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Maximum Map Size?

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  • #16

    I have a 32 bit NVIDIA GeForce 256 Graphics Card with 256 RAM...Athlon 700 and I tried Palpatines 28 civ map..I got bogged down after 100 make it 2-3 min between turns..

    My map is doing great so far with 5 civs plus barbarians..

    I felt similiar to your logic..I could build up a great empire..then once I get a more mature civilization I shall "Expand"

    And I am still in Testing and Editing I am aware of potential areas to quantify if they are at all feasible!


    If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

    The Forum Fur Flyer
    Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


    • #17
      Here is the reason to get a P4 1.5Ghz with 2Gig Ram... That's my goal Then I can really play...


      • #18

        Originally posted by OmniGod on 03-02-2001 08:27 PM
        Here is the reason to get a P4 1.5Ghz with 2Gig Ram... That's my goal Then I can really play...

        (Whimpering..Begging..pointing to Omnigod's statement..showing wife)

        SEE.I TOLD you other folks want it too!!



        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


        • #19
          Wow, your computer is better than mine. I didn't realize it would bog down that bad. What a wake up call. How big of a map have you tested?

          I may have to wait on the p4, I only have a 400 Mhz AMD-k6 2. You actually think the P4 will be very effective? Another question, the preview map jpeg is 1000 x 500, how close is it completed if I comvert it to 256 color and then convert it to a map?

          Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
          the Moderator of the World Creators


          • #20

            My map is 250 X 500..islands more so than continent..although at that size it still makes great land bodies!

            I had tried bigger but no dice to slow!

            I have 5 civs.(Mine and 4 ai's PLUS Barbarians)

            All is moving ok through 83 turns..

            Ai is keeps up so far so good..


            If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

            The Forum Fur Flyer
            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


            • #21
              Not quite sure what you're asking Flash.... the map is complete... and ready to convert into maps... I've already started... but I have a feeling that's not what you're asking... care to clear it up for me


              • #22
                If say 256 MB RAM and 32 to 64 MB video memory and a fast processor aren't enough for the proper use of SuperLarge maps (2-3 min turns), Do you think a p4 will be more effective.

                On your preview map, will it convert okay with the Bmp2ctp2 (it is roughly 1000 x 500)?

                Are your sub maps that you are releasing to scale with each other if one were to try to put it together by hand with the mapeditor?

                Good to hear about your results. Does kinda bum me out on the slowdown, but I guess it is the price we pay for fun and Empire. LOL

                Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
                the Moderator of the World Creators


                • #23
                  No they are not to scale... That's definately not the best way to get it distributed... I hopefully in the next few days find time to split the map into 16 sections and using the new website that is still to be finished (transfer of all data from homestead to the much larger website) I will post the map. Today I just added the major rivers of the world to the main map and all future map releases will have rivers in them. And BTW the maps, even the whole thing, convert nicely with the bmp2ctp2 program.. it's just loading the whole map that crashes the system... I've not tried a 1000x500 map so I can't speculate if it'd load properly but it converts without a problem.

                  As for the P4, I'm not sure if it'd really improve it but dam I'd like one
                  [This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited March 04, 2001).]


                  • #24
                    I converted your preview map to a bmp, it is 1000 x 500. My problem is getting the bmp2ctp2 program to work. my file folder is c:\bmp2ctp\
                    from there I'm not sure what the command line should look like. I changed the BMPtoCTP2 To BMP2CTP2.

                    Any help would be appreciated.


                    BTW, If you have an update in the 1000x 500 size I would like to see it.
                    Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
                    the Moderator of the World Creators


                    • #25

                      Sorry I have been slow in responding..been in Hospital for a virus treatment..feeling a bit better now..

                      I have played 100 turns..

                      All seems ok so far..

                      Ai is keeping up..and trying to infiltrate my region...


                      If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

                      The Forum Fur Flyer
                      Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                      • #26
                        Ok..another update

                        116 turns..

                        Ok..I lost 14 cities despite my best efforts do to unhappiness associated with too many cities threshold..I only adjusted corporate republic to reflect a 200 cities time maybe I will give me 1 more early govt with a larger cities capacity!

                        I now have Corporate Republic and all is swell..(I had to build lots of happiness improvements so when I enacted cor. rep. + happ. improvs. I went GREEN Big Time!)

                        I have now met two of the ai's..

                        The French and the Germans.

                        Both are about the normal when you first meet..

                        The Germans are and have been steadily on my six in science..although I lead in economics..I am dead last in military. I shall overcome this as I build up my economy to support this!

                        Will keep you posted..just wanted you folks to know how things were going!


                        If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

                        The Forum Fur Flyer
                        Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                        • #27
                          Thanks for the update. Have you experienced the AI road building bugs that Omni reported? You said something very interesting in a previous post. You noticed the xy values were only 3 digits. That means the max is 1000x 1000 (1,000,000 tiles). I'm keeping that in mind. When you were playing around with map sizes, did you find a map size problem relating to the xy numbers?

                          Ἐí ἀñ÷ῇ ἦí ὁ ëüãïò, êáὶ ὁ ëüãïò ἦí ðñὸò ôὸí èåüí, êáὶ èåὸò ἦí ὁ ëüãïò.
                          the Moderator of the World Creators


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Flash on 03-05-2001 10:55 PM
                            Thanks for the update. Have you experienced the AI road building bugs that Omni reported? You said something very interesting in a previous post. You noticed the xy values were only 3 digits. That means the max is 1000x 1000 (1,000,000 tiles). I'm keeping that in mind. When you were playing around with map sizes, did you find a map size problem relating to the xy numbers?


                            ..Ai is builing roads...


                            ..If I tried to build ANY Map..with more than a 3 digit #..(as in past the number 999 X 999....the game would crash to desktop

                            I tried to build several..with X or Y not exceeding a three digit dice..until I got to the Golden rule of a 1:2 ratio..then it was real slow until I got down around 250 X 500 with only 5 AI's (Me and 4 plus Barbarians)..otherwise with 8 ai's plus would take forever JUST in the start phases!

                            Hope this helps my friend!


                            If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

                            The Forum Fur Flyer
                            Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah


                            • #29
                              I also love Monster size maps, however when generating maps larger than 140 by 280, I find that the random map generator seems to somehow loose it's place in building a continent and fills the oceans completly with Islands. I have tried changing the variables in the Const.txt to no avail. When the map get too big for the random generator then you just get islands everywhere. Any thoughts?


                              • #30

                                Originally posted by Ioannes on 03-06-2001 02:29 PM
                                I also love Monster size maps, however when generating maps larger than 140 by 280, I find that the random map generator seems to somehow loose it's place in building a continent and fills the oceans completly with Islands. I have tried changing the variables in the Const.txt to no avail. When the map get too big for the random generator then you just get islands everywhere. Any thoughts?

                                What I had to do was generate the map..then go in and remove some tiles here and place some tiles order to have it more "user-friendly"

                       a tried and true leader..(Or so my people say i am at least?)..I never asked for any icebergs or snow In my little world..~POOF~..away they go..I cant build anything on them..they aint good for why have them?..

                                Ill leave a few tiles however for the goods that they provide..

                                But alas..I wish it would generate a more even the "Extra-Large Economy size"...otherwise..make a 250 X 500..then clear all tiles away..and start from scratch..lots of work but well worth it in long run to play a game you like!!

                                Happy Civin


                                If they call an orange an orange, why don't they call a banana a yellow?-Christopher Lloyd-Taxi

                                The Forum Fur Flyer
                                Hi, I'm RAH and I'm a Benaholic.-rah

