold part is an elaboration of the old rules, and that's not a coincidence and won't be ignored on a whim (certainly not by me, as co-author of the new rules ). (Oh, and if play-testing happens to take a long time, that still doesn't mean you can submit the file )
                            I think this relative clause is the backdoor here:

                            which will be updated soon
                            If I don't indent to update the file soon...

                            However I will bump a thread once ot twice to see what happens. If no further bug reports I consider it as bug free at least free of the most serious ones and the rest are just a matter of taste then.

                            Originally posted by Locutus
                            I have no idea what you're trying to say here but I think that's an issue you should take up with Markos. But I believe you already did that - repeatedly
                            Well I noticed that nothing was working in the directory no possibility to log in, you are returned to the page with the log in form. You wasn't able to reach files on page two, like in the forum if I am not loged in. I wasn't able sort the files in a different order like adding time instead of ratings. Well and so on to make it brief the directory were nearly unusable, in the meantime Marcos did the necessary minimum. So finally I decided to post the bugs in the comunity forum, after some day zero or one reply but none from Marcos, I bumbed the thread once or twice, I must admit Marcos replied very fast with the excuse of the anti server load meassures. That was it. So if I want now to submit anything or I want to see something that needs an log in I have to enable cookies not only in my browser but also in my profile, that is not very userfriendly.

                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #29
                              If I don't indent to update the file soon...
                              Way ahead of you Let me quote myself on that:

                              (Oh, and if play-testing happens to take a long time, that still doesn't mean you can submit the file )
                              Besides, your submissions have so far always been perfectly by the book (well, more so than anyone else's anyway) and your debugging standard is higher than most's, so what are you worried about?

                              Well, like I said, you have to take the cookie issue up with Markos but I seem to recall Markos already telling you something along the lines of "enable your d*mn cookies, you stubborn bastard" (well, he may have been slightly more tactful in the formulation )
                              Last edited by Locutus; March 14, 2003, 19:00.
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Locutus
                                Besides, your submissions have so far always been perfectly by the book (well, more so than anyone else's anyway) and your debugging standard is higher than most's, so what are you worried about?
                                Well if I look on the City Capture Option for CTP2 v. 1.4 then I know why I did not submit it. .... But it is already in ApolytonPack, GoodMod maybe in MedPack2 as well, and it was in Cradle. Unfortunatly the bugs only were discovered, because it is in ApolytonPack.

                                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

