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Wish list for CTP2(future Mods)

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  • #61
    I like the idea of a size 0 city, if it were unable to get slaves, to get access to resources. This would be nice, if not necessary, once it's possible to have strategic resources like Civ3 (I'm being optimistic )

    3. Higher garrison requirements for slave cities.
    AFAIK this is already true, I recall one game I played long ago w/ an old version of Med Mod, and I had to let my garrison out of my capital to attack a barbarian or something, and the next turn, a slave revolt captures the city. True, the slaves used Triremes against this landlocked city, but it was still unexpected and kinda nice. But I agree that this should be more common, and I think that slaves should try to revolt even if there is a sufficient garrison from time to time.

    One thing I liked in Alpha Centauri that woefully wasn't in Civ3 was that if you were at war with a civ and it was losing, and there was no way it would make it, it would offer to ally with you and pledge allegience to you. You could make outrageous demands of them, and they'd just do as you wished it was great, like having my own personal Vichy regime. Is there any way that this could be done? It would also give impetus to the human to not completely conquer everyone.

    Along with this, in my head at least, is the ability to send units to an underdeveloped civ. I also always try to do this, since I really wouldn't care to get myself involved completely in a war on the other side of the world, but it'd be nice to have a proxy war through a small civ and help it conquer another one, or even fend off an aggressor. This would add a much more deep and fun AND even realistic level to play if it was possible. Sending techs just isn't sufficient. I know this was mentioned earlier, but I think it's a great idea.


    • #62
      just another thought

      One thing that I liked from Civ2 and have missed ever since, is Civil Wars. When you took over a large empire's capitol there was a chance that the empire would split in two and become two seperate civs. Just something to add to the wishlist...


      • #63
        Wasn’t that in civ 2 giving units I remember I got a bit bored ones in civ2 and gave my enemy a lot of units so I could have a decent battle with em
        "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
        The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
        Visit the big mc’s website


        • #64
          Heres one - I'm playing cradle and have come to realize that the AI still can not launch effective amphibious assults. I'm not looking for the marines to hit the beach in a city or anything - its just that I've come to "assume" that any city deep in my empire is safe, even those on sea coasts. This is a mistake the Hittites made - once.

          Could slic be written that would have an enemy build an army (6-12 units) with the express purpose of launching an attack on a specific city? The code would probably work outside the normal "evaluations" that CTP2 relys on. No wandering around or looking at cities - this is a bold attempt to take a coastal city (as a stepping stone for later agressions).

          Esentually, the code would have to...
          1) Pick an enemy port city.
          2) Build up an army of 6-12 units
          3) Build up transportation to ship them there
          4) Sail to the city, land nearby, and attack IMMEDIATLY.
          5) Once this is done, the computer would slip back into its normal mode of generating more armies from that city and attempting to spread.

          Mid-game notes on Cradle - I'm enjoying the experiance emensly. Never had naval battles until Cradle came along - now the Macidonians and I are having a constant battle to hold a mediteranian-style inland sea. Wonderful! I was bringing some raiding horsemen back on a longship and the Macs sallied out and sunk me. Serves me right for not running with escorts!



          • #65
            I have in the past got the enemy to make transports but the ai just runes around with them and in the end I blast them to oblivion.

            The funniest thing I got the ai to do was use a amphibious unit. Called the crab a modification of the war walker using a sprite from ctp1. One minuet I am happy then they get the advance for this unit and bang I am at square 1. With the enemy civ having taken a lot of my unguarded cites (help) after that I thought the ai using this unit type was just too powerful. I still have it like but to be honest I modded it so it was not so evil unfortunately this meant I had to get rid of the amphibious part of the unit. This unit type could possibly used to attack coastal cites and I can have a smaller moded version of the crab for play testing by Monday.
            "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
            The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
            Visit the big mc’s website


            • #66
              Actual the problem is to bring the AI units to the front, and to bring them into the boats. My observation once the units are at the front the AI will attack one a boat has a cargo of one unit the AI will bring it to an enemy city.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #67
                Yes we should be encouraged to care more about the happiness levels of our people, I like this increase in the flow of populations depending on how attractive individual cities are to live in(I guess through building Improvements that increase happiness).And also the opposite could apply , a foul polluted city full of mine improvements,like the north of England used to be , and little in the way of public facilities would lose people over time? In another thread it became apparent that we all squeeze the life out of citizens! This should have additional consequences, not just through the world sliders where you can chuck more food at them to keep them sweet. Force the player to care a bit more. Would the AI need to do the same?(could it do the same?). Maybe the more advanced your civ becomes the more pronounced this effect should become? So in the early stage of a civ it’s easier to keep people happy with less, but as they advance and become more educated, they are harder to please and the human drift to the better cities becomes more apparent? This should never be too great a number or it could allow the top civ to really run away. Just enough to make it worth while?

                Slaves as Trade Goods should be in the game IMHO. Would they just appear randomly over the world, maybe representing small groups of ‘un-civallised’ peoples? (Until Emancipation Act?). And how would they relate to slaves taken by other means(if they have to at all?). Would/Could they have a bonus to production value(as well as their gold value)?
                Evacuation due to war could be done , say if a city is attacked(or undersiege?), then it would lose some population to the next nearest city(in its civ). I think something like this happens in Craddle when you ‘Blood bath’ a city, some of the pop escapes. This could have a ripple effect where by a civ under pressure and losing multiple cities, finds it remaining cities flooded by refugees. This extra pop would boost production but I guess it would suffer increased unhappiness, which could be fatal? Maybe this would be too much of an advantage to the conquering civ?

