I have a really good idea for a scenrio, its sooo annoying its all in my head and everything whats going to happen how it will work what it will looklike etc. but i have no idea about how to do SLIC.
Coincidently Peter has just posted that SLIC guide thing so im without hesitation going to download that
Are scenario events done through SLIC? that was the main question
and a couple of things, only answer these if you know them off the top of your head and dont spend a day or something finding out how, as it is my scenario after all
SLIC Questions
1.How do I make an event eg Reinforcements to appear at a certain point in the game or after a trigger.
2.How do I make it so AI only build units and they are units that I have specified
3.How do I make it so that when a city is captured it is 100% of the time destroyed
4.Can i make it so that a unit dies after a certain amount of movement
5.Can I specify what barbarians appear
6.Can I make it so city boarders are invisible?
7. Finally can I make it so that u have an ally that are there and u can see all there stuff etc but they never do anything build etc.
ill say again PLEASE DONT answer these questions if there gunna take u ages to find out or whatever. It is my scenario after all so I should be doing the work
cheers for the help and dont worry im gunna try real hard to learn some slic so I can stop asking questions all the darn time

Edit; Ok that SLIC tutorial has been there for like a year or something, stupid me never seen it before
Coincidently Peter has just posted that SLIC guide thing so im without hesitation going to download that

and a couple of things, only answer these if you know them off the top of your head and dont spend a day or something finding out how, as it is my scenario after all

SLIC Questions
1.How do I make an event eg Reinforcements to appear at a certain point in the game or after a trigger.
2.How do I make it so AI only build units and they are units that I have specified
3.How do I make it so that when a city is captured it is 100% of the time destroyed
4.Can i make it so that a unit dies after a certain amount of movement
5.Can I specify what barbarians appear
6.Can I make it so city boarders are invisible?
7. Finally can I make it so that u have an ally that are there and u can see all there stuff etc but they never do anything build etc.
ill say again PLEASE DONT answer these questions if there gunna take u ages to find out or whatever. It is my scenario after all so I should be doing the work

cheers for the help and dont worry im gunna try real hard to learn some slic so I can stop asking questions all the darn time

Edit; Ok that SLIC tutorial has been there for like a year or something, stupid me never seen it before