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Chariot Sprite

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  • Chariot Sprite

    Wes, Harlan
    I've Completed the movement parts of the Chariot Sprite. Just the battle, death and Idle scenes to do but that shouldn't take too long.

    Spent a lot of time fidling with the TGA's but decided just to do a TGA with a normal shadow rather than the way Activision did it.

    I will add an idle pose to the the earlier units I did with at least a static pose so that they end up facing the same way as the Activision units.

    Harlan, Thanks for the siege tower. I'll create a sprite after the chariot. Shouldn't take very long.

    I'll also finish off a WWI tank Sprite fairly soon and maybe finish off a cavalry archer sprite (Mongol style). Wes, I know you didn't like it but.. .

  • #2
    P.S. Who do I send them to these days at Apolyton?


    • #3
      That would be me.... Markos' has the little forms to fill out that are found on the db pages. But if you just want to send it to me directly I won't mind, as long as you give me a description and a 200x150 pic to add to the db.



      • #4
        What program do you use for creating the sprites?
        (please be freeware )Do you draw one picture after another just changing it slightly each time or a 3D program like blender?

        " mind over body "
        Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


        • #5
          Sounds good, Tom, but please don't forget about the Partisan. I *need* this unit for the mod. I am also currently using a different colored version of the Marine as the Rifleman unit, so it would be nice to have a WWI or WWII British Tommy.

          Also, if anyone else wants to try their hand at one of these units, I would be happy to see what you come up with. (No use letting Tom have *all* the fun. )


          • #6
            Omnigod- What format for the 200x150 file?

            Darknight - I use Raydream 3D and then paintshop Pro to edit some of the shadows.

            Wes - Haven't forgotten about the other Sprites - although I'm trying They may take a little while.


            • #7
              Hello Morgoth, here's a list of some sprites that could be interesting to have.

              - A WW2 bomber (the one from Harlan is nice, but is not animated).
              - An early jet fighter (same as above)
              - An early plane (with 2 wings, same remark as above)
              - A WW2 aircraft carrier (same as above)
              - A modern jet fighter different from the interceptor (it will be a fighter bomber, so it would be nice to have some missile launching animation). An A10 whartog could be very nice.
              - A 18 century musketer (with a tricorn, same looking as the new unit for CIV3)
              - An amphibious assault boat (the big one used by the Americans, that can carry some helicopters, AV8, marines, etc...
              - An MLRS,
              - A battleship different from the existing one (to make modern battleship with missile).
              - Infantry from the napoleonic wars
              - Infantry from WWI
              - Infantry from WW2
              - Modern infantry
              - More cavaliers : Dragoon, Hussard, Cuirassier, Ulhan...
              - A crusader (with a nice white coat and a red cross).
              - A truck
              - A Armored Personnal Carrier (a Bradley for instance)


              • #8
                Have posted the Sprite to you with the jpg file. I tried using the form but kept getting an error message 'Unknown tag : requirement'. Not sure what I did wrong!


                • #9
                  The format for the image is jpg or gif, your choice. As for what's wrong with the submitting thing... I think Mark will have to check that out. For now just email the file to me with whatever you want to say in it. I'll get it up before the Superbowl if it comes by 2:00pm EST



                  • #10
                    Should already have it unless its hung up somewhere. I sent it out before I posted the last message.

                    I used the e-mail link to yourself that was on the same page as the form.


                    • #11
                      Apparently it's hung up somewhere.... hmmm... give it another try maybe it's just being tempermental. I'll try to get it up ASAP for all those TD fans Which I am one.



                      • #12
                        Okay youu all convinced me. I'm a avid 3dmax user, and I'll see what I can do today. I'll start with a tank, because there are lots of them on my computer. Give me a couple of days and I'll get back to you.


                        • #13

                          Originally posted by Steph on 01-28-2001 06:25 AM
                          - A WW2 bomber (the one from Harlan is nice, but is not animated).
                          - An early jet fighter (same as above)
                          - An early plane (with 2 wings, same remark as above)
                          - A WW2 aircraft carrier (same as above)
                          - A modern jet fighter different from the interceptor (it will be a fighter bomber, so it would be nice to have some missile launching animation). An A10 whartog could be very nice.
                          - A 18 century musketer (with a tricorn, same looking as the new unit for CIV3)
                          - An amphibious assault boat (the big one used by the Americans, that can carry some helicopters, AV8, marines, etc...
                          - An MLRS,
                          - A battleship different from the existing one (to make modern battleship with missile).
                          - Infantry from the napoleonic wars
                          - Infantry from WWI
                          - Infantry from WW2
                          - Modern infantry
                          - More cavaliers : Dragoon, Hussard, Cuirassier, Ulhan...
                          - A crusader (with a nice white coat and a red cross).
                          - A truck
                          - A Armored Personnal Carrier (a Bradley for instance)

                          I'm definately with you Stef, but you can find lots of these in the world war II graphics pak here on apolyton.
                          As for myself, i'd want some middle age units such as spaerman or swordmen, the sorta things in AOK. The napoleos are definately key too.
                          Also, if anyone could post the tgas for th CTP1 units anywhere, you'd be very popular.
                          "It is ridiculous claiming that video games influence children. For instance, if Pac-Man affected kids born in the 80's we should by now have a bunch of teenagers who run around in darkened rooms and eat pills while listening to monotonous electronic music."


                          • #14
                            The pieces are just about in place for me.

                            I've been waiting for this sprite for awhile

                            How about a siege tower??? (D'oh I guess I should read the first post in this thread)
                            [This message has been edited by hexagonian (edited January 29, 2001).]
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #15
                              Have resent the sprite today so you should get it. I never received an eror message so the first version should have been sent OK so don't know what went wrong.

