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CTP2 Programmers

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  • CTP2 Programmers

    Do any of the CTP2 programmers ever post here? Or at least, post here and it is known that they were one of the programmers?

    Just curious since this seems to be one of the few places on the web where CTP2 has some life continuation occuring.

  • #2
    Some did for a while, mostly during the game's early development, up to the release of the patch. Then they mostly left. MrOgre (Joe Rumsey) posted for a while after that, but we've not heard from them in over a year I would think.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      so its certain that Activision's new Activision 02 has never considered CTP3


      • #4
        Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
        Some did for a while, mostly during the game's early development, up to the release of the patch. Then they mostly left. MrOgre (Joe Rumsey) posted for a while after that, but we've not heard from them in over a year I would think.
        Interesting, I would have thought that one of the old programmers would have picked it up as a hobby to get the game working the way he had originally intended.


        • #5
          As ever, law probably wouldn't allow them to. And as for considering CtP3 - I'm sure they have and being intelligent decided against it, because first civ3 is out right now and such a seller that firaxis is probably going to stick to the series, second they sure would see another legal rights issue coming up if they took good stuff out of the game, third the CtP community is not huge, so not many certain buyers and fourth CtP has got a bad name out there! So anybody who has some sense of business would decide against it.
          That doesn't keep us from loving CtP2 and modding it though, but just forget about CtP3 for once and for all. It keeps coming up in this forum - but as I said, no chance.


          • #6
            Originally posted by mapfi
            As ever, law probably wouldn't allow them to. And as for considering CtP3 - I'm sure they have and being intelligent decided against it, because first civ3 is out right now and such a seller that firaxis is probably going to stick to the series, second they sure would see another legal rights issue coming up if they took good stuff out of the game, third the CtP community is not huge, so not many certain buyers and fourth CtP has got a bad name out there! So anybody who has some sense of business would decide against it.
            That doesn't keep us from loving CtP2 and modding it though, but just forget about CtP3 for once and for all. It keeps coming up in this forum - but as I said, no chance.
            Yes you're right, but I wasn't think about CTP3. Rather I was thinking why are they not SLICing the game, etc. which is not il/extra-legal (as modifying the underlying code would be).


            • #7
              I know Richard Meyers (who programmed the AI) had a e-mail dialogue with WesW teaching how the AI works and hints to improve it less than a year ago. Wes posted the interview in this forum.
              I wonder if any of the programmers dont silently follow the threads or secretly post here
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand

