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  • Bmp2ctp2

    Hi there fellows.

    I have a problem when I'm going to transfer the .bmp to .txt
    this is how I write:
    bmptoctp2.exe [-1]

    And then it sais that it was a problem when he tryed to create the file.

    I thing it can be because of:
    1.wrong bit thing it shall be 8-bit but in mspaint I can only change to 256 colors, 24bit and 16bit. HOW SHALL DO IT?
    2.Do you have to put the bmptoctp2 in the ctp2folder?

  • #2
    To have the error message would be . To know what is wrong helps a lot.
    As you get a message like this: Size 48X96 (should be 4608 bytes, is 4610) everything is OK.

    1. So far as I know a 8bit encode 256 colors that means 8bit and 256 colors is nearly the same. And I also tried this I saved a picture in M$paint as 256 color file and opend it in Paint Shop Pro 4 and tiook a look on the picture information: It was 256 color picture with 8 bits.

    2. You don't need to put the bmp2ctp2.exe into your CTP2 folder. It is only necessary to put the created *.txt file into your ..\ctp2_program\ctp\ folder.

    And finaly if you are in the game you have to open the chat window by typing (') of course without the brackets and type /importmap YourMapName.txt.

    You have only be shure that the map that you are whishing to load has the same size as the current loaded map.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3

      If you need to have exact size of the map I would like to know the different sizes.


      • #4
        To figure out the different sizes of maps ust open the const.txt in your ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder, and search for such lines:

        # These map size settings must all be defined,
        # and in this order
        MAP_SIZE_SMALL		26	52	2
        MAP_SIZE_MEDIUM	48	96	2
        MAP_SIZE_LARGE		64	128	2
        MAP_SIZE_GIGANTIC	70	140	2
        That means a default small map as a size of 26X52 fields and a gigantic map a size of 70X140 tiles. If you change these values for example like:

        # These map size settings must all be defined,
        # and in this order
        MAP_SIZE_SMALL		26	52	2
        MAP_SIZE_MEDIUM	48	96	2
        MAP_SIZE_LARGE		64	128	2
        MAP_SIZE_GIGANTIC	71	141	2
        Your gigantic map has a size of 71X141 tiles.

        If you like to make a map for a mod like Apolyton Pack you have to edit the file with the according prefix APOL_const.txt for normal maps and APOLUL_const.txt for ultra gigantic maps.

        Here are the values from the APOLUL_const.txt:

        # These map size settings must all be defined,
        # and in this order
        MAP_SIZE_SMALL		26	52	2
        MAP_SIZE_MEDIUM	48	96	2
        MAP_SIZE_LARGE		70	140	2
        MAP_SIZE_GIGANTIC	140	280	2
        It depends on the map size for wich Apolyton Pack version the map should be made for smaller maps use the Apolyton Pack. CTP2 the way it should be and for really gigantic maps the ultra gigantic map version.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #5
          DONT WORK

          I have a bmp that is 199*99 256 color
          i write in msdos:
          bmptpctp2 [-1] mymap.bmp mymap.txt
          if you are swede it sais "fel uppstod när filen skulle skapas"
          if not it sais that it is something wrong when he should create the file.

          i'll send you the map here, can you please transform it and then attach it on a new message.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            I had this problem too. I have a feeling you are using the wrong colours. The sample bitmap included with the program is wrong for the new version of Bmp2ctp2. I think the colours are the problem.

            I think this file has the correct colours:
            Attached Files
            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


            • #7

              no it doesn't work.
              BTW is it all the colors in that map?

              can someone see if you can fransform my map


              • #8
                bmptpctp2 [-1] mymap.bmp mymap.txt
                No brackets the correct line is:

                bmptpctp2 -1 mymap.bmp mymap.txt

                I also tried to convert this map to scenario file format (not scenario save game format). I guess you wanted to create an island with forrests and jungle. I needed a little bit of time to figure out that you have to use black instead of green for forrests.

                Here is your map to install this map put it the unzipped *.zip file into your
                ..\ctp2_program\ctp\save\maps folder and use the option load map in the cheat editor.

                BTW here is thread about the same topic: Crash Course in BMP2CTP2

                Attached Files
                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #9
                  AAAA NICE!

                  it was only the brackets that was the problem, you know [ -1 ]
                  ^ ^
                  BUT it sais "Size: 210x210 (should be 44100 bytes, is 44520 bytes)"

                  Eeeh what?


                  • #10
                    importing map

                    when I wrote the last thing I got a txt even if it was wrong
                    I put it in ctpprogram/ctp
                    and in the game (') chat /importmap put.txt

                    BUT DIDN'T WORK
                    can be that he did wrong when converted it to txt.


                    • #11
                      Read my above post again:

                      You created a 210X210 size map. Therefore I would use the gigantic map versions of Cradle or Apolyton Pack. To load the map you have to edit the APOLUL_Const.txt or CEAB_Const.txt. In both files you will find lines like this:

                      # These map size settings must all be defined,
                      # and in this order
                      MAP_SIZE_SMALL		26	52	2
                      MAP_SIZE_MEDIUM		48	96	2
                      MAP_SIZE_LARGE		70	140	2
                      MAP_SIZE_GIGANTIC	140	280	2
                      To load the map the last line must look like:

                      MAP_SIZE_GIGANTIC	210	210	2
                      Now start a new game with the ultra gigantic map version of Cradle or Apolyton Pack. Note that your map is huge and the default maps are very small. If you make your map for a default game you would get serious problems with pollution and city numbers.

                      Your game should be on a gigantic map now. The map size is now 210X210 the same size like the map that you whish to import. That is a very important thing, because if the loaded map has a different size as the map that should be imported, your map import trial will fail. Now if your map has the right size open the caht window and type: /importmap put.txt or however you called the *.txt file. So far as I know it doen't matter if the program tells you that the are some bytes missing or too much.

                      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                      • #12


                        I finally got i work

                        I HAD TO PUT THE TXT FILE INTO /CTPPROGRAM/CTP/SAVE/MAPS !!!!!!!!!


                        • #13
                          Glad to see people are still using the bmptoctp2 convertor... maybe I'll see if the world map or a new world map can be created for Civ III...

                          Oh and hello again, to all who rememeber me =)

                          If you need anyhelp with maps, email me.. I'll see what I can do. =)

