Well I have never seen the AI Use special units like clerics, eco-rangers, ecoterrorist, or corporate branches, so I decided to go into strategies and give goals like create park, franchise, convert ETC....... values over 600000 for economic(corporate Branches) and Ecotopian(ecorangers, ecoterrorist, and clerics) civs. Well then I started a new game and gave ecotopian civs everything up to future advance 5 and 2 or 3 size 60 + cities with almost all the buildings and some ecorangers and I gave myself some pollution heavy size 60 + cities and 15 to 20 turns later they used their ecoranger on a size one city.
I also changed the goal create park so that it has target owners of hot enemy cold enemy neutral and no contact since it seems to make sense that they would use the ecoranger on any city as long as it's polluting heavily.
Is their any way to make this goal only work for polluting cities becuase they used their ecoranger on a size 1 city with no polution instead of my cities which had 1000 + pollution.
here's the file:
I also changed the goal create park so that it has target owners of hot enemy cold enemy neutral and no contact since it seems to make sense that they would use the ecoranger on any city as long as it's polluting heavily.
Is their any way to make this goal only work for polluting cities becuase they used their ecoranger on a size 1 city with no polution instead of my cities which had 1000 + pollution.

here's the file: