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Lost tribes, etc

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  • Lost tribes, etc

    Well, got quite a surprise last night. First, I was engaged in a long, fun war with the French. What would normally have been an issue of sidestepping them and running over thier cities became a slugfest straight out of CIV. I actually had to resort to a siege (entrenching and recovering) while waiting for reinforcements to show.

    But the REAL surprise came when I looked back at my proud Persian empire to find that amongst the size 3-5 cities was now one at size 10! Mostly war slaves. Right now, Im having all that labor build the pyrimids (like, how appropriate, right? )

    Question - shouldn't there be SOME WAY to move the slaves from the recieving city to some other city? Maybe you could do a "Trail of Tears" thing and move for every two slaves you move, one makes it. That way, at least, you could spead all those war captives about your empire.

    Actually, I almost hesitate to add that its getting TOO easy to take slaves. One or two units is fine, but THAT MANY? Holy smokes, all those people in tormoil. And I play this thing to FORGET about work....

  • #2
    I have asked this question many times and everybody seems to think it can not be done. I only way you can currently do it is to more all your units out of the cities you don't want the slaves to go to, fight your battle, more units back in to cities, and end turn, but what a pain in the a**. I guess it's better than nothing.


    • #3

      Moving the armies out keeps slaves from being sent there? Is this true?


      • #4
        The game knows that it needs a military unit to control slaves, so if a city has insufficient military units to control another slave, the slave goes to the next closest city. If you arrange it carefully enough, you can control which city each slave goes too. With a road network, the military can get back into the city on the same turn, and prevent the slaves from revolting there.

        It takes a bit of effort, but it is the only way I'm afraid.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

