My findings were thus:
1. You can have 3 'Level's of roads in the PW placement box (duh...) so I assume Dale was planning to remove maglevs.
2. By default, roads are Class:Road, level 1; railroads, level 2, maglevs, level 3
3. Even when you have no Maglev TI, any improvement with Class:road, Level 3, shows up as a maglev
The problem seems to be to render Maglevs ineffective without removing them.
So (as far as I can see) there are two, maybe 3 different solutions:
1. Set Maglevs to OceanRoad level 2 (unusuable, but this doesnt matter) and Highways to Road level 3 - doesnt work, highways still show up as maglevs
2. Set Highways to Road level 4. Even if this was placeable by conventional means, nothing I have tried with road level 4 has even shown up on the map

3. Remove Maglevs from Tile File, replace with Highways.
This I have tried with great success. It is possible to render maglevs completely absent from the game, and include a third "Road" TI - Highways.
Unfortunately, this would mean all ApoTileFile-using mods would also be devoid of maglevs.

So AoM would need a separate Tile File, and the stupid complications that the ATF was set up to avoid would begin because of it.

This is however, the only workable solution I have found.
Incidentally, Pedrunn, I have got the highways to show up using 700+ and 800+ TileID numbers, so I don't quite know what happened there...
My test graphics: