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See the thread about bringing barbboats back to CTP2 in the creation forum

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  • See the thread about bringing barbboats back to CTP2 in the creation forum

    In the creation thread I opened a forum about me wanting to bring the little red boats back from the dead !

    My goal is to create something along the line of frenzyAI and diplomod, a SLC file to put along with the rest !

    Any suggestions to what YOU think should be in this mod would be more than welcome !

    Any code/triggers etc. I'm happy to recieve !

    Please support me on this one since it is my first programmaing in SLIC.

    Let me know what you think of it !


  • #2
    This leads into something I'd like to do. The Corackles (whatever those first boats you build) should have combat values. Ships should be able to fight (you can have a fight between rowboats if you are desperate enough).

    I know where I can change the value to give these boats a 10 attack strength. The question is, what do I need to do to have the computer recognize them as combat vessles? Is there a list of "combat craft" I need to add them to?

    Any help is appriciated.



    • #3
      BlueVoss : Yeah I think there is a file floating around in which you can specify what a boat can and cannot do, like BombardLand etc.
      My guess is that that same file holds the key to your combatant peddlin' boats !

      It is a feature which you a apply to that unit, what the name is I dont know !

      Try some ! Good luck !


      • #4
        Yeah, I know where that is. I think the Coracles are listed as Catamarans. When I screwed around with this about a month ago, I set boats to having ZOC and the ability to pillage. I just wasnt sure if the AI looked at its units to determine if they could attack, or some file that told it just what its combat units were.

        You know?



        • #5
          In the AIdata directory there is a file called UnitBuildList.txt and I would guess you would have to add the coracles into the SEA category instead of SEA_TRANSPORT, otherwise the AI won't use it as an attack ship.
          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #6
            I'll put that in tonight. Question - can it exist in BOTH lists? Can the AI use those types as both transport and attack ships?

            Thanks in advance.


