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idiot seeks help

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  • idiot seeks help

    I've been playing this game for a while now and I'm getting pretty bored of building a massive empire and crushing the Mexican's warriors with my tanks. I know there's a way to modify the game to do things you want. I can barely operate a microwave.

    If any one of you genius modifier's could help me out, all I really want to do is limit the technology to infantry, cannon, cavalry, ship of the line, ironclad, carack, and spy perhaps, sort of a civil war type deal.

    Also I'd like to disable the wonders. I think they are useless in a game. The first time they were fun to watch the little movies, but now they just prevent me from being equal to enemy civs: either they have all of them, or I do.

    I know there's probably a way to do this, so if anyone knows how and wanted to tell me I'd be really grateful .

  • #2
    To remove the ability to build a unit, add the following lines


    to each unit that you want removed - located in the units.txt file.

    I do not know if that trigger will work for wonders - but if not (and I think those triggers will not work) do this...

    Jack up the cost of the wonders to an obscene amount of production - in the wonders.txt file (to remove the temptation of building it yourself) and then go to


    and remove all the offending wonders from the lists contained within that file so the AI will not build them either.

    I have a Modders Guide at my site for download, which lays out a lot of the basics for Modwork through the text files - though a lot of the work is based on trial and error for whatever effect you want to accomplish.

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    A lot of stuff can be done through SLIC work, which I have no skill at though. There are others onsite (Immortal Wombat, Locutus, and Dale) who specialize in that.

    And while there, if you are looking for a challenge, download Cradle and give it a try on at least 'Very Hard' , 'Raging Hordes', 8 civs.
    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


    • #3
      Thanks alot. One more idiot question, which is completly unrelated: when ever loading a map from the editor in game I crash back to the desktop. Only on downloaded maps though. Perhaps it's just my computer, but I was wondering if anyone had any insight into the matter.


      • #4
        Check the size of each map when you download it. Most of OmniGod's maps are 210*210. This is not a default size, so you have to go into const.txt and change one of the map sizes (either gigantic, or the one you use least) to 210 210. This will let the game load it without error.
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          okay, so I have all of that going great. I can only build my cannons and cavalry and so forth, but the computer can still build machine gunners and artillery! I'll admit it adds a certain degree of difficulty, but it makes it really difficult to win a battle without 20 to 30 units. any help with this would be appreciated.


          • #6
            Are you sure the AI was building them, or did it find them in goody huts (ruins). How many did it have?
            Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
            "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


            • #7
              exactly what i thought at first. so i went through the entire map and erased all of the ruins ( i hate those anyway ). the ai is building more than just one's they've found though. they have 12 artillery units fortified in their cities, machine gunners coming and filling my entire 3rd corps full of lead. this is vexing i realize, but then again that's nothing new for me!


              • #8
                Do you want the techs restricted, or the allowable units restricted.

                For now, I will assume you want to be able to get more advanced buildings and techs, so this is how to disable just the units.

                Open scenario.slc, and add to it :
                void_f     Setupunits (){
                int_t	POW_TYPE[];
                int_t         ForbiddenUnitNumber;
                                ForbiddenUnit[0] = UnitDB(UNIT_ARTILLERY);
                                ForbiddenUnit[1] = UnitDB(UNIT_MACHINE_GUNNER);
                                ForbiddenUnit[2] = UnitDB(UNIT_FASCIST);
                                ForbiddenUnit[3] = UnitDB(UNIT_WAR_WALKER);                
                                ForbiddenUnit[4] = UnitDB(UNIT_TANK);
                                ForbiddenUnit[5] = UnitDB(UNIT_FUSION_TANK);
                                ForbiddenUnit[6] = UnitDB(UNIT_ECO_WARRIOR);
                                ForbiddenUnit[7] = UnitDB(UNIT_HOVER_INFANTRY);
                                ForbiddenUnitNumber = 8; 
                int_f mod_CanCityBuildUnit(city_t theCity, int_t theUnit)
                city_t	tmpCity;
                unit_t       tmpUnit;
                            tmpCity = theCity;
                            tmpUnit = theUnit;
                            for(i = 0; i < ForbiddenUnitNumber; i = i + 1){
                                     if(tmpUnit == ForbiddenUnit[i]){
                                                return 0;
                                                return 1;
                Note, this is untried, untested, and incomplete!

                You will need to fill in all the ForbiddenUnits, following the pattern, until all the forbidden units are listed, then count how many you have, and in the line
                ForbiddenUnitNumber = 8;
                change 8 to the number of forbidden units.

                This should stop everyone from building the listed units... Be aware there are probably simpler ways of doing this, but I don't know how.
                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

