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Require CD=no means yes

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  • Require CD=no means yes

    for a while i actually didn't need the CD but once i turn the music on... the game crashes w/o its disk...
    can u modders help me on this


  • #2
    RequireCD=Yes means (I think) that you need the CD to open CtP2.
    RequireCD=No means you can get all the way up to the point of loading the actual game, or it seems, changing the sound settings, before you need the CD.

    Or its the setting for which install you did. Whether the sound and video is on the CD or not.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      well... changing the music doesn't cause a crash
      the game just won't load/start w/ the music on


      • #4
        will it load with it off?
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          i know that... but then its boring...
          i wrote the post in the first place to see if anyone can help me start w/o CD and have the music on the HD

          isn't there a file telling the CtP2 where to get music?


          • #6
            Originally posted by HuangShang
            i know that... but then its boring...
            You mean you actually like the CTP2 music? IMHO it's insanely frustrating. Though that probably has a lot to do with the fact that I couldn't stop it playing the same track over and over and over... I never heard the other tracks.


            • #7
              theres a random order otion... but it does.nt work


              • #8
                its too boring w/o music


                • #9
                  Doesn't the music change when you enter a new age? It's the same melody, though. Actually I like the melody and once in a while I even watch the intro again because I think it's actually pretty good for a low machine specs intro (compare it to the civ3 one, there you'll now already before civ3 has started that you won't like the game... )
                  I never play with the music. Funny thing is I just tried to turn the music back on yesterday though, but it seems that you can't do that when you're already playing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mapfi
                    Doesn't the music change when you enter a new age? It's the same melody, though. Actually I like the melody and once in a while I even watch the intro again because I think it's actually pretty good for a low machine specs intro (compare it to the civ3 one, there you'll now already before civ3 has started that you won't like the game... )
                    I never play with the music. Funny thing is I just tried to turn the music back on yesterday though, but it seems that you can't do that when you're already playing.
                    I don't mind the music either, but it does always seem stuck on the same song. Perhaps it does change with eras, but J and I are playing Cradle, so it takes longer to get out of ancient?


                    • #11
                      I turned it off after about 20 turns on my first ever game (when I was playing slow to get used to it, so that was probably about 30min), and have never turned it on since. So I don't know if it changes with the age. Many mods increase the number of ages, so that could have strange effects...
                      Last edited by J Bytheway; August 15, 2002, 10:58.


                      • #12
                        when acually in game... i only notice a change the first time i open the library


                        • #13
                          well, just a hint:
                          after getting the game started turn music off, replace the cd by an audio-cd of yours and turn the music on. you will listen to fine music while playing, at least if you like your cd :-P


                          • #14
                            RequireCD=Yes means (I think) that you need the CD to open CtP2.
                            Where is this found, I looked in the userprofile.txt but it isnt in there so where is it?
                            Oxygen should be considered a drug
                            Tiberian Sun Retro
                            My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by SMIFFGIG
                              Where is this found, I looked in the userprofile.txt but it isnt in there so where is it?
                              It's on the 50th line in my Userprofile.txt file. Here it is with the lines above and below it:
                              Keep looking, you should find it in your userprofile.txt.

