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Cradle 1.03 posted!!

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  • Cradle 1.03 posted!!

    login is hexagonia
    password is hextapul


    To all,

    This is a continuation of the Cradle Mod version 1.02. Delete version 1.01 from your drive.

    Simply unzip the text files into the
    Call To Power 2\Scenarios\ folder.

    Depending on how this is packaged onsite at Apolyton, The Court or my own site, you may be getting separate zip files for pictures and sprites.

    After unzipping the .txt files, unzip pictures into the following directory
    Call To Power 2\Scenarios\Cradle of Civilization\scen0000\default\graphics\pictures

    and the sprites into the following directory
    Call To Power 2\Scenarios\Cradle of Civilization\scen0000\default\graphics\sprites

    If you had downloaded the pictures/sprites for 1.02, you NEED to re-download the 1.03 pictures/sprites zipped files to make sure that you have all of them, and overwrite the existing files on your system. There were extensive additions and alteration to these files, so to eliminate any confusion, I rezippped everything into the current zipped files.

    I had recently posted that the sprites/graphics were available in the 1.03 folder at Somehow, I had missed zipping three sprites. If you had downloaded the sprites before Friday, March 9, you will also need If you have not downloaded the files yet, you only need

    Hereafter, any additions will be handled as separate zip files to cut down on downloading. I do not anticipate adding too much in the way of new
    units/advances/wonders/improvements. Most additional changes will be to the .txt files and will be tweaks to the various settings.

    An updated tech tree/unit spec pdf will be posted on Monday, March 12.

    To load a previously saved game, you will need to first create a new Cradle 1.03 game, then you can load your previously saved game. BTW, this is how CTP2 works with all Mods...

    The best games seem to be with the following settings, although you are free to do what you want.

    - Land/Continent based - using larger maps.
    - 8+ civs - especially with higher Barb settings.

    1. The Agora Bug has been fixed. CTP2 limits the number of city improvements to 64. Version 1.02 exceeded that number, so the improvements at the bottom of the
    Buildings.txt list would show up in the queues and the Great Library, but could not be constructed. I moved some of the very late game improvements to the bottom of the list. For your own personal purposes, all you need to do is rearrange the city improvements to include the ones you may want to use.

    2. The Medieval Tech tree has been filled out with more detail.
    In addition, the following has been added.

    PEZHETEROI (Republic gov. special unit)
    DROMON (Medieval Greek Fire ship)
    TEUTONIC KNIGHT (Theocracy gov. special unit)
    JANISSARY (Caliphate gov. special unit)
    MERCHANT TRADER (Replaces Caravan when the advance 'Trade Guilds' has been

    CASTLE (adds defense and reduces crime)
    MOSQUE (adds happiness)
    TRADE GUILD (adds gold and production)

    TEMPLE OF ZEUS (adds happiness)
    SILK ROAD (adds embassies)
    SHAKESPEARE THEATRE (adds happiness)
    NEWTON'S THEORIES (adds science)

    3. Units have been renamed to reflect historical accuracy. Many thanks to those who provided that info on the forums.
    - HYPASPISTS replace Phalanx
    - PRAETORIANS replace Palantini
    - TRIREME replace Fire Trireme
    - HEPTIREME replaces War Galley

    4. I have dropped the cost of all units by 33% from ver 1.02. It was mentioned to me that this helps the AI. I have included a units.txt file with the old cost structure. It is in the gamedata folder in a folder entitled 'Expensive units'. Simply switch the files if you want to use the more expensive setup.

    5. Because of the different format of combat from CTP1 (noted by Wes), I had to also rework the specs slightly. I increased some of the attack numbers for the offensive units. This may have to be further adjusted though.

    5. The Great Library has been extensively worked over to reflect the elements of the Mod. Everything has been placed in alphabetical order for ease of use. Use it for references as to what each gameplay element does. Notify me if you see any inconsistencies.

    6. There is also a const.txt file that will extend gameplay to 2200AD. Switch the files out if you want to play for a longer time.

