Has anyone had any luck in controlling how the AI deploys units during a battle?
It always seems that my weakest unit is in the middle. Boats and special units to often fill the front row. I just had a 12 stack of hoplites/catapults/mounted archers defeated my a city defended by 6 coracles and 6 archers. in another battle, 2 hoplites were defeated by 2 slavers/2 arhcers because the slavers were in front and the archers were able to use their ranged attack. Also it seems that the battle AI doesnt understand that units with a shorter range should be in front. In some other post it was discussed that 2 archers would line up next to each other if they attack a single unit. I gave mounted archers less range and attacked a single unit with 1 archer/1 mounted. They still lined up next to each other. being that i've never played thru to tanks, does that mean all future warfare is fought in a line? Also many of my flankers seem to end up in the middle of the line while non flankers are on the end.
Anyone else notice any screwy battle lines?
History is written by the victor.
It always seems that my weakest unit is in the middle. Boats and special units to often fill the front row. I just had a 12 stack of hoplites/catapults/mounted archers defeated my a city defended by 6 coracles and 6 archers. in another battle, 2 hoplites were defeated by 2 slavers/2 arhcers because the slavers were in front and the archers were able to use their ranged attack. Also it seems that the battle AI doesnt understand that units with a shorter range should be in front. In some other post it was discussed that 2 archers would line up next to each other if they attack a single unit. I gave mounted archers less range and attacked a single unit with 1 archer/1 mounted. They still lined up next to each other. being that i've never played thru to tanks, does that mean all future warfare is fought in a line? Also many of my flankers seem to end up in the middle of the line while non flankers are on the end.
Anyone else notice any screwy battle lines?
History is written by the victor.