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Medieval Pack II v1.1: A Call to Arms

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  • #31
    Think I "solved" the problem. I found an older version of Medmod, from June 10th. I took that Wouter.slc and replaced the 1.1 Wouter.slc... and it worked properly. I haven't noticed any side effects of it yet, but I plan on seeing some Anyway, I can play the game now.

    It seem to work fine, and I'll use it until an update comes. Seems you only need Wouter.slc and Wouter.slc.bak (haven't tried without *.bak, but I assume it's needed)


    • #32
      The *.bak file does nothing. Its a side-effect of Wouter saving files in EditPlus, and isn't needed at all.
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #33
        Help, when I load MedMod and start a new game it goes to the desktop and I get several Slic errors:
        C:\PROGRAM FILES.....ctp2_data\default\gamedata\tut2_main.slc :469: ADVANCE_MONARCHY not found in advance DB

        I get several of them each for different governments. I reloaded the files that Modswapper replaces, but that makes no difference.
        I also loaded the Apolyton Pack. I do not get any errors when running it. Could there be a conflict between the two?
        Be Well,


        • #34
          According to the game manual, there's an in-game tutorial when you start at Beginner level. I'm guessing that this tutorial is not compatible with any mods. I got the same SLIC errors as you when I tried to start at Beginner. As far as I can tell there's no way to disable the tutorial so you'll just have to bump up the difficulty to Easy, or if you're new to these kind of games, try loading the regular version of the game and play the tutorial until you get a feel for what's going on.

          There should be no incompatibility between Med Mod and Apolyton Pack; that's why you use Modswapper to load them.

          Hope this helps!
          "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


          • #35
            re:city walls bug

            Try using this version of Wouter.slc

            It's the one that comes with 1.1, but I edited it to put back in a missing line of code. Its absence I think was causing the problem. If it works, go with it!

            ctp2_data/default/gamedata/ for those who don't know.

            Happy Med-ing!
            Attached Files
            "People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri


            • #36
              UPDATE ALERT !

              New update/patch posted.
              Note: If you downloaded the update before this edit was posted, you need to get it again. The correct version will say "v1.1" when you use modswapper to update the GL.

              Jules was right in that I had simply deleted one more line than I should have when I was altering the Wouter.slc a week or two ago. I have a patched version posted now.

              The update also contains a number of changes to buildings.
              The Theatre, Arena and Public Park now go obsolete, designed to be replaced by the Movie Theatre, Stadium and VR Amusement Park, respectively.
              The population pollution reducing improvements are less effective than they used to be, reducing pollution by 30 and 60%, respectively. This will increase reliance upon the happiness improvements. Upkeep for Eco-Transit has been reduced by 10.
              Ramayana now gives +2 happiness, instead of giving a Theatre in every city, and goes obsolete with Electricity along with the Theatre.

              I have also gone through the text, and made sure that no buildings which go obsolete are preqs for another building. I found a number of instances of this, which could have made it impossible to properly improve cities founded late in the game.

              Storm, Jules is right in that you cannot use the tutorial with the Medpack. If you are that new to the game, you need to use the original version until you are familiar with the basic game. Then you need to take some time to absorb all the new things in the modpack.
              Last edited by WesW; August 3, 2001, 20:07.


              • #37
                Jules and Wes, I am not realy new although I have not played in a long while thanks to Diablo2. Iwas just starting it in beginner as a sort of fast track to check that all was working and I had not mis-installed anything. Thank you for clearing it up for me.
                Very nice job BTW I will send a donation come pay day.
                Be Well,


                • #38

                  If you downloaded the update before I made the edit to the above message, you need to get the patch again. The correct version will read "v.1.1" when you use Modswapper.


                  • #39
                    Changing Version # from 1.0 to 1.1

                    WES -- May I suggest that you change the following title on your modification site from 1.0 to 1.1 so that new MM2 players don't get confused?

                    Medieval Pack II v1.0 A Call to Arms
                    Introduction and Installation
                    Part 1: 1.1 Pictures (6.5MB)
                    Part 2: Sounds(4.0MB)
                    Part 3: Sprites1 (6.7MB)
                    Part 4: Sprites2 (5.4MB)
                    Part 5: 1.1 Texts
                    Last edited by StarGazer; August 3, 2001, 23:15.


