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New Idea!

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  • New Idea!

    I never played the Alexander scenario, but while looking through the files to find out how the message thing worked, I noticed that in the scen_str.txt, there's a bunch of text that lets player do special marry, execute, wife, mistress, pamper, wait...

    What if, the player can create an UN wonder, but when its created, it'll actually spawn a UN city belonging to civilizaion 31. This city can't be captured or destroyed. It doesn't grow or produce anything, but it allows the player to send a diplomat to that city and throw a party. Then the slic code can look for a throw party event that takes place in that UN city, and brings up a bunch of menus via the messages function.

    So, players can then perform UN actions like vote for a UN president, increase UN military force, melt polar ice caps , and other UN goodies. Furthermore, we can spawn a bunch of UN only troops near this UN city. Whoever is the president, will take control of the UN troops to do as he will.

    Not only that, we can use this feature to order allies around, like they are your wingman. Use the throw part on a city that belongs to your ally, and you can bring up some special menus. You can order your ally to send troops to defend a city of yours. Tell your ally to attack this nation's captiol or tell your ally to launch all their nukes! You can give military aid packages. (ie, take 100,000 credits from the player, and then spawn a 'military package' stack next to the ally's capitol)

    Well, just a thought, this might be a neat feature to have, for some of the scenarios like the Modern Scenario.

  • #2
    Hi there,

    Yeah it sounds great my guess is it's terribly dificult.
    And you have to make strict rules to what can be done and what can't

    Like can to nations who are at war themselves be in the UN and go on a peacemission together ?
    The SLic has to check an enormous amount of rules !

    Can this be done, I like the idea !


    • #3
      So whens this new game coming out??
      Me thinks you has had enogh dreaming about civ3 for now

      EDIT:You bet! We will have a variety of multiplayer options, including LAN, Internet, Hotseat, and PBEM. Yabadabadoooo!! GO CIV3!!sorry just browsing the civ3 site.

      " mind over body "
      [This message has been edited by Darkknight (edited February 02, 2001).]
      Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


      • #4
        more power to a if you can do it!!!
        "It is ridiculous claiming that video games influence children. For instance, if Pac-Man affected kids born in the 80's we should by now have a bunch of teenagers who run around in darkened rooms and eat pills while listening to monotonous electronic music."


        • #5
          Normally, I think...yeah nice ideas but sounds impossible, however seeing what you've accomplished so far I wouldn't be the least surprised if you accomplished this. Go for it!

          I've got tons of ideas for possible SLIC functions but I have no abilities in this area. Examples (simple ones?):

          City becomes a new civ "x" amount of turns of being a barbarian city. The reasoning being that if a city is conquered by barbarians, the barbs would eventually move on leaving the people to get back to life or the barbs would stay and institute laws etc. Perhaps it should be after "x" amount of turns the city has a 50/50 chance of becoming a new civ or going back to their old civ.

          Do you think that thru SLIC we could give units to AI civs? Right click on unit and have the added choice of give unit away. That would be nice way to get rid of old obsolete units that your poor ally might be glad to have. Or to fortify an ally at war without getting directly involved yourself.

          I've got bunches more IDEAS which I think are do-able in SLIC but I have no idea how write the SLIC code. Maybe I will learn but I have little programming experience. Some of the ideas are very simple, some very complicated. I'm starting on my own mod for personal use and will be posting reqs for SLIC help as it goes along. I want to focus on espionage and unconventional war (guerillas, terrorists, insurgencies etc). If I think the mod is good maybe I'll share.

          Thanks for all you've done so far BlueOrange.


          • #6
            Actually, I don't plan on coding this new idea. This idea is pretty complicated, and I think I've done my share of slic coding to last me a long time. But if someone else was to implement it in scenarios, that would be pretty cool.

