I tried something tonight, and got an interesting result.
I remembered from Ctp1 that both the default and english folders had almost identical sets of sub-folders, often with one used and the other empty. Back when I was making the Med mod I, I experimented with placing the mod files in these unused folders, and the files would usually work in these folders, but they would not supercede the originals, which is what I needed them to do.
Well, I tried an experiment with the standard Ctp2 files. I moved the sprites folder from the default section to the english section.
The game worked, but it used the Ctp1 sprites!
Can anyone explain this?
Anyway, I am going to try putting the mod graphics in the english section, and see if they work there. If so, then it will be one less source of potential confusion in the game.
I remembered from Ctp1 that both the default and english folders had almost identical sets of sub-folders, often with one used and the other empty. Back when I was making the Med mod I, I experimented with placing the mod files in these unused folders, and the files would usually work in these folders, but they would not supercede the originals, which is what I needed them to do.
Well, I tried an experiment with the standard Ctp2 files. I moved the sprites folder from the default section to the english section.
The game worked, but it used the Ctp1 sprites!
Can anyone explain this?
Anyway, I am going to try putting the mod graphics in the english section, and see if they work there. If so, then it will be one less source of potential confusion in the game.