                    • #40
                      First 1.1 Game Report

                      The usual: Impossible, Torus, Huge, 5 civs, Marauders, Science Victory Goal.

                      TURN 122 -- Rankings:

                      1. Arabs at 100% (top of ranking graph)
                      2. Scots at 75%
                      3. English at 70%
                      4. Native Americans at 65%
                      5. Me (Americans) at 25%

                      Have established contact (an embassy) only with the Scots, my next-door neighbors (as usual). They've got mountains galore; I have none. I'm squeezed onto a kind of peninsula; like the Arabs in a previous MM2 game, they've got the rest of the continent to expand into, which they are doing post haste.

                      Their gov't is Populist Zealot and their reluctance to conduct mutually satisfactory diplomatic actions reflects that, I guess, although in all the CTP2 MM2 games I have played, the Scots have always been tuff bastards diplomatically, no matter what their governmental stance. They will accept money, though, giving me nothing in return except a grimace instead of a frown. However, in view of their military strength (they recently got the elite Zulu units), I'll accept a grimace.

                      They're about 10 Science Advances ahead of me. We're both Monarchies. I got started with Monarchy late in the game, since Org. Religion wasn't offered until I had researched two Advances.

                      If the game continues like this, yours truly is going to take the back seat for a change -- which is not so bad, since then the word "Impossible" actually has some meaning.


                      • #41
                        problem with some city improvements

                        B]OK, seems this has already been reported, I'm no longer used to these boards and missed the latest messages before I posted.[/B]

                        Wes, I've been trying out your Med Mod II for the past two days and may have noticed a mistake (or something that you did not mention in your read me).

                        So far I noticed in two games (short ones yet) that some cities could not build city walls and possibly aqueducts (certain on city walls, in the current game I have the advance and 2 out of my 4 cities can't build the walls). This seems rather strange so I expect it's not intentional.

                        Otherwise the game runs fine, I expect the ruins now use SLIC code as they sometimes (always when a mercenary is to appear) cause a serious slow down of the game (the first times I thought it had crashed). But I find that little slow down is a minor inconvenience so far (though it's rather strange to have the game slow during the ai's turn and be almost certain that it just stepped onto a ruin).

                        I will eventually change some of the terrain tile benefits slightly for my games I expect as I hate coastal cities to be virtually useless and forest/jungle cities to grow so slowly (raising their food to 10 should not hurt considering that plains and grassland can easily be irigated).

                        I'll go back to playing now.

                        Thanks once more for the great work.

                        Marc B.

                        P.S.; And yes that means I should be back for a bit. I just bought a new Macintosh G4 last week and it's fast enough to emulate Win98 and run CTP II at a decent speed (huge map and 10 civs so far, maybe even good enough for more).

                        P.P.S.: Wes there seems to be a problem with your Apolyton email (the link at your page). I tried to mail this direct to you and had it bounced back.[
                        Last edited by Caranorn; August 5, 2001, 17:32.


                        • #42
                          v1.1 game progress

                          Well I started a new game: very hard, gigantic map, earth world, 12 civs, maurauders, wet, uniform mostly island, about 60% water, many goods.

                          the year is 200 ad

                          I'm at the top of the ranking as usual, thanks to chichen itza(spelling), my strong science, and my strong military. I started out as usual by building to cities and inserting my regular queue in them Warrior, spearman or archer (whichever I can build), and a settler. I went into the science screen and changed reasearch, because it always starts with and expensive advance instead of the cheapest. Well I started exploring once my first warior was built and found some ruins. I went in and it gave me an advance.
                          I continued exploring and found more ruins. I got my other warior and sent him to another unexplored area. I went to ruin and got ambushed by 3 barbarians, so I ran. I kept exploring and going to ruins. I found lots of advances, some settlers, some cities mercenaries, gold, and barbarians. Before I knew it I had about seven or eight cities and I had only built two or three settlers.

