Hi all..this is my first post here I hope it makes some sense
I remember back in the old Civs that when you took someones Capitol city it cause the civ to fissure into to seporate civilizations. I thought this concept was really nifty if a little simplistic. I was reading somewhere on these boards someone had writting this kind of occurance into a colonization mod and I was wondering if that someone or peoples like him/her/it could show a layman how to add that event to the everyday game. It seems as it is now that no matter how many of my cities are revolting they never actuault leave my empire and not matter how often I incite a revolt with a spy, the cities goes barbarian instead of another new civilization. Also nothing seem to happen when I capture the cap cities of other nations.
I am btw one of those folks who went it and changed the Powerbonus and the alloted time per turn for the ai...and I beleive it those changes made a significant differnce in the aggressiveness of the ai...the computer still only survives my wrath on impossible level because it cheats like Sean Connery on Celeb Jeopardy but its way more interested in looting my cities and pilaging my women and children than ever before...the next step IMHO is to teach it to make grand sweeping offensive as right now all it does is peck away at the edges of my empire.
So erm Viva la Revolution and whatever
I remember back in the old Civs that when you took someones Capitol city it cause the civ to fissure into to seporate civilizations. I thought this concept was really nifty if a little simplistic. I was reading somewhere on these boards someone had writting this kind of occurance into a colonization mod and I was wondering if that someone or peoples like him/her/it could show a layman how to add that event to the everyday game. It seems as it is now that no matter how many of my cities are revolting they never actuault leave my empire and not matter how often I incite a revolt with a spy, the cities goes barbarian instead of another new civilization. Also nothing seem to happen when I capture the cap cities of other nations.
I am btw one of those folks who went it and changed the Powerbonus and the alloted time per turn for the ai...and I beleive it those changes made a significant differnce in the aggressiveness of the ai...the computer still only survives my wrath on impossible level because it cheats like Sean Connery on Celeb Jeopardy but its way more interested in looting my cities and pilaging my women and children than ever before...the next step IMHO is to teach it to make grand sweeping offensive as right now all it does is peck away at the edges of my empire.
So erm Viva la Revolution and whatever