    7. A warning - I removed the unit healing rate out in the field, and the city healing rate is at 0.1. All Goody huts benefits on the lowest setting (Ruins only) have been removed, with the exception of a 30% chance of gold. You will have to earn your way now. (you can go into Risks.txt to make adjustments if you prefer the old setup).

    8. The default slider setup allowed you to make happiness adjustments in (+1) or (-1) increments. I have changed the increments to (+2) or (-3) depending on the direction you adjust your sliders.

    Here is the list of all city improvements through the Renaissance.
    Afterwards, improvements are the standard CTP2 ones.









    At this point, the game seems to be stable, but there may be imbalances in gameplay that need to be adjusted. So this continues to be an Alpha version of this Mod - as this is very much a work in process - feel free to make any suggestions to me regarding play imbalances, unit/city improvement/wonder additions and so forth. In fact, I would like to have feedback and suggestions. If you are able, implement the changes yourself and email me with your results.

    This is, however, a very eurocentric based mod, and I want to keep it that way, mainly because my interest lies in that direction, and Wes and Co. are doing a fantastic job in covering the entire span of human history in the MedMod. Eventually, I would like to build some historical scenarios off of this Mod, but I have to make sure the game structure I have built will be balanced and playable. I do not mind if someone alters this for their own preferences either - this Mod has always been intended to be a base from which to work.

    If you do build a Scenario off of this mod, I would ask that you notify me, as I would like to play it - (and give me credit in your readme file please.)

    The use of external modifications in conjuction with my mod is at your own risk.

    Dale has tested this mod with the Diplomod and has reported that there have been no conflicts between the two. See his readme for installation instructions. His Mod will need to replace the default gamefiles, as opposed to playing though his scenario setup. I also have not had any conflict with the Frenzy Mod, but I have not tested it extensively either.

    If you experience any game crashes, please note the message when it crashes, what you were building or doing, and so forth. I am no expert on tracking them down, but I will do my best to make some suggestions and try to find the problem.

    Also take note of the following trends in the game as they occur, and tell me how this plays out in your game.

    Timeline - is it following the trends of history?
    Pollution - are tiles becoming polluted, and when?
    Happiness - I really want maintaining Happiness to be an issue for a player.
    Combat - If you find yourself building a unit to the exclusion of all comparable units, then adjustments need to be made.

    All of the changes are to the text files, so slic has not been involved. I wouldn't mind seeing if some additional slic could be written by others, but I have no ability to write slic. If anyone is able, they are free to do so, and I would welcome it. Additionally, any suggestions on the priorities/goals settings is welcome.

    1. The Ancient age has been stretched out to about to about the Mid-late Modern Age turnwise, and the Modern Age advances are priced quite high. The focus of this Mod has always been on the Ancient/Medieval Age. Generally, I do not play the game too much after Mid-Modern anyhow (at least that was the case with CTP1). The timeline starts at 7000BC and runs through 1800AD, but you can extend/reduce the timeline in the const.txt file. Look for the following lines and make your alt.

    2. There are about 57 new Ancient/Medieval techs, the bulk of which falls in the Ancient Age.

    3. There are 6 additional governments, and 10 new wonders.

    4. There are 27 new units, and the differences in strength as you advance is gradual. This is an attempt to make overall combat more difficult. You will need to gain a sizable tech lead to get a sizable advantage in combat strength factors. (at least this is the hope) I would like to hear from players if this works though.

    5. There are 14 new city improvements.

    6. I have also implemented the following tweaks.

    * Units with Bombard Capabilities have the Counterbombard ability.
    * Wage Slider fix.
    * Healing Rate for units has been greatly slowed down.
    * AI Goody Hut Priority.
    * AI Production Boost on the more difficult levels.
    * AI Power Bonus and Siege Priority Boost - this is supposed to make the AI more aggressive and more willing to attack cities.
    * Happiness issues have been modified with the following...
    - Base happiness is now at 75 instead of 73/Revolution is at 68.
    - Pollution has been modified to affect happiness earlier in the game.
    * City pop. growth has been slowed - the first cap is at 12 instead of 18.
    - Initial food growth items have been pushed back further into the game (Farms, Nets, Granaries).
    - Aqueducts are now a food enhancement improvement (per Granary)
    - The City Efficiency Improvements are now the Apothecary, Physician, and Bath House. a few others that I can't recall at the moment.

