I've been looking through the SLIC codes in the many mods I've downloaded and I noticed that no one seems to have successfully used the Duration command in a Messagebox.
It seems that Duration should say how long a message remains in the message box before it can be deleted. however, it does not do this at all, the message stays turn after turn unless you left click it. Am I misunderstanding the use of the Duration command?
The only text I'm aware of that I can't delete right away is the initial "Diplomod 3.x" pop-up and the Earthquake pop-ups, but neither of these SLIC codes use Duration.
Any help?
It seems that Duration should say how long a message remains in the message box before it can be deleted. however, it does not do this at all, the message stays turn after turn unless you left click it. Am I misunderstanding the use of the Duration command?
The only text I'm aware of that I can't delete right away is the initial "Diplomod 3.x" pop-up and the Earthquake pop-ups, but neither of these SLIC codes use Duration.

Any help?
