quote:![]() Originally posted by WesW on 02-06-2001 04:20 PM Here are a couple of questions that Harlan and Locutus have asked before, and that I would like for us to work on. > > The responses to your questions brought a couple of questions into my mind. > > First, what is the scale of trust and attitude towards other civs, and second, how can one check to see exactly where the other civs are on these scales? But at any given time, there are concrete numbers for each civ, not just general tendencies. For instance, Civ2 might have a trust of 153 and attitude of 203 on turn 5. So my questions are what are the ceilings and benchmarks for those numbers? For instance, maybe you can have a max of 1000 attitude, and anything over 800 means the AI wants to have peace with you. But who can say with the info we've got? We're just groping around in the dark. And my second question is how to know exactly where each civ stands at any given time on all of these. Instead of getting a vague notion that a civ is "wary" of you, as a scenario maker I'd want to know what the concrete number was. In the pre-release, there was a debug version of the game that had extra tools allowing one to find out stuff like this, but now they're gone. Wouter ![]() |
Both attitude and trust are on a scale from 0 to 1000.
The break down is as follows:
0 - 100, hot war (Goals with TargetOwner: HotEnemy)
101-300, cold war (Goals with TargetOwner: ColdEnemy)
301-700, neutral (Goals with TargetOwner: Neutral)
701-900, friend
900-1000, allied
The first three also say which goals will be pursued against foreign nations that you have a particular attitude toward. For example, you'll only do HotEnemy goals against foreigners you have a regard of 100 or less with. Going to war will also induce an automatic hotwar regard.
Trust is on the same scale. An AI will not sign certain treaties or agreements unless trust or regard is above a certain point. That can be redefined using your own diplomatic response logic.
A scenario writer can use the slic functions to get teh absolute number using:
GetEffectiveRegard (adjusted for being at war)
quote:![]() Originally posted by WesW on 02-06-2001 04:20 PM Here's a pipedream: maybe he could send us the final debug version of the game, if he still has it? Wouter ![]() |
Of course I have this code on our servers at work, but sending it to you would certainly violate all sorts of non-disclosure documents I signed. Infact, I have no doubt that armed marshals would be at my door in no time to serve me papers it this got out.
Personally though, I think it would be good for CTP as a brand and Activision as a company to make this code available in some way. Perhaps you could start a grass roots effort to open source game code after some number of years of release. The folks at Loki arranged a "hack-a-thon" at LinuxWorld (?) for CTP1 inwhich a group of people off the street could sit in a specially network-isolated room to look and modify the code. Maybe somone can talk Activision into doing that again. I wouldn't hold my breath, but who knows.
quote:![]() Originally posted by WesW on 02-06-2001 04:20 PM Do you have any idea of what the effect would be if I used SLIC to clear every stacks orders every turn? As I see it, this would force the AI to re-analyze the situation every turn and give all its units new orders every turn and thus all AI actions would be based on the latest information. I realize this will probably make the AI slower but if the AI also becomes smarter then this might be worth it. Would the AI actually become smarter? Wouter ![]() |
This might make the AI smarter in some situations, but would certainly make it slower. You might see some oscilation behavior too, so I'd at most clear the orders every few turns, maybe every 3 or 5; not every turn. Maybe clear every third stack every third turn to spread out the time hit. It's a very good question though and selectively clearing the orders for AI units under situations other than running into an enemy would be a very good idea. Adding more logic to this part of the AI was always part of the plan, but not fully implemented due to time contraints.
-- Richard