Infrastructure SLIC v1.0
file: infras.slc
by player1
Put this file in yours ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder
and add #include "infras.slc" line in script.slc file.
This code fixes AI bug in which AI players, when trying
to use Infrastructure or Capitalization, leave build queue empty.
It detects cities with empty build queues and gives them
10 * city pop PW and gold bonus, lowered by PW tax percent value.
City size 28, PW tax 20%
gives 28*10*(1-0.2)=224 gold and PW bonus
This file is great in combo with pw_cheat.slc
file: infras.slc
by player1
Put this file in yours ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder
and add #include "infras.slc" line in script.slc file.
This code fixes AI bug in which AI players, when trying
to use Infrastructure or Capitalization, leave build queue empty.
It detects cities with empty build queues and gives them
10 * city pop PW and gold bonus, lowered by PW tax percent value.
City size 28, PW tax 20%
gives 28*10*(1-0.2)=224 gold and PW bonus
This file is great in combo with pw_cheat.slc
