This discution was started in a PM if anyone is confused where I got the quote
Well a barbarian encampment appears randomly on the map (i would say maybe 5 to 7 or so on a map at one time. They can only appear outside your boarders and in fog of war. Each camp has a name of the tribe in which it is of. The camp has one barbarian always stationed in it and builds new barbarians from the camp at a constant and slowish rate. If a barb camp appears next to your city boarders a message comes up saying something like :
Phonecian barbarian tribe spotted near Pompeii and yes they have got the Phonecians as a barbarian tribe how dumb is that. Anyway as u can see it gives a message telling you what city of yours its near. It will slowly build barb units that come and attack u sometimes and are more than a pest more than anything. What you have to do is go out into the fog of war next to your city and find the camp when u destroy the unit stationed in it (or unit(s) as they may not have moved the unit they just built) you destroy the encampment recieving 50 gold.
Its a really good feature of Civ3 i love it and I hope it can be implemented EXACTLY the same into CtP2 (you wont hear me say that Civ3 has a good feature very often)
Furthermore a barbarian feature I loved from Civ2 is not in CtP2 or Civ3(im 95%sure). Im sure this could EASILY be implemented (by you the modders of course not me) is when barbarians appeared next to your civ it would say something like:
Barbarian uprising near Yorkshire I loved this
and when they came by sea (which i believe they can now do due to modding or correct me if im wrong it could just be that they have sea units.
Barbarian landing party near Venice
Could this be put back in??? please
Another thing on barbarians and I have mentioned it in the Best of all worlds thread. That now Civ3 units are being converted and eventually 3rd party ones (im pretty sure) i think there should definitly be some barbarian specific units.
And one more thing barbarian leaders could be quite cool (not sure on this one though if we have the barbarian encampment exactly as it is in civ3?)
Last thing (i mean it this time) remember the amount of barbarians that appeared on civ2 when you had them on raging (this was later on in the game) could you make it so that its like that in ctp2, i put it on the highest setting and you still get hardly any.
thanks for reading
How does it work in civ3? Never played it.
Phonecian barbarian tribe spotted near Pompeii and yes they have got the Phonecians as a barbarian tribe how dumb is that. Anyway as u can see it gives a message telling you what city of yours its near. It will slowly build barb units that come and attack u sometimes and are more than a pest more than anything. What you have to do is go out into the fog of war next to your city and find the camp when u destroy the unit stationed in it (or unit(s) as they may not have moved the unit they just built) you destroy the encampment recieving 50 gold.
Its a really good feature of Civ3 i love it and I hope it can be implemented EXACTLY the same into CtP2 (you wont hear me say that Civ3 has a good feature very often)
Furthermore a barbarian feature I loved from Civ2 is not in CtP2 or Civ3(im 95%sure). Im sure this could EASILY be implemented (by you the modders of course not me) is when barbarians appeared next to your civ it would say something like:
Barbarian uprising near Yorkshire I loved this
and when they came by sea (which i believe they can now do due to modding or correct me if im wrong it could just be that they have sea units.
Barbarian landing party near Venice
Could this be put back in??? please
Another thing on barbarians and I have mentioned it in the Best of all worlds thread. That now Civ3 units are being converted and eventually 3rd party ones (im pretty sure) i think there should definitly be some barbarian specific units.

And one more thing barbarian leaders could be quite cool (not sure on this one though if we have the barbarian encampment exactly as it is in civ3?)
Last thing (i mean it this time) remember the amount of barbarians that appeared on civ2 when you had them on raging (this was later on in the game) could you make it so that its like that in ctp2, i put it on the highest setting and you still get hardly any.
thanks for reading