    Special thanks to those who have made graphics and sprites available onsite at Apolyton. I proably wouldn't have done this in the first place, if these files were not available.
    - Harlan Thompson - graphics
    - Jerome Lux - sprites
    - Tom Davies - sprites

    And thanks to everyone who have make suggestions to fix CTP2 gaming issues on the Apolyton forums. Your work is what makes the game a whole lot more enjoyable to play and mod. Special thanks to WesW for his pollution/happiness modifier and the post from the discussion he had with Rich in the CTP2 AI Forum. I'm still trying to get a handle on the priorities and goals settings though...

    From what I can see from his tech tree, MedMod looks good - good luck on getting everything working.

    aka hexagonian

    Post suggestions on this thread.

    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

  • #2
    the mod loaded fine. I started a game as the Greeks on a huge map with 8 players at medium. I had lotsa trouble. With every pop increase, the time to research an advance increases. I spent 200 years on my first advance. Also, the lack of tech early in the game means that there are no improvements 2 build, so I built a whole crapload of warriors, then went bankrupt because of support costs. You should make the equivelent of infastructure/capitalization early in the game at the least to avoid this problem. Also please fix the pop/research bug as soon as possible (I assume that wasn't your intention).
    AI- I'm well able to play on medium level, but your AI gave me a run for my money. I lost several key cities early on, and- to my astonishment- Discoveryed that the biiger AI's were whoppin the a__es of the smaller ones, capturing all their key cities.
    Units- seem okay, but I was surprised u chose the javelineer for the warrior. Also, the Psetroi has the rong icons. I assume u got the idea for the teutonic knight from Age of Kings- i dont see the CTP1 knight as being very accurate as in that game they're lumbering behemoths. This might make a beeter Cataphract.
    These are the only problems I experienced up till 3900 BC, besides looking in cheat mode 4 the others.
    "It is ridiculous claiming that video games influence children. For instance, if Pac-Man affected kids born in the 80's we should by now have a bunch of teenagers who run around in darkened rooms and eat pills while listening to monotonous electronic music."


    • #3
      Generally, your mob is very well done. I just love the AGE OF EMPIRE feel . At least ActionVison did not give me this kind of feeling. Since ActionVison will not put realism in the game, it is best for player like us to take action in our own hand.


      • #4

        I had looked at your tech tree. Very nice. I also got an email from someone who had a great deal of good things to say about your modwork too. So if you are willing to dive in and work on this, it would be appreciated. I am hoping at this point in time to have some people who are willing to get into the guts of the files as they stand now and be willing to experiment. At least for me, the foundation has been set, so the tweaking begins - and I have spent so much time now getting the data entered, that I have not played too much. I usually do not have too much time to play during the week, and my playtime on the weekends is tied into how busy I am with the family.

        When loading a saved game, you need to launch a new game through the scenario setup, and then load your game. CTP1 had a hack patch which bypassed this loading flaw, unfortunately, CTP2 does not. It's a hassle...

        The messages may be because of the loading problem. The missing sprite is part of the zipped file, but if you want to double check to see if you have everything, go to the folder:
        Call To Power 2\Scenarios\cradle of civilization 1.03\scen0000\default\graphics\sprites
        and see if that sprite GU124.spr is there - it is the sprite for the warrior. (I did not follow the numbering sprite system that was set up for the warrior, as I wanted to use the javelieer unit, and everytime I used the number assigned for it, I would have a crash - something about problems with new sprites numbered below 100...)

        The following are suggestions for you to try some experimenting... This will be a great help to help make this mod even better - if you are comfortable with delving into the files. When I did my changes, I intentionlly made changes against my own tendencies and playing style.

        RE: Barbarians
        You are using the higher setting for barbs. I have set it up that the Boring Hordes (second lowest) setting for my mod is actually the Raging Hordes setting in the default game, and the higher settings are even nastier. I really want to have the Barbs be a nuisance, but they are still wrecking havoc with the other civs too. There are a coulpe of things you can do

        Go to Risks.txt - here is a typical entry
        GOLD_HUT_CHANCE 0.35
        MAX_HUT_GOLD 500
        UNIT_HUT_CHANCE 0.20
        CITY_HUT_CHANCE 0.02
        MIN_HUT_GOLD 250
        BARBARIAN_CHANCE 0.20 #Chance of barbarians appearing at random

        and change either the beginning turn to something later, or change the percent chances of them appearing.

        I might try to get the militia slic coding from Lotucus, as this may be the most viable solution to help the early civs defend against Barbs. (this was something that I really did not want to do though) I had upped the priority for garrison units in all of the AI build queues, and had also toned down the tendencies of the Barbs to go all out in unit production once they do grab a city. But if the AI civs are acting more aggressive, it may make for a better game to play with the barbs on the lowest settings.

        RE: Science
        The science rate is somewhat intentional, but are you sure you meant 1640BC...???

        As your pop grow, you will be dishing out more in wages, which will slow science. This is also a roundabout way to slow down the ICS strategy. I do not know if this was your strategy Chris, but it is my intent to force players to manage growth instead of having a free reign.

        To give you an example, I used to play CTP1 PBEM. I used Celestial Dawn's setup for a game - one of it's strengths was a reduction in the gold of the game. One player used the ICS strategy. His civ crashed and burned because of it - too many workers, not enough gold...

        Anyhow this past Saturday before posting the mod, I added an additional happiness adjustment based on the slider system, where if you work your people harder or 'rob' them of their wages, or starve them, your unhappiness penalty is greater than if you work them less, pay them more, or stuff their stomachs. The ratio is 3 to 2. This was to make it a bit tougher to max out your sliders. (actually a lot tougher, because it is done in combo with bumping the riot levels up to 75 - evil snicker...) You will have to make some decisions regarding what you want to emphasize.

        To change it for your own preferences go to govern.txt and locate the following lines for each of the governments

        PositiveRationsCoef 2
        NegativeRationsCoef 3
        PositiveWorkdayCoef 2
        NegativeWorkdayCoef 3
        PositiveWagesCoef 2
        NegativeWagesCoef 3

        and change all the numbers to 1. This was what it was in 1.02. Or you can change all the numbers to 2. This will penalize you (-2) for each click on the sliders. A little less flexability on the sliders than a (-1), especially once happiness becomes more of a factor later in the game.

        Yes, the AI does start with a sizable advantages on the hardest levels. 'Very Hard' is the default 'Impossible' and then some, to give you an indication of what I did. But this is to make it harder on the human player, who generally is more aggressive than the AI. Again, my playing style was changed by playing PBEM - The main problem is that in a PBEM, there was a check and balance system of humans ganging up against the strongest player, and I do not know how that can be replicated in any game. The Frenzy Mod works in that direction, and by giving the AI a large start helps somewhat. I use the analogy of a pin popping a balloon. Concentrate your strength at one point and then thrust hard - the balloon then pops. My goal is to keep the AI ahead for as long as possible.

        RE Units
        The Teutonic Knights were actually added, due to a book I read by Henryk Sienkiewicz (not a great book either) and I then saw something about them on some history channel special a while back. They were a very religious group, so incorporating them as a special unit for Theocracy was a natural.

        The Javalineer was a preference issue. I liked that unit better than the other African/CTP1 Warrior sprite, and I had use for the CTP2 Warrior sprite.

        The Pezheteroi sprite is a pickup from the Alex scenario, and the pics match up numberwise with the sprite. (88) for both.

        You can go into the uniticon.txt file and switch the UPUP numbers around there for the Cataphract. You will also need to switch the sprite numbers in the newsprite.txt file.
        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


        • #5
          A report from the front lines:

          1) Playing Greeks, Impossible/Marauders, Gigantic Map, Earth World (a little warmer, wetter, and more ocean than the default).

          2) When I loaded the most recent save (1670 BC), this message appeared:

          "GU124.spr" not found in asset tree

          Clicking "OK" brings up another error message and then a crash to the desktop. Just for grins I loaded two earlier saves (6625 BC and 2340 BC), and they work fine. It doesn't matter when or in what sequence you load this saved game as it crashes every time.

          3) In order for the descriptions to appear in the Great Library, I have to load a new Mod game and then open a save file. Is this supposed to happen? Otherwise you get something like this: When you go to the Build Manager and select the "Nomad" unit, the description block contains the following text: "unit_nomad_summary". In the library, it's just a blank box.

          4) The first two games I was toasted EARLY! I soon learned that you need at least two warriors in your cap city (plus a couple spearmen) since the AI is very aggressive. Trying to defend against attack is pretty much certain death. You have to attack first (hence the need for Warriors).

          5) It's still worth sending out search parties since the early ruins generate lots of spearmen. Later in the game it's almost all barbarians!

          6) The AI is aggressive early, but eventually most of the civs get outclassed by the Barbarians. The Barbs quickly begin using 12-stacks, and the smallest AI civs can't match up. That's not necessarily bad, since the Barbs seem to be your largest opponent in the later stages. For the first time ever, I saw an AI 12-stack attack one of mine. It was the Barbarians of course!

          7) The pace of advance is slow. The AI civs are so far beyond me that it's unreal. When they had slingers and I didn't, they could have finished me off then and there, but the AI won't attack large stacks so I kept them at bay for a while. I have to keep wages at the lowest rung (4) in order to maintain a barely adequate science rate. This generates a huge happiness hit, but there's really no alternative. Even so, by 1640 AD I'm still very restricted in unit choice. I can build Nomads, Warriors, Spearmen, Slavers, Slingers, and Biremes. I find you really do need all of them, so no worries on that score.

          8) At this point I'm slowly conquering the world. Even with this relatively poor set of units, I can conquer pretty much anything with 3 stacks of 12. The first two attack, take damage (lose a unit or two), and retreat. Then the third stack finishes them off. Pretty effective!
          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


          • #6
            Hex: Thanks for the kind words. I'm pretty busy myself and can't promise much. I'm still heavily involved in the Civ2 Scenario world, and this REALLY is very different. Not sure I'm ready to just dive right in to all these files! Still, I'll mess around a bit and see what happens.

            A few things:

            1) I meant to say 1640 BC!!!! (AD.....Duh!!)

            2) The error is real. I tried every way of loading my game and all the saves work except this one. The sprite file is present in the directory, and I even copied in a new one in case it was corrupted. No dice. I think the error message is a clue. Whatever the heck an "Asset Tree" is, there must not be a required reference to this sprite.

            3) The Barbarians aren't a threat for every civ. Two of the AI civs appear to be doing great. I did notice that by 2500 BC the AI was able to hold them off. Delaying the first appearance of the Barbarians may just give the AI time to get established. Good idea.
            To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

            From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


            • #7
              The pdfs for the Tech Tree and Units are posted, so if you want a handy reference guide, go get it.

              login is hexagonia
              password is hextapul


              I'm assuming that the first time you activated the saved game, you did not activate the Scenario first and then load the saved game.

              The problem may be if you neglect to first launch a new game through the Scenario even once, it will automatically corrupt the file.

              I had the same problem while I was working on version 1.02. If you launch the game without first launching a new game through the Scenario windows, the gamefile automatically defaults to the normal CTP2 setup and (seems to) overwrite the coding within the gamefile. And as my additions are not part of the default setup (for instance GU 124.spr is an added sprite) the game cannot link up with it.

