I just got the Photoshop 6.0 for my art work for CTP2.
But i cant get the targas to work properly in the game.
Everything is ok until i start a game. For some reason everything gets fuzzy.
What am i doing wrong?
The problem is me or my Photoshop?
Here is a sample of what should be the ctp1 coporate branch in the Great Library. This isnt even my work i just open an existent work from the CivCTP Units found in Aolytons Database and saved inside the pictures folder.
But i cant get the targas to work properly in the game.
Everything is ok until i start a game. For some reason everything gets fuzzy.
What am i doing wrong?
The problem is me or my Photoshop?
Here is a sample of what should be the ctp1 coporate branch in the Great Library. This isnt even my work i just open an existent work from the CivCTP Units found in Aolytons Database and saved inside the pictures folder.