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SLIC error when loading Fenzy AI Mod

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  • SLIC error when loading Fenzy AI Mod


    This is regarding RunTime Error in AI Frenzy Mod from BlueOrange. After download the mod, unzip it to scenarios folder, and open a new game with selecting scenario named Frenzy AI, then I got error like this:

    C:\ctp2\scenarios\FrenzyAI\scen0000\default\gameda ta\scenario.slc:237: No function named ArmyIsValid

    then the game just freezes itself.

    Please help.

    Attached Files

  • #2
    "ArmyIsValid" is a function that requires CTP2 patch 1.11 to be installed.


    • #3
      Thanks Dale, for the prompt and helpful information!


      • #4
        Hi all! I hope someone out there can help.

        I recently got CTP2... and I love it... but I seem unable to run any of the mods I've found here. First I tried Frenzy:

        I unzip to my scenarios folder, start CTP2, select the scenario... everything’s good so far... but when I actually start the scenario I also get the following error:

        C:\ctp2\scenarios\FrenzyAI\scen0000\default\gameda ta\scenario.slc:237: No function named ArmyIsValid

        I curse a bit, then I try the "Alternate Science Mod" - I'm looking forward to zombies capturing my cities - but I get another "No function named ArmyIsValid" error.

        So I found this thread, downloaded and ran the patch, started CTP2, start the scenario - and get... the same error.

        So I uninstall, delete the game directory and do a fresh install, run the patch, move the scenarios over - and get... the same error.

        I try to run the patch again (*shrug*) and am told I don't need the patch because the game is already version 1.1 (is this correct?).

        PLEASE - if anyone can help - I'm stuck and would greatly appreciate any and all help! I'm especially looking forward to stacks of units sacking my cities (frenzy I hear it's called).

        Thanks - Grey

