I made some new buildings and have been using them with medmod. The Blacksmith, becuase I thought it was weird it wasn't in there. It adds 10 percent production and becomes available with bronze working and obsolete with flintlock( you could change that If your using another mod). The Electric Plant which I also found weird that it wasn't there. It adds 20% production( using med mod with it's 30% prod for the factory and 60 percent for oil refineries I forgot how little production these buildings add in the original game (15% each) until I downloaded ApolytonPack so you can change this to 10% if your not using medmod) and 10% commerce. It becomes available with electro-magnetism( once again you could change it) and obsolete with fusion. the other building is skyscrapers and it adds 15% commerce and requires the electric plant.
This file is a text file with all the changes I've made to files. So, you're going to have to cut and paste to other files.( dont let this scare you it takes at most 15 minutes, but you are going to have to restart your game) This way it should be compatible with all mods or the original game(heaven forgive!!!! // I don't believe in heaven, but I couldn't find a better way to say this). And it also has pictures for the new buildings from harlan's building pictures.
ps. for a good game you should make the electric plant a prereq for builduings that require power ie. computer center VR amusement park etc. It worked for me, I had to build electric palnts in my coastal cities before the computer center when i discovered computers.
unzip this in another folder( not CTP2) becuase I don't know how to do pathing in winzip, or they won't let me do it with the free version.
well here's the file
This file is a text file with all the changes I've made to files. So, you're going to have to cut and paste to other files.( dont let this scare you it takes at most 15 minutes, but you are going to have to restart your game) This way it should be compatible with all mods or the original game(heaven forgive!!!! // I don't believe in heaven, but I couldn't find a better way to say this). And it also has pictures for the new buildings from harlan's building pictures.
ps. for a good game you should make the electric plant a prereq for builduings that require power ie. computer center VR amusement park etc. It worked for me, I had to build electric palnts in my coastal cities before the computer center when i discovered computers.
unzip this in another folder( not CTP2) becuase I don't know how to do pathing in winzip, or they won't let me do it with the free version.
well here's the file