Call me Santa.
(Sometimes I feel more like Ishmael, but that's another story.)
The Medieval Mod II Alpha version is posted at .
It is in 4 parts: sprites1, sprites2, pictures and texts. It is a total download of 16megs(!), and you must have Winzip to decompress the files. If things go as I plan, you will not have to download the sprites portions of the mod ever again. As you will notice when you sample the mod, however, I still need many more pictures.
Unzip the files into the Scenarios folder. This is a different place than you unzipped the Med mod I files, so take note.
You will see several other files on the site. Most of these are place-holder files Mark put up until I get my real webpage. The three that people might be interested in are:
1)The Gedrin v1.0, which is the spreadsheet he put together for his mod,
2)The Med mod 4 update, for those of you still wanting to play that mod or perhaps compare it to this one, and
3)The Ctp2 Adv. Chart, a copy of which is included in the texts zip.
Once you have unzipped the files, you need to go into the Medieval Pack II scenario folder, and find the Med readmes folder. This folder, as the name implies, contains all the readmes and charts for the Modpack. The files in it are in various states of disorder right now, since I am just getting things figured out as far as the mod goes. The readme folder will become more important and helpful as the mod progresses, so you need to become familiar with it right away.
Order the files by date modified. The three modified most recently are the ones you *need* to read at this point. A couple like the Med 4 readme and Med 4 Adv. chart are there for you to cover for a better understanding of my attitudes towards certain areas of gameplay and to see what I did in the Med mod I. The two text files are there if you want details on Harlan's graphics mod or a listing of slic stuff that Locutus sent me a couple of weeks ago.
*Note: the Med 4 readme gives a detailed description of the Militia units.
As for the three that really matter, the Terrain and Tile Improvement readme describes the changes made to those two areas of the game, while the Miscellaneous readme retails changes made to the const.txt, civs, and various other odd things that don't fit into any other readme (there will probably be additional readmes added once we get further into the mod).
The most important file, however, is the Med charts spreadsheet. This file lists the current settings for terrain types, governments and city improvements as well as proposed settings for the standard units in the game. There is a page for the Wonder units, but you can see that it is simply a list of their names and the age they belong to at this point.
I have not started to place the standard units with their advances, since we have not decided what we are going to do in that area of the game yet. Please study the unit stats, though, and give any opinions/suggestions that you have.
Once you start the game, you will see two versions of the Medieval Pack II.
The top version is for using the cheat mode to look at the proposed new units. This verison is NOT meant to be used to play-test the mod. You will notice that many of the pictures do not match the sprites. This is something that I will be working on soon. If you hold your cursor over the unit, however, its proper name will show up onscreen.
This leaves the bottom, "Domestic" version of the mod as the one to be used for play-testing. The only changes made to the units in this verison are a reduction in Caravan and Freight costs, and the implementation of the Militia triggers. All the other changes discussed in the first Intro thread are contained here.
Things to look for:
1)Overall changes to AI behavior, except for unit choices and use.
2)City growth and development, especially in the areas of city size, production and commerce.
3)Diplomacy. I fooled around with the diplomacy files tonight, trying a few things. Tell me if you see any noticable changes to AI behavior. Also tell me if you don't.
4)Barbarian occurrances and prizes from goody huts.
Balancing the game may be pretty rough in the early going. Expect frequent updates to the website as we go along. I will put a notice in the thread here when that happens, probably at the beginning of a post.
I am sure there are things I should have covered here that I overlooked. If you get confused, try covering the readmes again, and you can even peruse the various text files. I have marked my changes in some of them with "WW from ...". If you can't figure out what is going on, let me know by posting here, and I will address your questions.
Known issues: The civ you select to play may not be the civ you get. This is an issue with Harlan's mod which I have yet to work on. It will not cause any problems with gameplay. Other than that, play and enjoy!

The Medieval Mod II Alpha version is posted at .
It is in 4 parts: sprites1, sprites2, pictures and texts. It is a total download of 16megs(!), and you must have Winzip to decompress the files. If things go as I plan, you will not have to download the sprites portions of the mod ever again. As you will notice when you sample the mod, however, I still need many more pictures.
Unzip the files into the Scenarios folder. This is a different place than you unzipped the Med mod I files, so take note.
You will see several other files on the site. Most of these are place-holder files Mark put up until I get my real webpage. The three that people might be interested in are:
1)The Gedrin v1.0, which is the spreadsheet he put together for his mod,
2)The Med mod 4 update, for those of you still wanting to play that mod or perhaps compare it to this one, and
3)The Ctp2 Adv. Chart, a copy of which is included in the texts zip.
Once you have unzipped the files, you need to go into the Medieval Pack II scenario folder, and find the Med readmes folder. This folder, as the name implies, contains all the readmes and charts for the Modpack. The files in it are in various states of disorder right now, since I am just getting things figured out as far as the mod goes. The readme folder will become more important and helpful as the mod progresses, so you need to become familiar with it right away.
Order the files by date modified. The three modified most recently are the ones you *need* to read at this point. A couple like the Med 4 readme and Med 4 Adv. chart are there for you to cover for a better understanding of my attitudes towards certain areas of gameplay and to see what I did in the Med mod I. The two text files are there if you want details on Harlan's graphics mod or a listing of slic stuff that Locutus sent me a couple of weeks ago.
*Note: the Med 4 readme gives a detailed description of the Militia units.
As for the three that really matter, the Terrain and Tile Improvement readme describes the changes made to those two areas of the game, while the Miscellaneous readme retails changes made to the const.txt, civs, and various other odd things that don't fit into any other readme (there will probably be additional readmes added once we get further into the mod).
The most important file, however, is the Med charts spreadsheet. This file lists the current settings for terrain types, governments and city improvements as well as proposed settings for the standard units in the game. There is a page for the Wonder units, but you can see that it is simply a list of their names and the age they belong to at this point.
I have not started to place the standard units with their advances, since we have not decided what we are going to do in that area of the game yet. Please study the unit stats, though, and give any opinions/suggestions that you have.
Once you start the game, you will see two versions of the Medieval Pack II.
The top version is for using the cheat mode to look at the proposed new units. This verison is NOT meant to be used to play-test the mod. You will notice that many of the pictures do not match the sprites. This is something that I will be working on soon. If you hold your cursor over the unit, however, its proper name will show up onscreen.
This leaves the bottom, "Domestic" version of the mod as the one to be used for play-testing. The only changes made to the units in this verison are a reduction in Caravan and Freight costs, and the implementation of the Militia triggers. All the other changes discussed in the first Intro thread are contained here.
Things to look for:
1)Overall changes to AI behavior, except for unit choices and use.
2)City growth and development, especially in the areas of city size, production and commerce.
3)Diplomacy. I fooled around with the diplomacy files tonight, trying a few things. Tell me if you see any noticable changes to AI behavior. Also tell me if you don't.

4)Barbarian occurrances and prizes from goody huts.
Balancing the game may be pretty rough in the early going. Expect frequent updates to the website as we go along. I will put a notice in the thread here when that happens, probably at the beginning of a post.
I am sure there are things I should have covered here that I overlooked. If you get confused, try covering the readmes again, and you can even peruse the various text files. I have marked my changes in some of them with "WW from ...". If you can't figure out what is going on, let me know by posting here, and I will address your questions.
Known issues: The civ you select to play may not be the civ you get. This is an issue with Harlan's mod which I have yet to work on. It will not cause any problems with gameplay. Other than that, play and enjoy!