I never liked those missiles which can
move themself. I believe that a missile
should destroy its target or be destroyed
when it is launched.
Then, a missile which moves more then one tile
should explode when it reach a target
or when it does not have anymore movement point.
Missiles must use submarines or bombers for
moving, and for land... a new units...
I would like to see those Big-Missile-laucher-truck
of the USSR (dont known the name ?)
move themself. I believe that a missile
should destroy its target or be destroyed
when it is launched.
Then, a missile which moves more then one tile
should explode when it reach a target
or when it does not have anymore movement point.
Missiles must use submarines or bombers for
moving, and for land... a new units...
I would like to see those Big-Missile-laucher-truck
of the USSR (dont known the name ?)