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Mod resources for mods/scenarios

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  • Mod resources for mods/scenarios

    With Locutus's mod/scenario database containing the finished works of us modders, I feel a thread containing "must have" scripts and mods would be a good idea. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and finally decided to open this thread.

    Locutus, any chance of a sticky for this one?

    Conditions of posting scripts/mods:

    1. Must be the release version of the mod/script.
    2. No bugs allowed.
    3. Mod name, Version number and creator's name/handle must be used.
    4. Prerequisites must be mentioned (eg. this version requires Cradle).
    5. Comments must be make by the creator on how to change things if needed (eg. unit or city databases).
    6. A description in plain language of what the script does, how it affects play, and whether it affects AI or general play.
    7. Known Mods/scenarios that the script is in so anyone can see its affects in play.
    8. Any other information deemed necessary.

  • #2
    Airunit slic

    AI Airunit script - V1.1 by Dale.


    Mod notes!

    AIR_TYPE[] - Contains the link to any air units contained in the mod/scenario. Must be changed if you have different to the default CTP2 units.
    LANDING_TYPE[] - Contains the link to any units/tile improvements that an aircraft can land on.

    This script will check every air unit in play for the current AI player, find a landing tile, and direct the unit to that tile. If the air unit is already on a landing tile, it won't move.

    In MM2_IsLandingUnit, the script checks for landing units (like aircraft carrier) in the tile supplied by the MoveOrder event, and then checks for tile improvements (like airbases). If either is found, then the script directs the AI's air unit to that tile.

    Mods in:
    Apolyton Pack
    Med Pack
    World At War
    Attached Files


    • #3

      Capture City script - V1.1 by Dale



      This script will check every city when conquored for buildings, and if that building exists, it will randomly destroy the building (by default 50% chance). It will also check nuked cities for buildings and destroy them randomly (by default 75% chance).

      In both events (CaptureCity & NukeCity) the only thing a modder needs to watch out for is the amount of buildings that are checked (see line: for(i = 0; i < 80; i = i + 1) {). If you have more than 80 buildings in your mod/scenario, you need to change this number to reflect that.

      Mods in:
      Apolyton Pack
      Med Pack
      World At War
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Withdraw slic

        AI Withdraw script - V1.3 by Dale


        See "Global Variables" in script for explanations.

        This script will check every player for a withdraw agreement between that player and the current player. If an agreement is found, the script cycles through all units in the player's army
        and checks whether the tile it is on is owned by the agreement's other player. If it is found the tile is of the other player's, then the script finds the nearest home city of that unit's civ and moves the unit to a tile within 2 tiles of the found city.

        By default, the script is set to withdraw troops after 5 turns of the agreement. If you wish to change this, then change "GetAgreementDuration(player[0], WDT_civ, 3) >= 5" the number 5 to how many turns you want.

        Mods in:
        Apolyton Pack
        Med Pack
        World At War
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Better Regard faces

          Better Regard faces - by Pedrunn


          When i first played CTP2 and saw the regard faces. I said to myself: I cant barely see the differences among them. The CTP1 ones were much clear. So i rescued the CTP1's regard faces to CTP2.

          This is actually a total replacement to the CTP2 regard faces. Once it is installed it will work in all mods and scenarios without exception. Even the regular game.

          Any question or comments: See this thread Better Regard Faces

          Just unzip it inside the Call to Power 2 base directory.
          It will automactly be part integrant of all CTP2 mods in your PC.

          Mods in:
          It is not used by any mod so far
          Attached Files
          Last edited by Pedrunn; April 5, 2002, 08:41.
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #6
            Re: Mod resources for mods/scenarios

            Originally posted by Dale
            With Locutus's mod/scenario database containing the finished works of us modders, I feel a thread containing "must have" scripts and mods would be a good idea. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and finally decided to open this thread.

            Locutus, any chance of a sticky for this one?

            Conditions of posting scripts/mods:

            1. Must be the release version of the mod/script.
            2. No bugs allowed.
            3. Mod name, Version number and creator's name/handle must be used.
            4. Prerequisites must be mentioned (eg. this version requires Cradle).
            5. Comments must be make by the creator on how to change things if needed (eg. unit or city databases).
            6. A description in plain language of what the script does, how it affects play, and whether it affects AI or general play.
            7. Known Mods/scenarios that the script is in so anyone can see its affects in play.
            8. Any other information deemed necessary.
            Actually, I had something similar yet slightly different in mind, you beat me to it by only a day or two. I'll think this over a bit more and get back to you on this...
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #7
              I think this thread is a terrific idea. Sometimes someone post a code in a thread and we never know about it.
              This way we can always be aware of whats new. And have a good database.
              I vote in favor to continue it. Since it is easy and fast to access (no need to leave apolyton) and we always lknow when there a new file (coo! the thread is up again. It shoul even be topped.

              If we continue with this thread i would recommend this post and yours, locutus, to be deleted. That way we make a thread only with modifications. No posts.
              Last edited by Pedrunn; April 5, 2002, 08:49.
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand


              • #8

                Locutus, did you think over this a bit more?


                • #9
                  I still think this idea is terrific. I know there is a 500 KB maximum attachment size that makes things limited.
                  But I think we coud do a SLIC database in another thread so that moders can keep up easily with the new innovations. And Slicers dont have to see his work be totally forgotten if know body uses it right away. (Eg. Who would know Dale did a famous people in history slic if it wasnt for apolyton database)
                  Saving the Apolyton database just for mods, scenarios, graphics and utilities.
                  "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                  Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                  Kill all and you are a God!"
                  -Jean Rostand


                  • #10
                    Actual Dale opened this thread as database substitude. There was neither a temporary database or the 'Poly Dir here. I think these slics here should be found in the modification category. So you can submit your file in a thread for it and fill out the form just add everything like disscussion thread place were it can be found on the net...

                    Things in the Dir aren't forgotten so fast as things just in a forum thread.

                    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                    • #11
                      Well, actually two of dale's three scripts are in the directory under mod's.
                      What we need in my opinion is a section in modification, something called slic bit's or so, where you can submit tested code bit's that might be useful to somebody someday...


                      • #12
                        I agree mapfi
                        Oxygen should be considered a drug
                        Tiberian Sun Retro
                        My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


                        • #13
                          Huh! I'd totally forgotten about the Famous People mod. hahaha. Oh well, someone musta played it.

                          That was my first real attempt at SLIC before starting the Apolyton Mod.

                          So many memories.........


                          • #14
                            Wasn't FPH after the original Diplomod?
                            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Pedrunn
                              Eg. Who would know Dale did a famous people in history slic if it wasnt for apolyton database
                              Originally posted by Dale
                              Huh! I'd totally forgotten about the Famous People mod.
                              I guess not even the creator.
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand

