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bmp2ctp2 program and Alex scenario

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  • bmp2ctp2 program and Alex scenario

    I'm the guy who made the Alexander scenario that shipped with the game. That scenario still has many problems due to insufficient time for debugging. Scenarios were something that really got working only at the last minute- with just a few weeks left before the game's release, I still couldn't get to turn two of the scenario! Anyways, once I get my free copy of the game, I'm going to work to get rid of all the bugs in the scenario, and properly playbalance it. I suggest no one play it until then.

    However, there was one really lucky result in having the scenario part of the game especially broken. When I complained about not having enough time, one solution they came up with was to make a program that converted .bmp files into ctp2 map files. This was because I had the map I wanted for the Alex scenario already planned out as a graphic file.

    So this conversion program was made by the Activision team, and a handy thing it is. As far as I know, it still isn't released yet, though. I presume they'll make it part of the first patch, or something like that. I of course have a copy already.

    Also, many months ago, when I wanted to work on the Alex scenario but didn't have enough game specs to get started, I started creating a graphic file of most of the Old World, pixelated into CTP2 terrain categories. That graphic file is done, and was the thing I made the Alex map from. I would like to make this available to whomever wants it, to make mapmaking a ton easier.

    Let me explain the bmp2ctp2 program and the graphic file I've made a bit better. Here is the readme from the bmp2ctp2 program:


    bmp2ctp2.exe The bitmap conversion tool
    readme.txt This readme file
    testmap.bmp A sample BMP file
    testmap1to1.bmp A sample BMP file for 1 to 1 conversion
    ctp2map.act A Photoshop palette file
    terrain colors.bmp A BMP file with terrain color to palette index info

    BMP to CTP2 Map Converter

    Usage - bmp2ctp2.exe [-1]

    [-1] - [Optional] Flag for 1 to 1 conversion. The default behavior
    is to skip every other horizontal pixel to retain the
    proper aspect ratio. 1 to 1 conversion will not skip any

    - The name of the BMP file to be converted
    - The name of the CTP2 map file to be created

    Notes - The BMP file must be an 8-bit indexed color bitmap. The color index
    maps directly to the terrain type in the map (ie. color 1 = terrain 1,
    color2 = terrain 2, etc.) The created ASCII map file can then be
    imported into Call to Power 2.

    Terrain Types
    1 = Plains
    2 = Tundra
    3 = Glacier
    4 = Grassland
    5 = Desert
    6 = Swamp
    7 = Jungle
    8 = Mountain
    9 = Hill
    10 = Shallow Water
    11 = Deep Water
    12 = Underwater Volcano
    13 = Beach
    14 = Continental Shelf
    15 = Underwater Canyon
    16 = Suboceanic Ridge
    17 = Dead Tile
    18 = Sand Dunes
    19 = Desert Mountain
    20 = Polar Hill
    21 = Polar Mountain
    22 = Forest
    23 = Kelp Bed
    24 = Coral Reef

    Now, my comment on the program. It works like a charm, with one exception. You'll note there is no way to convert river data over. I came up with a runaround for that: make all the river squares you want into something unusual, like Polar Mountain, then convert them manually later. Not great, but better than having to completely guess the river valley flows.

    Here is an explanation of the graphic file I made. I found on the web a huge map of most of the Old World, complete with terrain and river data. It was based on adjusted Mercator projection (adjusted so the far north and south didn't get so absurdly distorted). The area my map covers is all of Asia, Europe and Africa, except that Africa is cut off below the Congo basin, and a little bit of Asia is cut off beyond the Kamchatka Peninsula. None of Australia makes it on, but all of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands do.

    The terrain data was relief data, meaning it shows the differences between places, not the total elevation from sea level.

    Then I had the difficult task of adding the vegetation data. Since the map was primarily designed for the Alexander time period, I researched what the world's vegetation was like, then. Basically, what this means is it shows what vegetation was like before people started mucking things up. This is reflected mostly in tons more forests. Europe, for instance, was over 90% forest before people started cutting them down.

    So if people want to make scenarios, especially, modern day ones, you'll probably want to change the vegetation a lot.

    The map is also quite detailed. It is 3599 pixels by 1865 pixels. That's one big map! Just the island of Sardinia would make a map about 47 by 62 pixels- that would be slightly bigger than CTP2's medium map size category. So I figure there's as much or as little map detail as anyone can want.

    The only problem is of course, the parts of the world not covered, like the New World. Oh well, you can't have everything.

    Since Activision hasn't officially released the Bmp2Ctp2 program, I suppose I shouldn't give it to anyone at this point. But as an example I will make one map of any of the area covered in my map file, if someone has a request for me. Just the one, though.

  • #2

    Good to hear from you again. I was thinking about the CtP2 beta group last night and wondering where everybody is.

    I have a copy of your map I got during the Beta. If you have a newer version, please email it to me.