                          I kept exploring with my warriors and coracles and found the Incas(orange) and the Persians(gray) I Built a noble and established embasies with them. Well by this time I could build units with the slaving ability so I built them and decided to go kill some barbarians and make them my slaves MWA HAHAHA HAHA HAHAHAHA!!!! I found some barbarians and attacked them. I controlled to which city they were sent by moving all the units out of the cities I didn't want them to go and leaving units in the city I wanted them in. I kept doing this until I had one slave in each city except for two of them.

                          I continued to explore and found the mayans(puple),the austrians (some sort of wierd red color I think it's called maroon), and the celts(green). I found that two of them were Populist Zealots, wohoo Ecotopians!!!! I have never played against Ecotopians so this might be fun.

                          Well I have made contact with Seven or eight civs, have four embassies, and I have 10 cities and have had 10 cities for a long time. The really weird thing thuogh is that I am reserching gunpowder even though it's 200ad. I wasn't the first to have gunpowder though the indians were(I checked using cheat mode) and they don't even have any science wonders. I inserted flintlock In their science screen and it will take them 21 turns( which translates into 18 or 19 turns with the bonus the AI gets). So there are going to be gunpowder units before 1000 ad. Is this normal? Does city state have to much science? Why am I so ahead of the timeline? Why do I get so many settlers and cities in ruins when I play very hard?


                          • #43
                            I would like to get modification dates back to download page. Could you add them?

                            PS. I started new game with new version and I saw first city capture(AI took from AI) in turn 65. That was a positive surprise But that version was the "no citywalls" version so I will start new game again.

                            PPS. It is quite unrealistic that you get almost the whole map quite early(swapping with AIs). In real life europeans did see for example America's first parts in ~1500

                            PPPS. I have been wondering a while what US citizens think about president Bush. Is he a good president for you because he really tries to think USA's best n every situation? Or do you think as a rest of the world that he is quite stupid ?
                            Last edited by janilxx; August 6, 2001, 03:23.


                            • #44
                              Actually, I've had some really interesting battles with the AI in Wes's new mods (downloaded the newest 1.1 last night). Playing with 15 races on a normal map, I found myself deep in ancient battles early on. The Assyrians and I have been exchanging blows all along our front, and several times they've picked off my units in open combat.

                              At the risk of opening a real can of worms (on Bush), lemme just say that he does not represent (or was elected by) a majority of Americans. Further, as a true republican, he represents rich American corporations and rich American's in general. To put it into terms with this base, he's like the Russian race in Civ2 - once they get ahead, they bully other players and break treaties all over the place.

                              I really like the cartoons that show bush as a ventriloquist's dummy, sitting on the VPs lap with a goofy wooden expression.

                              "Our Messengers have brought Bad News: The Americans have taken a stupid outlook"

                              Just my two cents:


                              • #45

                                Well since the can of worms has been openned, I will step into it. True Bush did not have a majority vote, but the Constitution says that you have to have the Electorial Vote not the majority vote, that is why we are a Republic and not a Democracy.

                                I personally think that the Electorial College is a good thing. If you look at the voting map of the United States on a county by county basis you will see that the Northeast and California is where Gore got most of his votes, but the majority of the states and counties in the United States actually voted for Bush.

                                If we went to a strictly populous vote, the majority of the states and counties in the US would be disinfranchised. In other words, people would campaigne in select counties California, the Northeast, Florida and maybey one or two other states and the rest of the country would be ignored.

                                I will also say that I think a true Democracy is a really bad idea. Just because the majority thinks something is right does not mean that it is. Just a few years ago, the majority of the US thought it was OK to descriminate against other people, especially in the south, if we were a true democracy, those people would still be descriminated against today instead of having the good progress that we have had towards eliminating this.

                                The majority is not always right, and the founding fathers knew this, just read the Federalist Papers and others of their writings if you don't believe me.

                                As for Bush being stupid, I am not sure that you can make that case. So far, I haven't seen anything really stupid that he has done. Just look at the Cabinet he appointed. I think Bush being stupid is just one of those things that people who disagree with him try to sell to everybody else, I do not think it is a statement of fact. I think it should be classified more as a statement of opinion.

                                Timothy Pintello
                                Last edited by Pintello; August 6, 2001, 11:18.

