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How to tell I am in FrenzyAI mode?

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  • How to tell I am in FrenzyAI mode?

    After a long time of trying all the mods, last weekend I decided to go back to the FrenzyAI. While there is a problem I had long time ago: how can I tell I am in FrenzyAI mode?
    When start a new game, it's obvious, I have to select FrenzyAI scenario. After I save (full save or quick save) the game, and next day I load the saved game, I am not quite sure if the game is still in FrenzyAI mode, is there any indicator I missed?
    Does full save or quick save make a difference of staying in the mod?
    I think this may apply to all other mods.
    Please help. Many thank.

  • #2
    Test result by myself

    I tested running FrenzyAI mod, and the result is inconsistent:

    - sometimes the saved game is good (either quick save or full save), which means when I load it back, I am still in FrenzyAI mod

    - sometimes all saved games are bad, I lost my game and I am back into the normal game mode.

    does anyone have some idea about this? I mean start a mod and stay in that mod without losing it?

    I presume modswitch is a good tool, but unfortunely it doesn't work for FrenzyAI


    • #3
      When loading a savegame that you saved whilst playing in a scenario, you first must start a new game within that scenario (loading the rules), and then load the game.
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #4
        Why you don't play Cradle that has already a version of frenzy or install it under another mod like GoodMod for ApolytonPack. To install frenzy under GoodMod for ApolytonPack just search for a file afterwards you installed the patch GoodMod, ModSwapper and ApolytonPack called GM1_APOL_script.slc or GM1_APOLUL_script.slc the later one is for the case you want to play with it on ultra gigantic maps. Open the one for that version of the mod for that you want to install frenzy. Add to the end of that file the line:

        #include "frenzy.slc"

        In the scenario folder you find the frenzy.slc move that file to the ../ctp2_data/default/gamedata/ folder. BTW there you find also the *script.slc files of all ModSwapper mods.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          Thanks and ....

          Thank you Wombat and Martin, for your helpful replies.

          First, I tried: "When loading a savegame that you saved whilst playing in a scenario, you first must start a new game within that scenario (loading the rules), and then load the game.", this method did not work.

          Second, I found how to reproduce the problem with FrenzyAI mod:

          --- Start a new game with FrenzyAI, and save it (full save).
          --- If load the saved game now, everything is ok.
          --- Now quit CTPII, and start CTPII game again.
          --- Load the saved game, which is still good up to now, and save it after playing a few more turns.
          --- Try loading the second saved game, the mod is gone!

          This is repeatable and I think it should not happen in this way. Here is my plan:

          1. Try save a scenario within CTPII game and compare it with FrenzyAI, there maybe something missing in FrenzyAI mod pack.

          2. Try what Martin said: "play Cradle that has already a version of frenzy or install it under another mod like GoodMod for ApolytonPack. " I will do my best and see what happens, I am very novice of doing the mods. And I think beside Frenzy.slc script file, there are two other files: strategies.txt and goals.txt are packed in the mod, they can be conflict to the ones in other mods.

          3. A thought: how can I add FrenzyAI mod directly into ModSwapper, so after that I can just swap to FrenzyAI mod? I found ModSwapper is much better to tool to make sure the mod is loaded.

          4. Martin, can you just explain a bit about GoodMod? how come it is combined with ApolytonPack....


          • #6
            It works!

            Hi Guys,

            I found how to make it work!

            Bascially I followed carefully what Wombat suggested and he was right! (You bet this.)

            The whole idea is, after the new game was started with FrenzyAI mod, then everytime CTPII closed and started again, you should start with another new game with the mod, then load the saved game.

            My problem was in the fouth step, although if I load the saved game directly, and it will work just fine, I still should have started another new game with the mod, then load the saved game.

            This sounds a bit awkward, but it works.


            • #7
              Originally posted by FrenzyHuman
              4. Martin, can you just explain a bit about GoodMod? how come it is combined with ApolytonPack....
              I will splitt the answer in two parts on the one hand I'll explain what you have to know as a player and on the other and what you have to know as a modmaker.

              As a player you have only to know that you have to download Apolyton Pack and GoodMod than you have to unzip them both into the main CTP2 folder and select: GoodMod for Apolyton Pack V1.0! CTP2 the way it should be. Or select GoodMod for Apolyton Pack V1.0! Ultra-gigantic map. The first option is if you like to play on small maps and the second option if you like to play on huge or even on extra large maps.

              A modmaker has to know that there is a file in the ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder called gamefile.txt, this file contains a list of nearly all file names that CTP2 will load at the start of every game. So if you replace a file in this list by another file than the alternative file will be loaded instead. After the installation of a ModSwapper mod you will find a bunch of alterbative files in this directory rhey have all a prefix like GM1_ for GoodMod files, CRA_ for Crdale files, APOL_ for Apolyton Pack files, MM2_ for MedPack2 (I don't know when Wes renamed the Medieval Mod to Medieval Pack) files. If you select know a different mod in ModSwapper like GoodMod for Apolyton Pack V1.0! Ultra-gigantic map than ModSwapper replaces the gamefile.txt by the GM1_APOLUL_gamefile.txt and it will replace the two other files by the ones that are listed at the end of the GM1_APOLUL_gamefile.txt, because these files aren't part of the file list. At the end of this gamefile you find the name of the mod. These last three lines are ignored by the game.

              So the answer on your question is that GoodMod uses a bunch of files from other mods and graphics of course, the result is that you need Apolyton Pack for the new city, building and advance graphics and some text files, and the new goods from GoodMod. By the way if you download and install Cradle before you download GoodMod just in the case you want try both mods than you only need to download the huge textupdate that contains all the text files as you can find all the graphics in Cradle already.

              BTW you can also find in each *_gamefile.txt a *_script.slc that contains all the slic data for that particular mod setup.

              So all you have to do if a mod does not contain frenzy find the correct *_script.slc and add the line that I gave above. One correction here I was wrong above both Apolyton setups use the same slic files therefore there is also in GoodMod only a GM1_APOL_script.slc.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • #8
                Thank you Martin! I think I only understood your explanation to the players, the part for mod maker is quite something for me to digest later. I need some hands on excerse on the mods. Thanks again for giving such long and detail reply.