    Last time I checked, the BmP2CtP2 proram was not going to be released to the public. You and I are it. Of course, that is subject to change (especially now).
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #3
      I'd love to have the BMP version of your map, if for nothing else than to have a visual of the type of terrain in ancient Europe. Send to

      Am I correct in assuming that the map can be opened in Photoshop?

      My goal is to set up some ancient scenarios. I have a map that I now can work with and edit - but it was tied into current terrain, and some incomplete knowledge of past history, so filling in the data would be nice.

      (BTW, your map was very nice)

      But more importantly, now I need to figure out how you were able to place cities, units, trade routes, revealed maps with other civs, etc. in the editor without having the file crash and burn.

      At this point, all I can do is get settlers sucessfully placed in the editior. It's placing everything else that causes things to go haywire. You need cities to be able to support units, and I can deal with the logistics of that, but placing cities seems to cause a host of goofy stuuf to happen.

      Placing prebuilt cities causes the city icon styles to change unexpectedly when I increase the size of the city, and city names do not match up with the player involved (I get Greek city names on the Assyrian manager screens).

      I would also like to place some trade routes and have have certain civs already have access to maps from other civs, but do not have a clue how to do that. And I would like to change the timeline.

      It would be very nice to have a guide on how to do all these things. I've been able to get info on setting up the directories for a scenario once it's completed, but getting to that point is the real trick now.
      Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


      • #4
        Hexagonian and Savant,
        I will send you the BMP map, since you're both interested. Skorpion59, I already sent you a copy yesterday, you should have it by now. Maybe you could post an image of it here in this thread. I still don't know how to add images to threads but I know you've done that in the past.

        About your question on how to do certain scenario things. I'll have to wait on that till I get my copy of the released game and see what is possible now. My ability to do some of the things you mentioned came and went as I got more recent versions of the game. Two steps forward, and one step back- or vice versa. For instance, at one point I could add new cities, but near the end I couldn't, and Activision people were having to do that. Let's hope they're working on things like this for the first patch.

        Also, Skorpion, I'm sure I saw somewhere that they were going to release the BMP2CTP2 publically. Where did you hear otherwise? I remember them saying they didn't want to release it as part of the game disk, because they didn't want it officially supported (and have official helplines have to answer questions about it and so on), so they would put it up on their website shortly after.

        Oh, and Savant, what's your email?

        [This message has been edited by Harlan (edited December 05, 2000).]


        • #5
          If I could get a copy of the .bmp that would be great Harlan. I'd love if you happened to you know... accidently add.... you know But I have a feeling that you wouldn't allow certain files that are non-support to be sent out to some ctp2 map makers... but I definately would love the bmp...



          • #6
            from our ctp2 chat

            [MarkG] ok, what about the map conversion utility we had heard off?
            [DWhite] The map conversion untility mention was a simple tool that converted bmps to our text map import format.
            [DWhite] It's really basic and will be made available online after release.
            [mrogre] We support an import/export format that's very similar to CTP1's, as well as an expanded format. I have a BMP->import format converter, and I want to post the format of the other file so that other people can write programs to export to it, but I'm not planning on doing that latter program myself.



            • #7
              Yeah, I got the file. I posted before checking my email. I will spend a couple days playing with the latest versions. And, yes, rivers will be included in the map converter program but that is sill a couple weeks away. You will also be able to specify the heights you want to be hills and mountains during the conversion process. The second set of treatments I went through put me way behind.

              I'll buy it. Public comment in an open forum with a date later than I had. Sounds good.

              OK, here you go.....
              NOTE: Do NOT call Activision for support on this. If you need help, email me or post on the forums here at Apolyton.
              NOTE: This pgm creates a TEXT map which must be imported through the chat window.

              Harlan's Map:

              BmP2CtP2 Indexed Color Palette:

              BmP2CtP2 Pgm & Palettes(44k)

              Harlan's Map(390k)

              I have sent the program to Dan/Markos to post in the DB. The .act file is the indexed color palette for Adobe Photoshop while the .pal file is the indexed color palette for JASC Paint Shop Pro.

              Edit: Had to cut back on the size of the gif files.

              [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited December 06, 2000).]
              CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


              • #8
                Hey Harlan! Thanks for the info on the Alexander Scenario. I do see where you could have balanced it better with more time. I hadn't realized you were so rushed to get it out. I think it is a nice extra-added to the game BTW and an inspiration for other scenario makers despite the bugs or whatever.

                Anyway, please let us get access to the BMP map? I think that map is awesome. You put some serious work into detailing that geography and that is a good portion of any scenario's success.

                BTW tell your boss you did very good with the time you had and I look forward to downloading your revision!

                'Blood will run'
                'Blood will run'


                • #9
                  Thanks!! Just what I was looking for.

                  The map looks good, and will come in very handy for correct terrain tile placement.
                  Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                  • #10
                    This map is beautiful, sir.

                    Judging from an earlier post, if downloaded and loaded as a CTP map directly, this would be hundreds of times larger than a standard map. Did I understand that correctly?