              And to top it off, it does not seem to work backwards either.
              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


              • #8
                Comprende, compadre!
                To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                • #9
                  I've tried your mod and I can say that it really rocks. One thing I'd like to point out:

                  I agree that you want the "free" governments to be hard to maintain (happyness etc.), but the high wages setting (16 for republic) nullifies their science and economy bonus.

                  I'm running an empire of 25 cities at about 1300BC. Now as oligarchy it produces happier people, much more money and science advances about 10 times faster than under a republic government. That leaves the republic with no real advantage. Am I missing anything?


                  • #10
                    Thanks Starfigher for the report. Its not my intent for Republic to work that way, but there are a lot of variables that do come into play

                    This is where the tweaking will come in, and I will be taking a closer look at that now.
                    Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                    • #11
                      Another report:

                      It's about pollution this time.

                      I'm close to research renaissance (already have several techs of the medieval era) an pollution is becoming a huge problem. Cities start to produce dead tiles and the global pollution indicator is about 50% red (the main polluter is my civ with now 35 cities). Not even assign specialists (entertainers, scientists etc. no laborers of course ->pollution) helps anymore. A few pollution decreasing buildings would come in handy (only seen aqueduct doing that so far).

                      I'm looking forward to continue this game, once this problem has been dealt with.

                      I've the impression that some late antique advances and some dark age ones are mixed up, but maybe its just the order in which I researched them. (for example: christianty and siege weapons could be researched before ironworking; I don't be quite sure about this specific example but you might want to give that part of the tech tree another look)

                      I enjoyed your mod very much. You really come to experience the antique (especially the part before bronze age is very long, and the "classical age " seemed short to me (just my impression). Anyway:
                      Keep up the good work. I'd be glad to start another game once you need another test.


                      • #12
                        Bath Houses and Aqueducts give a pollution benefit that totals 25%. Bumping up those numbers might do the trick on that - or there is another setting somewhere (offhand I can't think of it - either in const.txt or DiffDb.txt) The pollution issue was something that I suspected might crop up, even with changing the total amount of pollution allowed in the game. I haven't been able to figure out how to get the 'terraform dead tiles' into the game though. In the default game, its supposed to kick in on Conservation.

                        After looking at the Tech Tree, it's entirely possible to hit those advances before 'Iron Working' Its one of those things where it helps to have somebody else take a look at it. I had a setup in mind, but another person will often see something that wasn't anticipated or intended.

                        I probably will make 'Iron Working' to be a prereq. for Geometry, which will solve the Siege Weapons problem. (not totally logical, but its one of those issues where gameplay will have to take presidence over historical accuracy) As for Christianity, that one will be more of a stretch, and I will have to think about how to handle that.

                        As a sidenote, 'Dark Ages' is a prereq. for all advances in the Medieval Age, so you can reach the Medieval Age without researching earlier advances, but you will also need all earlier advances to hit each branch of the Tech Tree in the Medieval Age.

                        I actually want the Classical Age to last longer too, so I may have to bump up the costs of advances there. I used the default game for a template on Advance costs.

                        I have already figured out how I will test the benefits/settings of the various governments. It will take some time to run the tests, but that will be what I will be working on now.

                        I have also requested the militia SLIC triggers from Wouter, which I believe will help immensely in resolving the Barbs overrunning civs in the early game on the highest settings. He is working on getting some final bugs out of it.
                        Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                        • #13
                          I started a new game with the same settings as the last one, and the results have been quite different. It's now 2400 BC and:

                          1) ALL the Civs are still in play, and all are ranked higher than me. Last game only two were in that position

                          2) Barbarians are still strong, but they don't come close to dominating like they did last game. They have a few scattered cities, but don't control entire regions. This may explain why I haven't seen ANY size 12 Barb stacks. Along with other reasons.....

