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  • #46
    speaking about discovering things...
    check out my last post in the thread about the medieval mod: an experiment with the gamefile.txt


    • #47

      I've tried Diplomod and it was great...for the first time since I bought the game I actually thought that it had some kind of intelligence.

      It activelly seeked out my civ and made diplomacy it's priority instead of conquest.
      Also it's extremely good in making contact and diplomacy with other civ's now.

      If you quit it will be a dark day in the history of CTP2, a day in which the players said : "The game sucks but we will make it work !".
      I hope sincerely that you continue your work !

      greetings, a big fan of diplomod


      • #48
        Dale - are you posting version 3.0 at all ?

        And thanks for your work on this mod


        • #49
          Here's a question I hope someone can answer.
          Is it possible to use the diplomod in the MedMod2 mod ?

          If so, how do I go about doing it?


          • #50
            Okay, thanks to a heap of emails and the comments here in the forums, I've been pressured back into finishing V3.0

            Here's where it stands right now:
            1 - The AI's will swap maps.
            2 - The AI's will buy advances from each other.
            3 - The code is in there (but the stupid internal programming of the game will never allow the AI to do it) for AI's to make peace-treatys, trade pacts and research pacts.
            4 - The AI will use three different AI-Human diplomatic states (friendly, war and default) and a special AI-AI state (regard penalties don't hit so hard).
            5 - The AI doesn't refuse everything by default (like in V2).
            6 - The AI is more demanding of Human players (give me this, give me that, etc).
            7 - I still need to code in withdraw troops and a couple of 'catch' commands. I left them out so I could test at this point. Eg. The AI can make proposals to people it hasn't even met.
            8 - Refining and bug catching also need to be done.

            So I'm not that far off a Beta V3.0 Is there anyone who would like to beta-test for me? If so, email me and I'll send you the mod when it's ready for testing.

            Thanks guys for your support.
            Dale -

            Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

            Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


            • #51

              Originally posted by Ganja on 01-22-2001 02:48 PM
              Here's a question I hope someone can answer.
              Is it possible to use the diplomod in the MedMod2 mod ?

              If so, how do I go about doing it?

              I'm sure Wes and his gang will want to look at Diplomod to see if they can implement in future Med Mod. As for the current Med Mod out there, I don't know if it can be implemented.

              Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

              Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


              • #52
                I cant understand why activision stopped treatys by a.i.s it sucks big time.So there will never be a.i treatys what a let down.


                • #53
                  Dale, your mod sounds great. As you develop your mod, it would be a big help to everyone, yourself included, if you would try and keep track of which changes had which effects on the ai. I know that this can be quite difficult when dealing with diplomacy, but anything we can learn will help our efforts.

                  I look forward to using any progress you make with the text files in the Med mod, and perhaps the slic parts as well, eventually. I will probably wait until the other slic parts of the Med mod are in place first, though.


                  • #54
                    Good idea. I'd get a well-rounded AI first before trying anything with diplomacy.

                    I've got a history file in my mod that tracks changes and what they do. Does this cover it? If not I should be able to come up with something more detailed. Though a lot of my experimentations have ended in CTP2 crashing severely or hardware locking. Don't ask me how, but it can hardware lock on ya.

                    Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                    Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                    • #55
                      as i said in the sec/mod forum, u made the AI somewhat too diplomatic
                      You'll not see me coming!


                      • #56
                        I've found the cause of all my crashes in the patched CTP2. It was occuring within the exchange advance for gold section. It appears that the bug within the diplomacy causes a program crash with my mod. I had to disable it and got no crashes after testing for over an hour (used to get a crash on average every five minutes of gameplay). I'll try to find a workaround, but I doubt I'll get anything to work properly. In the meantine, I'll have a beta of V3.0 ready tomorrow, and will email to the couple of replys I've had. If you want to help me test the diplomacy, let me know.

                        BTW, I've toned down (read that as refined ) the acceptance levels so that you can't just get everything from the AI. I'll try to get a proper withdraw troops going so the AI actually does retreat instead of fortifying in your territory. This (I hope) should also help the AI's in reaching their limitation of a turn-limit without troops in another AI's territory before requesting/accepting agreements.

                        Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                        Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                        • #57
                          Dale, I had to take your mod out of my scenario for it to work. I kept getting an error, diplomod:39 array index 1 out of bounds. Might want to check that one out, I think that was the variable for # of players in a game, and since I have more than 8 it might create a problem somewhere.


                          • #58
                            Kormer, yeah I know of that one. V3.0 covers that bug.

                            Author of Diplomod. The mod to fix diplomacy.

                            Rommell to a sub-commander outside Tobruk: "Those Australians are in there somewhere. But where? Let's advance and wait till they shoot, then shoot back."


                            • #59
                              Odd, I wonder why it was working for me before. Oh well, guess it had to do with my other problems of the slic coding not working at all. Make sure to include my name on the list getting version 3.0 tomorrow.


                              • #60
                                I have download the BlueO frenzy, first I install the
                                complete diplomat and strategy. I also add new unit and advance to the game. I notice that I can exchange tech with out first install Embassy and the AI are very friendly to me but that is not the problem. The problem is around 13-1500 AD one of the AI develope Gaia Control wonder! I use the cheat mode to see if it has the advance to do it and it does! and the shocking part is it doesn't have all the advance require to reach it. I havn't change anything in the advance.txt relate to gain control tech.

                                So I reinstall the game and this time use my new unit, advance and use only strategy from Frenzy. Same thing
                                happen. Anyone has experience this problem?

