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Medieval Pack II v2.0 beta: Crusade!

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  • #16
    well I've been playing for a while with unit updater, edited for med mod and set to 10% prodution cost, needed to upgrade, and it's been working pretty well, But I still need to get to the Industrial-modern age which is were the AI stops upgrading, and see if having modern units wont force them to disband in order to get production. I'm also Using the improved version of diplomod, and it seems to be working well.

    Something, I've noticed, the AI still doesn't build enough coastal cities even though I gave sea tiles some production, and food. I had to turn some of their terain into water, because they had cities that were one tile away from water. So I made sure all of the civs had at least 3 coastal cities by this method.

    Well it seemed to work most the AI's now have at least 3 ships, except for the Island nations. THey have no way of contacting any other civ since they're surrounded by deep water and they don't have any ships. I was looking at their cities and they can't build special deep sea ships like long ships or catamarans, which is weird since these ships are supposed to be terrain based right.

    I set out to fix this problem yesterday by giving them deep sea ships by using cheat mode, but I shouldn't have to do this, does any one know how this can be solved without cheating. Maybe the terain settings from the original should be used for water tiles in order to make the AI build coastal cities.

    well here's unit updater, note certain units don't upgrade, like archers don't become bowmen, this is intentional. this is were the branch splits into two(archers and bowmen), you should upgrade some of your archers manually and have some left so that they can upgrade to catapults.
    Attached Files


    • #17
      Put this in MM2_scenario_str.txt in order to get it to work.

      ## Unit Updater slc strings ##

      MObsUnitsFirst "Great news, Sire! Our recent discovery will allow us to re-train and re-equip some of our military units. We have already switched production to the new units but we have some old units in use. Shall I proceed?"

      MObsUnitsCostOK "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} units who are pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and re-equip all of them?"

      MObsUnitsCostOKand1unit "We have {NUM_OBS_UNITS} {OBS_UNIT_ARRAY[0].name} unit who is pleading for more modern equipment. It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to provide them with it and we have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we re-train and re-equip them?"

      SOME "Not all. Show me them."

      MPartialUpdate "Shall we modernize this unit?"

      MObsUnitsCostNotEnoughGold "It will cost {TOTAL_COST} gold to modernize those units
      but we don't have enough gold in the treasury. Shall we retrain and
      re-equip some of them?"

      MNoMoreGold "Sire, I regret to inform you that the treasury is bare."


      • #18
        A terrain's desirability for settling is based upon a setting in the terrrain.txt under EnvBase called Score. Here is the section from Forests:

        EnvBase {
        Score 70
        Food 5
        Shield 15
        Gold 5

        I have raised Beach's Score from 50 to 65 for the next installment of the mod. This puts it right below the most useful terrain, and ahead of Mountains.

        I have also contacted Wouter about writing code which would automatically disband any remaining obsolete units in the game on a pre-determined turn. The initial setting will have Ancient age units disbanded on turn 300, which is near the end of the Medieval period. The disbanding will then occur every 100 turns or so up through the Renaissance age units and all Elite units.
        I told Wouter to try and find a way of adding a unit's production cost to a civ's PW store, in order to give them something back, but if he cannot do that, then the units will simply be disbanded.
        I hope that this will force civs to build new units if they have not been upgrading their forces.

        The Crusade beta only contains example code for terrain-based, or rather terrain-influenced Elite units. This code only makes it more likely for civs to get a given unit based on the terrain of their city squares and the 8 tiles touching the square. It does not automatically give them the said units.
        I have also given Wouter a list of terrains for each Elite unit, and asked him to write the necessary code.

        I have also given him some instructions for the Pirate code, though I forgot to put the Longship in the list of pirate ships.

        I also went through the strategies.txt again, and increased the priority of growth and happiness improvements. I did not find any major problem with the old settings, but maybe this will tip the balance in some situations to keep the AIs in the game longer.

        I also changed the number and delegation of Specialists, and I increased the output of specialists from 20 to 25 (they were set originally at 30 for everything except commerce).

        For those of you who have been making your own files, you may want to scan the Medpack's strategies and goals texts for my "WW" comments, which explain some of the settings and what they do in the game.

        The most important remaining problems with the AIs, as I understand them, are
        1) not enough coastal cities,
        2) not enough gold income/commerce improvements,
        3) refusal to upgrade units

        I have tried to address all these problems with the changes made in the beta and the upcoming public release version of the mod. If you have seen other failings of the AI, list them here.


        • #19
          I still think unit updater is the way to go, so far it has worked well. I'm at the renaissance and everyone who has discovered flintlock, and cannon making has muskeeters and culverins. They don't have calvary yet since I forgot the AI was uses horse archers instead of knights, and when I editied unit updater I made knights become calvary. Shouldn't horse archers go obsolete with flintlock. I have noticed though, that the AI seem to be loosing units since their military power goes down(probably when unit updater kicks in), but they seem to recover pretty quickly, and some times they even become more powerful than they were before.

          I have raised Beach's Score from 50 to 65 for the next installment of the mod. This puts it right below the most useful terrain, and ahead of Mountains.

          I didn't even thinks of that. :slaps himself in the forehead:

          I have also given him some instructions for the Pirate Code, though I forgot to put the Longship in the list of pirate ships.

          The longship is already there, I know I had to fight one of them a long time ago, with my triremes, and it wasn't pretty.

          Another problem I've seen is that the AI doesn't seem to build enough ships they have at most 3, while I have about 7 of them.

          There isn't enough pollution in the game, I have yet to see a dead tile, or a pollution disaster in one of my games. I think the reason for this is they don't build enough production buildings.

          Some positive stuff

          -The agressive AI's are slaving well.
          -The peaceful AI's are using abolitionist well.
          -They are also using spies well. (stealing tech mostly)
          -They seem to be outresearching me, and keeping up with me city wise.

          You forgot to update the large civs for version 2. I suggest everyone who plays on maps larger than 80x160 use it since it does seem to help.

          Here's the file:
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Re: Medieval Pack II v2.0 beta: Crusade!

            Any more updates to this mod available? I have read about a Stonehenge movie or Statue of Liberty Movie, but cannot seem to find them anywhere. Any places these are posted?


            • #21
              Just been an update with new files, and wonder movie included. Check Wes's new thread.
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

