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login: hexagonia
password: hextapul
THANKS VERY MUCH TO HEXAGONIAN for turning his mydocs account into an alternative CTP2 database
Please test it out, and give me any suggestions/complaints to:
I know it is not the finished product, but please try it, its a start
This is the readme:
This scenario is designed to be a challenging simulation of the colonisation of Mars in the early 21st century. Lots of aid is given from earth, so if you annoy earth, you are likely to lose out in terms of resources.
It includes: New units, new buildings, new techs (all related to terraforming), less wonders, SLIC events.
As this is the BETA version, there will be errors in the code, and I have done my best to sort them, however, I am aware that sometimes the unit build-list is missing some units, and sometimes the colonists fail to turn up at turn 48. If anyone can explain, or even solve these problems, I would be very grateful, and if the interferes too much with gameplay, I will try very hard to solve them.
The Scenario
Triggers via SLIC:
1) A colonist unit appears in your capital every two years (24 turns) to simulate emigrants from earth.
2) You are given 2500 PW and 200 gold every 6 turns. This simulates the bi-annual replenishment of suppies and gold from earth.
3) If you go to war with someone (with the exception of player 6, who was meant to be Iraq), then your supply of PW and gold is stopped, and diverted to the war effort on earth.
4) A militia astronaut appears in your capital when it is built.
5) Your research is cheaper than genetic-age advances are normally because of the additional funding from earth, which does most of the research for you.
6) You win when you control 3/4 of the worlds population.
To Win:
You must have 3/4 of the world's population under your control. It is unlikely that the present AI will be able to do that, but it should be quite a challenge for you as well.
For warmongers, it may be possible to win by conquest, but you will have to act quickly to conquer before you run out of resources. The alternative way to win is to make your cities much more successful than the opposition, ie. build lots of tile improvements, and do lots of terraforming. I would suggest that this is the better way to win, though not necessarily the easiest. In actual fact, supporting many conquered cities without PW will be very hard, and yet expanding to new cities sites without conquest will also be hard. The trick will be striking a balance.
login: hexagonia
password: hextapul
THANKS VERY MUCH TO HEXAGONIAN for turning his mydocs account into an alternative CTP2 database
Please test it out, and give me any suggestions/complaints to:
I know it is not the finished product, but please try it, its a start
This is the readme:
This scenario is designed to be a challenging simulation of the colonisation of Mars in the early 21st century. Lots of aid is given from earth, so if you annoy earth, you are likely to lose out in terms of resources.
It includes: New units, new buildings, new techs (all related to terraforming), less wonders, SLIC events.
As this is the BETA version, there will be errors in the code, and I have done my best to sort them, however, I am aware that sometimes the unit build-list is missing some units, and sometimes the colonists fail to turn up at turn 48. If anyone can explain, or even solve these problems, I would be very grateful, and if the interferes too much with gameplay, I will try very hard to solve them.
The Scenario
Triggers via SLIC:
1) A colonist unit appears in your capital every two years (24 turns) to simulate emigrants from earth.
2) You are given 2500 PW and 200 gold every 6 turns. This simulates the bi-annual replenishment of suppies and gold from earth.
3) If you go to war with someone (with the exception of player 6, who was meant to be Iraq), then your supply of PW and gold is stopped, and diverted to the war effort on earth.
4) A militia astronaut appears in your capital when it is built.
5) Your research is cheaper than genetic-age advances are normally because of the additional funding from earth, which does most of the research for you.
6) You win when you control 3/4 of the worlds population.
To Win:
You must have 3/4 of the world's population under your control. It is unlikely that the present AI will be able to do that, but it should be quite a challenge for you as well.
For warmongers, it may be possible to win by conquest, but you will have to act quickly to conquer before you run out of resources. The alternative way to win is to make your cities much more successful than the opposition, ie. build lots of tile improvements, and do lots of terraforming. I would suggest that this is the better way to win, though not necessarily the easiest. In actual fact, supporting many conquered cities without PW will be very hard, and yet expanding to new cities sites without conquest will also be hard. The trick will be striking a balance.