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GU???.Spr Errors

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  • #16
    Yep, playing around with your Ava save game is how I figured out what was happening. That was the first time I had a leader name less than 6 characters.

    Same thing here, no problems and them bam, nothing but problems. How long do you play at a time, how far do you get into your games and how much of the map (other Civs) is uncovered?
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #17
      Hi All,

      This is a repost from what I posted in the Med Mod II thread but it is relevant for this thread too. It will also answer the questions that Skorp asked me.

      I have now gotten the same saved game error that everyone else has been reporting. The error does not show up the first time you save a game and then load it. The error shows up when you have saved the game a second time and then try to load it at a later time.

      Here are some observations I have made concerning the error. 1) It happens on the second saved game. 2) If I load the first game I saved then try to load the second saved game on top of that, the game loads fine, but it is now using the full scenario files rather than the Domestic scenario files that is was created under. 3) If I start a new game using the Med Mod II Domestic Scenario and then try to load the second saved game over it, again, I get the full files rather than the Domestic version of the scenario.

      I can tell it is the full files version rather than the Domestic because it includes a lot of units not found in the Domestic version of the Mod.

      Wes, could you upload a Med Mod II Pak that just contains the altered files and nothing else? It would be interestion to see what types of behavior the game exhibits with just that type of pack instead of the combined pak that you now use.

      Well that is all I have right now. I hope some of it helps with resolving the problem. I will repost this under Skorp's thread so that he can see this also.

      Timothy Pintello


      • #18
        just to ask did anyone discover a solution for this bug?


        • #19
          As far as a correct fix, No. That is going to have to come from Activision. I totally corrupted my CtP2 installation and had to delete it and start over. I am still looking into a number of ugly fixes such as putting files in default directories, modifying the paths.txt, etc but don't find them a viable answer. Also, it takes quite a bit of playing to actually find out if something works or not.

          We are back to the CtP1 pathing issues. For some reason, Activision seems unable to make this engine support graphics, etc in scenario directories.
          CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


          • #20
            Is there a reliable work around such as starting a new scenario game, and then loading the saved game you want to continue playing?


            • #21
              I think I solved the problem.

              Look at the ww2 scenario folder. There is a file there called anet.inf. Copy that file to your main scenario folder (the one below Scenarios, Alexnew for example). I have not had one problem loading saved scenario games since I did that. Before, I couldn't load any saved scenario games except the ww2 scenario, not even with any of the workarounds. I didn't go back and try to load any games saved before I copied the file over, so I don't know if that will work or not. It may only work with games started after you copy the file. Good luck. Hope this works for everyone.


              • #22
                The anet.inf file solved the problem for me.

                Thanks Radical_Manuvr
                That is a nice bit of detective work from you, good job.


                • #23
                  Doesn't fix my problems. Is there something else you could of done? If not, remove anet and see what happens.

                  Are you using Harlan or Wes' mod and which version is it?

                  [This message has been edited by skorpion59 (edited January 10, 2001).]
                  CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                  • #24
                    I guess I got exited too soon. The problem is back after some more testing.

                    I think we will have to hope for a fix from Activision to this problem.


                    • #25
                      unfortunately it didn't work for me either. i've put the anet file in my saved games folder, my scenario folder, in the med mod folder...put that dang thing just about every where i change...then i took it out of where i put change...put it just it the main scenario folder, no change...NUTS...

                      to make matters worse, now i'm getting booted out to windows every 20-30 turns or so...i've currently got Wes's mod installed. this booting happens in both this Mod and the standard game for it looks like i'll be stuck reinstalling it once again. sigh...


                      • #26
                        I have put this on hold until I hear something from Activision about whether or not they are going to address this issue.
                        CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


                        • #27
                          I was having a similar problem when I was running DirectX 8.0. I formatted my hardrive and went back to DirectX 7.0a and the problem disappeared. I also now use the method of beginning a new scenario game then loading the game I really want to play. For your information I'm running an Athlon 600, 256MB, and Windows 98 second edition with DirectX 7.0a now.


                          • #28
                            The only other change I made between not being able to load saved scenario games and being able to load them was to get the updated Alex files for the playtesters. Harlan didn't mention any fix to this problem so I'm assuming the anet.inf did it. I have no idea how he's updating the game file (map) so maybe it was something he did there. I haven't had time to try Med Mod yet so I don't know if it would work with that one or not. I'm sorry it doesn't seem to be working for others, but sure glad it did for me. I'll try removing the anet.inf file and see if I crash again. Probably won't report back til tomorrow though.


                            • #29
                              Decided to try removing anet.inf right away since I'm updating some other files in a few. I removed anet.inf, started a new game, advanced one turn, saved, quit completly, started CTP2 again, loaded the save and it worked. Then I loaded the saved game while still in the save and that worked too.

                              I guess it must be something Harlan did after all because I couldn't do either of those loads before. Sorry, for setting anyone on the wrong track. Glad now that I decided to add "I think" to my post. I'm putting anet.inf back just in case, but I guess that wasn't the solution. It's so nice to be able to load saves again! The above was all with the Alexander scenario.


                              • #30
                                Well, the fix I use is to make sure you launch a new game with the mod first. Do not load any saved games from the title screen. Wait until you are in the new game, then load from there. So far, I have been able to load all the saved games consistenly. If I load a saved game from the title screen, then any saved games I make from there, would be corrupted and unusable after I exit the program.

