Hello, I'm (almost completely) new here, but not at all new to strategic games - I've played them since the day i Was born (which is a moment before they were invented

Here is one for a good start:
1.There is no great difference really between Public Works in CTP2 and workeres in Civ3! Why? The idea of games of this type is finding balance between various kinds of development. Among them is infrastructure building, for which you spend resources - instead of spending them for buildings (i.e., more overall city development) or armies. So the decision is: I spend my "wheels" on farms. Whether I realise this by producing a worker who I will then order to dig, or directly, through saving up the respurces, is a secondary question.
1a. By the way, I'm just curious - how many of you guys like classical wargames - after all, these games here are very similar, and what most of us like best in them is the smell of oppponents blood (not sure if I'm among these players, anyway
