Thanks to Martin Gühmann I just made some headway towards a tile file viewer/editor. 
For now it is only a viwer, as I have not yet found out all I need to know about the .til-files inorder to make an editor. First there is a problem with respect to isometric overlapping. The CIVII way of doing it is by having transparent corners on rectangular tile-graphics, this way the 'lower' tile was allowed to overlap the two tile above it. In CTP however this is not the way. Apparently there are a number of overlap strips that I have not yet found.
You can get the TileViwer from my Civ:CTP page.
I'd appreciate anny and all comments.
Martin the Dane

For now it is only a viwer, as I have not yet found out all I need to know about the .til-files inorder to make an editor. First there is a problem with respect to isometric overlapping. The CIVII way of doing it is by having transparent corners on rectangular tile-graphics, this way the 'lower' tile was allowed to overlap the two tile above it. In CTP however this is not the way. Apparently there are a number of overlap strips that I have not yet found.
You can get the TileViwer from my Civ:CTP page.
I'd appreciate anny and all comments.

Martin the Dane