I'm so happy with myself over this one! 
I've been working on the Alexander scenario, and a problem I've faced is that I want Galleys (transport ships) to be able to sail up and down big rivers and well as go in the open sea. Locutus was helping me write some SLIC code for this, but a few minutes ago I had a better idea.
Its true that right now one can't have any new terrain or tile improvement graphics. But there's nothing to stop someone from using the same graphic in a new spot. So I took all the info from Grasslands, and replaced most of the info in the Water Volcano spot. The exception being that this type of Grassland allows units that can move on Shallow Water moe on it as well, in addition to land units being able to move on it.
I just tried it out, and it works. Of course I'm only using this tile for tiles covered with river on big rivers like the Danube and Ganges. I'm going to reassign several other deep sea unused spots so navigable rivers can be Plains, Swamp, etc...
There are a lot of other things one can do with this. One other thing I've already done is create two kinds of Desert. The regular Desert, plus an impassable desert that prevents units from wandering off into useless areas. There's even a special extra tileset that is exactly the same as Desert but doesn't have the occasional cactus and skull graphics, so it works perfectly for this.
Another idea people might want to explore is having channels in the ocean, like the Gulf Stream. One could have a fast moving and slow moving deep sea. Or you could have two types of Forest, but when you transform one it turns into Plains, and when you transform the other it turns into Grassland. If you called them both the same thing, there'd be no way to know what it transforms into until you do it.
Right now I've only tried replacing current unused terrain types, but I think its probable one could just add on to the end of the Terrain.txt file all the extras you want. So modpacks could use all of these ideas and more. And thus if one plays on a premade map using these extra types, they'd work for the modpack, but if one plays on a random starting map, that works fine as well.

I've been working on the Alexander scenario, and a problem I've faced is that I want Galleys (transport ships) to be able to sail up and down big rivers and well as go in the open sea. Locutus was helping me write some SLIC code for this, but a few minutes ago I had a better idea.
Its true that right now one can't have any new terrain or tile improvement graphics. But there's nothing to stop someone from using the same graphic in a new spot. So I took all the info from Grasslands, and replaced most of the info in the Water Volcano spot. The exception being that this type of Grassland allows units that can move on Shallow Water moe on it as well, in addition to land units being able to move on it.
I just tried it out, and it works. Of course I'm only using this tile for tiles covered with river on big rivers like the Danube and Ganges. I'm going to reassign several other deep sea unused spots so navigable rivers can be Plains, Swamp, etc...
There are a lot of other things one can do with this. One other thing I've already done is create two kinds of Desert. The regular Desert, plus an impassable desert that prevents units from wandering off into useless areas. There's even a special extra tileset that is exactly the same as Desert but doesn't have the occasional cactus and skull graphics, so it works perfectly for this.
Another idea people might want to explore is having channels in the ocean, like the Gulf Stream. One could have a fast moving and slow moving deep sea. Or you could have two types of Forest, but when you transform one it turns into Plains, and when you transform the other it turns into Grassland. If you called them both the same thing, there'd be no way to know what it transforms into until you do it.
Right now I've only tried replacing current unused terrain types, but I think its probable one could just add on to the end of the Terrain.txt file all the extras you want. So modpacks could use all of these ideas and more. And thus if one plays on a premade map using these extra types, they'd work for the modpack, but if one plays on a random starting map, that works fine as well.