                          3) The only real difference I can see may be related to my Research choice. In the first game I never did research Domestication and as a result didn't get Horsemen. This mean't my armies consisted of Spearmen, Warriors, and Slingers (same as the Barbs). In this game I completed Domestication and then researched the Horsemen tech. Both took a VERY long time, but I wanted the extra movement capability. After I researched that tech, suddenly Barbarian horesemen began to appear! This leads to two conclusions:
                          - Barb buildable units are directly related to the latest human player research. Other civs had horsemen in the first game, but the Barbs and I did not.
                          - Barbs will only stack "same move point" units. In the first game, all their units were M-1, and hence they built up some very large stacks. In game 2 you never see horsemen stacked with lower move units. Also, slingers and horsemen are at the expensive end of the units scale, and take much longer to build. Since the Barbs are building BOTH, you ipso facto get a lot fewer units and thus smaller and weaker stacks.

                          So be careful about tweaking the game to power down the Barbs. It looks like there are other factors in play here.
                          To La Fayette, as fine a gentleman as ever trod the Halls of Apolyton

                          From what I understand of that Civ game of yours, it's all about launching one's own spaceship before the others do. So this is no big news after all: my father just beat you all to the stars once more. - Philippe Baise


                          • #14
                            Something I learned about the Barbs while setting up the risks.txt file, that is related to what Kull has said.

                            The Barb units that are released from the goody huts and that pop up randomly are tied into the most advanced unit available within the game to either the AI or the human. (at least this is how I programmed it) So the units that you are seeing might not of been built by the Barb cities. If you have a earlier saved game file, go into the cheat mode and see if you can select 'Wastelands' (barb civ) and then you can pull up the Barb civ and see what they are building.

                            I really hope that once I get the militia trigger from Wouter, that this will help the AI defend against the Barbs in the early going.

                            RE: Governments
                            I spent a few hours last night testing the governments and how they rate against each other. What I did was set up a set of 3 cities in the cheat mode and then placed different governmments in that civ, then I got a reading on production/science/gold/food from each one. I set the sliders on the default setting for each government (0 happiness for each slider) and using that info to tweak the numbers. As you get more advanced governments, your overall capabilities will increase.

                            However, there are several factors that will come into play, which I still need to take a look at.

                            One is the effects of Martial Law/Empire distance, as this will allow you to gain happiness and thus, allows for greater flexability in the sliders. A government with a lot of Martial Law benefits will gain more than one without that benefit. It's entirely possible then, that a government that isn't designed for science, for example, might have a great Martial Law effect and will be able to out-science a government designed for science by adjusting the sliders and having his max martial law units in place.

                            The second issue was an unexpected side effect of the adjustments that I made to the happiness penalties for using the sliders.

                            I ran a test on the default governments, using the default happiness of 0 readings. Many of the later original governments run a negative gold in those settings, because it is assumed that the player will adjust the sliders to get his benefits (plus he will also have a lot of gold production due to city improvements/trade by that time which will offset his wage costs and allow him to have a science program).

                            But the combo of my riot adjustments and the happiness penalty for moving the sliders allows for very little flexability for the player to make those adjustments by using the sliders. (I have, in effect, taken away 2-3 clicks on the sliders with my settings) I had to make adjustments to the wage sliders and gold coeff. from my original setup to counter this effect. (I had taken the default governments as a working template)

                            But I want to maintain that reduced flexability, because I do want players to have to make some tough choices on what their civ needs to concentrate on.

                            Anyhow, keep an eye on what various governments are doing in your games.

                            I also have boosted the pollution benefits of Aqueducts/BathHouses and have also reduced the changes for dead tiles by 50%. I generally want to use pollution as a means to create unhappiness, but not to cause tiles to go bad - at least not until the modern age.

                            If anyone wants, they can email their gamefiles so I can see how things are going.
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #15
                              I spent a good part of the day going through the govern.txt files and tweaking the numbers.

                              I also have the militia trigger from Locutus, which, after a smal test run, looks like it will solve the nagging issue with barbarians in the early game. It will go though another test run tomorrow too.

                              I believe I will have those files (1.04) ready to post either tomorrow or Monday.

                              One more thing I will be looking at in the near future is to make a cost adjustment on the Late Ancient/Medieval Ages to extend the playtime of those periods.
                              [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited March 18, 2001).]
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