                    If so, is there any way you can think of to "shrink" the file during the conversion process to make it come out as something closer to a standard map size [or maybe something only larger than the CTP2 Gigantic map by a single order of magnitude]?

                    Is that what the "usage" line is in the converter? In which direction do you need to adjust the -1 to make the map shrink?


                    • #11
                      Hmm, it's a great map, but it would be incorrect to state that it's an accurate map of 300 BC, at least as far as the Netherlands goes. Half of what is the Netherlands today was part of the 'Waddensea' (not sure what the official English name is) 2000 years ago (and would still be today if it wasn't for our Deltaworks and ****s and everything). This map shows the shape of the Netherlands as it was no more than 50 years ago, not 2300 years ago, most of what is shown as forest should be shallows or whatever. On the whole scale of that huge map it's just a detail, but still...
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #12
                        This map is gorgeous! Now, how can someone who wishes to use a portion of it in a scenario do so?

                        Do I open it in CTP2 and then copy and paste a section into a new map and then save that? Like for instance, if I wanted to make a scenario of Spain during the reconquista, do I:

                        1. open the full map into CTP2
                        2. use the map utilities in the editor to select the iberian peninsula
                        3. wipe the original map
                        4. paste the selected iberian portion into the blank map
                        5. save the map.

                        Is that right?


                        'Blood will run'
                        'Blood will run'


                        • #13
                          Hello Harlan,

                          I just wanted to let you know, that despite what many other people have said about your Alexander scenario, I thought it was great. It's fun, interesting, has great events, a great story line, and wonderful scenario specific modifications (e.g. only build certain units in certain cities).

                          Although there may be a few minor things to work out, you did a wonderful job and are to be commended.

                          Good Work!

                          (Are you the one who gave us the WWII units in CTP1? If so, those are great! Thanks.)

                          [This message has been edited by Colonel Kraken (edited December 06, 2000).]


                          • #14
                            Of course there are ways to shrink and clip out parts of the map. That's what I did to make the Alexander map. The best way to do so is probably using PaintShopPro. I normally use PhotoShop for graphics, but PhotoShop seems to only want to save .bmp files as 24 bit, and the BMP2CTP2 program demands that they be in 8 bit. This is the trickiest thing that may make the program not work for you- make sure its in 8 bit format. Since PaintShopPro is a free download (for a trial period, at least), everyone should be able to use it.

                            A couple words of warning on the map. One: all rivers are displayed as Polar Mountain terrain type currently. Then one has to take these and convert them by hand to grassland (or whatever is the dominant terrain type around) and then paint river on top. Also, the Tundra type is currently actually Glacier as far as I know, because I was having trouble with getting the right shade of grey to work with the conversion program when it came to Tundra.

                            Also, if anyone is interested, I have a version of the map saved in .psd format, but its very large (about 2 MB, I think). This version is useful because the river data is saved in a seperate layer. So, if you're good at graphical manipulation, you can thin out or widen the river data (if you were making a very detailed map, such as Sardinia only, you'd want to thin out the river data, so a river came across as only a couple of pixels across, instead of 5 or 6 pixels wide. If you were making a map of a large area, you might want to widen the river data, to make sure enough of the rivers came through). The .psd version of the program as has data saved as Forested Hill and Taiga, in the hopes that someday we’ll be able to change some of the terrain graphics.

                            Anyways, to be a bit clearer to Savant, no, that isn't how you would do it if you wanted a map of the Iberian Peninsula. Instead, you would do all of your manipulation in PaintShopPro (or some such program).

                            1. Use that program to copy out just the Iberian Peninsula, and save it as a separate file.

                            2. Resize this new file to be as big or small as you want. Keep in mind that the conversion program will automatically double the horizontal dimension to make the dimensions appear correct within CTP2 (unless you use the -1 command when using the program). So if you make the Iberian Peninsula file 50 pixels by 50 pixels, it will become 50 by 100 squares in CTP2.

                            3. Make sure the file is saved as 8 bit, and uses the correct palatte. The easiest way to get this right is copy and paste into a preexisting file that has the right palatte and bit number already (such as the file testmap.bmp that comes with the program).

                            4. Now convert using the BMP2CTP2 map program.

                            5. Open this from within CTP2.


                            • #15
                              Regarding Locutus' comment about the Netherlands. Since this map was made originally for the Alexander scenario, I focused on that part of the world especially (Med to India). Other parts I didn't put in the same amount of time. So for instance, far northern Siberia, I didn't slave over exactly where every bit of Tundra or Swamp was, and I certainly didn't look to see if the Tundra line was different several thousands of years ago. So the Netherlands falls somewhat in between- I cared, but didn't pursue it too deeply.

                              And Colonel Kraken,
                              Glad you like the scenario, but I promise it will be even better once I'm really finished with it. If you have any bugs to report, or info that could help with playbalancing, please let me know. And yeah, I'm the same guy who did the WW2 units in CTP1.

