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Diplomacy mod

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  • #16
    I'm weeks ahead of ya mate. In one of the earlier versions of diplomacy I added in a line to test government types and make them have higher regards:

    if(player[1] != 0 && !(IsHumanPlayer(player[1])) && player[0] != player[1] && player[0].govttype == player[1].govttype) {
    I have no idea what the UW unit is. What's it's full name? As for ya transport problem, I've never even looked at units.txt so dunno. These transports wouldn't happen to be carrying military units would they? (which get expelled)

    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


    • #17
      Glad to see you're on the job! If ya can get RICH govs to give money and advances to POOR govs of like-minded type...then things could get interesting. UW stands for unconventional warfare...not as cool as it sounds. In CTP(1 and 2), UW is lawyers and corporations, clerics, infectors, spies and cyberninjas etc. Most of them have the Civilian tag as well. Basically, I'd like it if civilian units and stealth units were exempt from the withdraw.slc but I can imagine that that would be difficult to pull off.

      No...the transport was empty. I need to go re-read your post on that subject.


      • #18
        Hey Dale, did you know that a military pact negates the withdraw.slc?? Pretty cool if you ask me. Faced with a huge naval assault by the Japanese, I cajolled and bullied the Irish, English and Native Americans into military pacts to join me against the Japanese. Next thing I know, they're all steaming thru my waters. Cool. I checked the intel screen and they all still had "no trespass" treaties with me but withdraw.slc did not expel them. So...perhaps "military pact" is similiar to the C:CTP "alliance" in that respect. Just to let you know... Funny thing is, the Irish and English are at war and they are now battling in my waters.


        • #19
          Here's an update of where we stand. I'm currently testing my updates and will hopefully send out a beta on monday. I've thought of/found a few more things to fix so here's a list of them for ya eye over:

          - Enabled science swapping embassy requirement
          - Fixed break agreements with self
          - Increased slow map swaps to 500 turns
          - Check/keep veteran status of expelled units
          - Fixed text ID's of ConsiderNewProposal statements (synthetic fix)
          - Disabled science pacts to avoid the Activision bug
          - Decreased regard cheat for AI's of different governments
          - Increased chance of accepting peace treaties for same governments
          - Stopped expelling of cargo ships and air units to simulate the difficulties in patrolling and monitoring these mediums (EG. Coastguard inefficiencies, Iraq's no-fly zone, tracking down pirates, refugee boats)

          If you disagree with any of these design changes I've made to the game, stiff ****. Valid suggestions will be considered though.

          Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


          • #20
            Dale, I am debugging the Med mod beta now, so please hurry up and get the 3.3 version to me as soon as possible!

            Also, could you combine the slc code and messages into one file? I did this when I put the earlier version of the Diplomod into the MedPack II to try and keep things simple.


            • #21
              I'm just testing that withdraw isn't going to expel sea/air units at the moment. I wanna make sure that it'll work correctly this time. Also, I've combined diplomod.slc, withdraw.slc and diplomod_msg.slc into the one file, diplomod.slc. Is this what you're talking about?

              BTW, if you have included different air units in the med mod (which I'm sure is true) then I'll have to explain how to change the withdraw component so it doesn't expel them. Or, if you email me the air unit handler names I'll put them in myself. EG: UNIT_AIR_UNIT

              BTW2, in Med Mod do you use Bureaucracy to enable diplomats? If not, what's the advance handler you use? I'll need to change that for the embassy creation section.

              Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


              • #22
                SPRITE_STEALTH_FIGHTER 32
                SPRITE_STEALTH_BOMBER 51
                SPRITE_INTERCEPTOR 46
                SPRITE_JET_BOMBER 47 # CTP2 BOMBER
                SPRITE_BOMBER 102 # battle
                SPRITE_BRITISH_FIGHTER 108 # spitfire
                SPRITE_DIVE_BOMBER 109 # stuka
                SPRITE_SPY_PLANE 57
                SPRITE_SPACE_PLANE 55

                I think that is all the air units in the mod.
                And yes, putting everything in one file is what I referred to.
                There is another unit in the game which can establish embassies: the Noble. It is available very early in the game with the advance Aristocracy.


                • #23
                  Thanks Wes. I'll get a Med Mod version to you on monday. I'd have it to you earlier, but I don't have the net at home.

                  I'll have the AI start trying to make embassies on discovery of aristocracy.

                  Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                  • #24
                    New version sent to Omni this morning. Look for V3.3 If you currently run V3.2 then see readme for upgrading instructions.


                    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ensure you have the CTP2 patch installed before installing the Diplomacy mod. This will cut down on 3/4's of the "bug reports" emailed to me.

                    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."
                    [This message has been edited by Dale (edited March 04, 2001).]


                    • #25
                      It's up for all you lucky people Version 3.3 Withdraw 1.2 (do not install if you are already using diplomod)


                      • #26
                        Hi Dale,

                        Just found another bug in the Diplomacy Area. I'm using your
                        Diplomod 3.2b. If the Ai asks for an advance and I counter
                        with give me lots of $Gold(9000) for it, I think my treasury
                        only increases by a little ... about 1000. Is there an easy
                        fix? By the way the AI accepts all the time.

                        Spelelunk forever,



                        • #27
                          This money bug has been addressed and assumed to be part of the hardcoding that even Dale can't penetrate The easy answer is never ask for money, cuz you ain't gett'in sh!te. Sorry, that's the easy and full answer to the best of my knowledge.


                          • #28
                            I get dumped back to the desktop, something about an error about the number of proposals considered by the AI...*sigh* Looks like it's time for a reinstall for me. But I didn't do anything wrong, and 3.2 worked fine!


                            • #29
                              What Omni said. Also, that bug is addressed in the readme. Did you read it?

                              That's a new one. I never had any probs and I played with the mod heavily since I finished it friday night. Anyone else with this prob?

                              Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                              • #30

                                The error message that David is referring to states that ConsiderNewProposal has the wrong number of arguments. This version doesn't have all of those "ID_AIS_LOVE_AIS" all over the place.

                                I hope that helps, because I'm really looking forward to using this version of your mod. Right now it crashes to the desktop as soon as I hit the "next turn" button.

                                Oh, and thanks for all the work you've put into this mod. You've turned a $50 (US) coaster into a playable game.


