Last night I left a mention on one of these threads that my new building, wonder and tech graphics are up, and at a new website no less. But I don't know if people saw that, so I'll mention it again.
Go to http://ctpmaps.apolyton.net/harlan/ (kindly set up for me by Scorpion) and download some 95 wonders, 130 techs, and 60 buildings. If anyone has any problems let me know, this website is brand new.
[This message has been edited by Harlan (edited January 04, 2001).]
Last night I left a mention on one of these threads that my new building, wonder and tech graphics are up, and at a new website no less. But I don't know if people saw that, so I'll mention it again.
Go to http://ctpmaps.apolyton.net/harlan/ (kindly set up for me by Scorpion) and download some 95 wonders, 130 techs, and 60 buildings. If anyone has any problems let me know, this website is brand new.
[This message has been edited by Harlan (edited January 04, 2001).]