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my small contribution to CTP2 - fixmod

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  • my small contribution to CTP2 - fixmod

    FixMod v1.05

    also available for ModSwapper

    List of fixes:

    - The AI rarely cleaned up pollution even if it was ecotopian, bug fixed.

    - Sea city sprites bug partial fix, diamond age disabled (it was too ugly anyway). this will be updated soon.

    - Mayors (and the AI) don't use entertainers to cure unhappiness, fixed like
    described in by Richard.

    - Increased the number of special units the AI will build like suggested in

    - Increased the AI time slice mostly like suggested by MarkG in

    - No warning when someone begins building Aristotles Lyceum, fixed as described
    in by Locutus. re fixed
    (i made an error the first time).

    - Tank can enter cargo helicopter bug fixed as described in by Rebel Rick.

    - Fixed some city names for the Vikings, specially Stavanger that appeared

    - Hotseat and PBEM buttons enabled, warning: no human-human diplomacy support. by Mr Ogre.

    - Leviathan enabled by unified physics bug fixed, now enabled by plasma weaponry
    as stated in Great Library.

    - Wonder that gives building in all cities doesn't remove building from build
    list, bug fixed, in addition all building of that kind are sold.

    - Tile improvements fixed, in scenario editor the terrain types were all
    shown as farms and when water tile improvement build the wrong construction
    tile was shown. by Martin Gühmann.

    - Hospital didn't add to max city size, bug fixed.

    - Granary and Food silo only protected from starvation for 2 and 5 turns, bug
    fixed, now protects for 5 and 10 turns as stated in Great Library.

    - Sea cities could build buildings from before the modern age, bug fixed.

    it can be found here

    klaus kaan

    [This message has been edited by kaan (edited April 09, 2001).]

  • #2
    Hi Kaan,

    I want to download this mod but the link doesn't work for me.
    I wonder how you fixed the sea style bug. I tried it also, it works fine for me til the diamond age. In the diamond age the sea cities start using the land sprites again.
    I noticed that there are buttons in the cheat editor which allows you to put cities of three different city styles on the map. But the icons of these buttons are missing. Although I added two city styles there were only three buttons. I know how to add buttons for units terrains and tile improvements, but not for city styles.

    Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


    • #3
      hi folks

      [This message has been edited by kaan (edited April 04, 2001).]


      • #4
        strange, i just tested the download again and it works fine for me ???
        what browser are you using?

        anyway just send a mail to and ill mail it to you.

        the sea city fix involves that i changed all tech age 5 to 4, and then you never go into the diamand age ;-) just the same but without the ugly city graphics of the diamand age and the sea sprites still work :-)

        klaus kaan


        • #5
          Now I tried both links with Netscape 4.5, Netscape6 and ME5, but the link doesn't work on one of these browsers. But it is odd, because I tried the second link eight hours ago and it works!?

          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


          • #6
            hmmm, thats very odd.
            the homepage is on my own server and it has been very reliable until now.
            well since it was me who set it up i could have made an error ;-)
            try and if that doesnt work ill get myself one of em free homepages with all sorts of annoying banners ;-)
            for now i will email the file to anyone who send me a mail asking for it.

            btw im currently having my first experience programming slic, the goal is to remove that silly bug with internet wonder and computer centers still being build, when done it should work for all that type of wonders.
            here is what it does for now:

            HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'WonderLookup' post {
            int_t i;
            int_t inetplayer;
            city_t tmpCity;

            inetPlayer = WonderOwner(WonderDB(WONDER_INTERNET));

            if(inetPlayer != -1) {
            //remove computer center from inetPlayer buildlists
            for( i = 0 ; i < PlayerCityCount(inetPlayer); i = i + 1 ){
            GetCityByIndex(inetPlayer, i, tmpCity);
            KillBuildingFromBuildList(tmpCity, BuildingDB(IMPROVE_COMPUTER_CENTER));

            as you can see it identifies the player that owns the wonder (if any) each turn and then procedes to remove all computer centers from the build lists of all cities the player own. it works for human players and AI alike.
            i could really use a couple of tips on how to prevent computer center from appearing on the build lists at all.
            but as it is now it should still prove usefull, i hate going trough all my build lists and manually removing buildings when i build such a wonder.

            klaus kaan
            [This message has been edited by kaan (edited March 28, 2001).]


            • #7
              kaan, please send your file to omnigod to post it in the ctp2 db


              • #8
                good idea, ill do that.

                about the forest only giving 5 production, i think it sounds wierd too but it is a question of game balance the way it has been made. ill give it some thought.


                • #9
                  I can't reach either site (using IE5 btw)

                  Sounds good though, all those small things no-one can be bothered to do individually.

                  How about making the production for forests up to 15 or 20 as well, cos 5 production - that is annoying.
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10
                    the file is now available for download in the files section on apolyton -> ctp2

                    if anyone has any other ideas for fixes that should be made, or just fixes that i havent seen in the forums then please tell me :-)


                    • #11
                      i was wondering about why i never saw the AI clean up black spots until i found this section in strategies.txt

                      // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS

                      // percent of production to put into public works/materials
                      PublicWorksPercent 30

                      // rounds to wait before fixing roads
                      TimeToFixRoads 10

                      // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles
                      TimeToFixPollution 20

                      // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold
                      FixPollutionThreshold 2000

                      this was under the "default" section so i looked further and found sections for other personality types, these were:

                      the Barbarian look to be ok with a setting of
                      PublicWorksPercent 0
                      but all the others were just like the default !!!
                      this smells of unfinished work from activision, i mean the militarist spots a black tile in his area, leaves it for 20 turn and then waits until he just happens to have 2000 PW + cost to fix before doing something about it, that could be ok, but for the ecotopian to do the same is pure insanity.
                      most people in these forums recognise that bad AI programming in CTP2 is a bug, this is an example of just that.


                      • #12
                        I noticed that the genetic and diamond citywalls Of CTP1 are not used in the game, although the graphics are in the gtsetXXX.til.

                        Another bug this the not using of graphics for unfinished tileimprovements.
                        CTP1 used for tileimprovements under construction different graphics these graphics are still in the game but not used. Some pieces of information can be found in but we aren't at the end of this topic.

                        And there is an third fix idea I posted already in this threat: The buttons in ceat editor for citystyles doesn't have an icon and I don't know how to add a botton.


                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • #13
                          Please excuse me for my ignorance...but I don't like the idea that the AI would almost never clean up pollute tiles. That's suicide.


                          • #14
                            Thats why i fixed it David ;-)

                            Martin, that sounds very interesting, ill look into it and se what i can do.


                            • #15
                              Double-whammy--I got the whole wrong idea and I also misspelled "polluted" in my last post...very sorry Kaan...but you should maybe reword "the AI hardly ever cleans up pollution" to..."the AI will now clean up pollution" or something like that, so us simple folks don't get confused. ;-)
                              [This message has been edited by David Murray (edited March 27, 2001).]

