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changing effects of wonders

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  • changing effects of wonders

    I am currently trying to change many of the ctp2 buildins and wonders to there civ 2 counterpart. I have changed most of the buildings to 50% and such and they seem to work fine, but my problem is with the granary. I changed my pyramids to create a granary in every city, but i cant change what it says in the build screen. ( that little box that changes to whatever you have selected in the build screen. It still says gold bonus and i cant find where to change this at. Any help would be apreciated.

  • #2
    Open ctp2data/english/gamedata/Great_Library.txt, and do a search for WONDER_PYRAMIDS, then you will find all the lines that need changing.
    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


    • #3
      Take a look into the Great_Library.txt. There you will find these lines:

      Gold increase for Empire
      You should change these lines to:

      One free granary in each city
      Now that should work, by the way it says only "Give gold increase For Empire" that's not much information here is the part of my latest Great_Library.txt of course it is a german GL:

      Nationsweiten Goldbonus von {WonderDB(Wonder[0]).BonusGold} Gold
      Now it says how much gold bonus it gives and it reffers directly to the wonder.txt. That means if you change the value for BonusGold there you will see it in the Great Library and in the build screen.


      PS: You have to put in front of every "ATABASE_" the letters "< L : D" I wasn't able to make it displayed correctly here. And forget the spaces between them.

      [This message has been edited by Martin Gühmann (edited April 16, 2001).]
      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #4
        Thanks for the help