                I’m pretty sure that in the mods earthquakes only happen near mountain ranges, and as far as Hurricanes go IMHO they should happen more often in the Polar regions(and centre of large land masses), I wouldn’t want to swap places with an Emperor Penguin for anything
                Check out the link for ‘Civ3 mod for CTP2’, it’s got good stuff on Colonies and units to exploit strategic resources. I hope this can be done as it would be soooo cool!
                Oh yeah I’m half welsh(!) and no I’m not biter , just ruffles my feathers when England thrash us at the rugby(again!). I guess you could say it gives a good perspective on inter-racial conflicts

                I’m not sure if the garrison requirement in the mods does take slaves into consideration or not? Still a nice pop-up message about the slaves being restless in the city X, BEFORE they revolt would be nice?
                And sending units to another civ would be great. How to do it though? If you use the diplomacy screen then once the offer has been sent do the units just disappear from you city and appear in the receiving civs? Could this be done? Or maybe you have to move the units to the civ you want and when they get to that civs border they change to units in that civ? Maybe a combination of the diplomacy screen and actual movement?(Hard/impossible I think) The reason I like having to actually deliver the units is that they could be ambushed on route and maybe combined with Wes’s idea’s on unit capture that could work nicely? If your INT sources(spies,diplomats) could get wind of a deal between other nations then they could possibly intercept?(getting way too ambitious here I think )

                Check out the links to AI Superpowers, I think one of them deals a bit with civil war or at least states splitting in two, and maybe another thread somewhere….

                On amphibious assaults,
                Has anyone else played Dale’s WAW mod? I’ve played half a dozen games and it is the only mod so far that I see consistently using Troop transports to unload lots of troops to attack enemy cities. It’s forced me to ensure I have subs and destroyers on patrol as soon as I can!! Anyone else noticed this?

                Good idea's everyone
                Last edited by child of Thor; May 2, 2002, 17:08.
                'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by child of Thor

                  Check out the links to AI Superpowers, I think one of them deals a bit with civil war or at least states splitting in two, and maybe another thread somewhere….
                  Thanks, I haven't done a big search, but the one thread that I did find had a script by IW that will merge 2 smaller civs into a one large civ. This is the opposite of what I was referring, but should work if merging works (does it? I didn't spend enough time reading)

                  Originally posted by child of Thor
                  On amphibious assaults,
                  Has anyone else played Dale’s WAW mod? I’ve played half a dozen games and it is the only mod so far that I see consistently using Troop transports to unload lots of troops to attack enemy cities. It’s forced me to ensure I have subs and destroyers on patrol as soon as I can!! Anyone else noticed this?

                  I've played Dale's WAW, the AI is constantly using transports. The AI in that Mod is very good except when it come to defense of cities.


                  • #69

                    I'm working on a script to do just what you want. Assaults, invasions, mass attacks, defense, etc. See my project: AI unit useage thread.

                    COT & Centrifuge:

                    Thanks guys. That's the goal I was looking for. Getting the AI to attack intelligently. Now that's happening, my other script will fix the defense.


                    • #70

                      How transferable will the new AI be? Could it be incorprorated into Cradle? I'm really an ancient-fetisher, and really like the tech and stuff in that mod. But I've love to see the AI really beef up on us, too. Its a little strange to be worried (on an unprotected coast) that I'm going to get all my nets pulled down by those pesky Macidonians. Heck, they should pile in like the Sea People.

                      Right now, I think the trick in playing CTP2 (and most Civ games) is that you have to secure any land routes into your empire. Coast lines are usually safe. How often did coastal defense ever help me in Civ2 - hardly ever.

                      Hopefully your mod will change that.


                      • #71

                        Hex and I have been working together on the design code for this new script, and are thinking of the script in terms of Cradle and WAW. I'll be doing the programming. My plan is to make it as portable as possible. There will be global variables that modders will be able to change so it contains the correct units and advances for that mod. I'll have them listed at the top so a modder doesn't need to wade through 1000 lines of code to find them.

                        Hope that clears some thing up.


                        • #72
                          I was going to allow the player to move slaves from city a to city b so that slaves could be moved from the nearest city to capture to the one you like the most.

                          But slaves as a random good could be done
                          "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                          The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                          Visit the big mc’s website


                          • #73

                            Wonderful news - if only Activision could have been as professional with this product as you guys!


                            • #74
                              The big MC
                              I was going to allow the player to move slaves from city a to city b so that slaves could be moved from the nearest city to capture to the one you like the most.
                              This would be great, but i would make it an option only in first 3 turns after the fall of city.
                              Then, city could be razed to ground and people would be sent to neighbouring city and from there to wherever player would like.

                              Can we introduce nation? I know i'm boring with it, but it would be so cool to have it.
                              GLORY TO THE MANY
                              SLAVA MNOGIMA


                              • #75
                                Aqtaca it would probably make it easier to code
                                "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                                The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                                Visit the big mc’s website

