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HELP! New Terrain problem...

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  • HELP! New Terrain problem...

    Okay, I ran into a problem, adding new terrain types into the game. Basically, I added 5 new terrains, which uses the same CTP2 tile gfx, but each of these new terrains have different attributes. The new terrains occupy spots 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 in the terrain.txt.

    Now, these new terrain works fine in the game, except for one problem, battles. Any battles on these new terrains will show a black screen. I think the problem is with the battleview.ldl file. I think I need to add:
    # AC1_Plains
    string string26 "upbg002.tga"
    # AC1_Tundra
    string string27 "upbg005.tga"
    # AC1_Grassland
    string string28 "upbg001.tga"
    # AC1_Desert
    string string29 "upbg003.tga"
    # AC1_Dead
    string string30 "upbg007.tga"

    The problem is, this doesn't work. Where do I define string26, string27, string28, string29, and string30? Myabe I'm going about this wrong? If anyone can help me with the black battlescreen problem, please do.

    If you are wondering why I'm adding these new terrains, its simple, so I can add new 'goods' to existing tiles. Okay, they aren't real goods, they are actually 'goods' with village gfx I captured from the samauri scenario. This way, I can simulate city growth on the map by adding these new 'goods' to the map. But to add these 'goods', I need to make new terrains with new resources. I have finished written the necessary slic codes, and it worked fine. When a city expands to a certain size, a village is added next to it, so it'll appear that the city grows, as its population grows.

    But, like I said, any battles taken place on these new terrains, just turns out black. Can't even see the units fighting. Once again, HELP !!!

  • #2
    Ack, i'm such an idiot. this always happens, 2 minutes after I make a post for help, I find the solution to my problems.

    Apparently, the modified battleview.ldl can't be place in the scenario folder, or it won't work. By editing the original battleview.ldl in the ctp2data directory, I got it working.


    • #3
      If you just want new goods, you don't need to do that. You can add up to 4 per terrain type, and make the graphics for the goods anything you like. I'm glad to hear you have it working though.

